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Mayor Pete’s Role Model Revealed

February 29, 2020 Frontpage Comments Off on Mayor Pete’s Role Model Revealed

By CHRISTOPHER MANION The latest episode in the life of my hometown mayor, Pete Buttigieg, casts him as a model for youth. A mother brought her son to one of Pete’s rallies. The boy, a pre-pubescent nine-year-old, apparently wanted to talk to Pete, and the campaign put him on the program. The boy had decided he was a homosexual, it seems, and wanted to ask Pete for advice on how he could be brave like Pete and tell people he was gay too. Well, we know what Pete does best: pirouette for his LGBT supporters nationwide who have made him another permanent fixture in the Democrat anti-Trump parade. Catholic marketing expert Richard Viguerie has coined a term that explains Pete…Continue Reading

Too Rigid?… Wear The Label Proudly

February 28, 2020 Frontpage Comments Off on Too Rigid?… Wear The Label Proudly

By CHARLES LiMANDRI (Editor’s Note: Charles LiMandri is the chief counsel of the Freedom of Conscience Defense Fund [FCDF], which specializes in religious liberty cases. The FCDF website is + + + (LifeSiteNews) — The readings at the Mass I attended this past Sunday, February 16, 2020, which focused on keeping the Commandments, led me to contemplate: “What does it mean to be too rigid?” It is clear that for our Lord and His disciples, keeping the Commandments was not an option; it was required for anyone who claimed to love God and sought to avoid Hell (Sirach 15:15–20; Psalm 119; 1 Cor. 2:6-10; Matt. 5:17–37). Yet we have heard all too often in recent years that conservative Catholics,…Continue Reading

“Project Arizona” Participants Show . . . How Fortunate People Are To Be Born In U.S., Activist Says

February 27, 2020 Frontpage Comments Off on “Project Arizona” Participants Show . . . How Fortunate People Are To Be Born In U.S., Activist Says

By DEXTER DUGGAN PHOENIX — An audience member stood up to say, “I am so proud of you guys, you represent the American spirit, whether you know it or not,” adding that their example recalled the rebellious American colonists who triumphed against the powerful British King George, even though he ruled an empire on which the sun never set. The young recipients of this praise on February 17 weren’t even U.S. citizens but had come here to study the ways that made this nation such a success. Information about its recipe for freedom and independence needed to be spread back in their native lands, they said. They were four young women and four young men, the members of the fourth…Continue Reading

Holy Communion

February 26, 2020 Frontpage Comments Off on Holy Communion

BY JOE SIXPACK I’d like to begin this column with a personal note to you all. The Holy Eucharist is the very heart of our holy and ancient Faith. Christianity makes absolutely no sense without this most precious of the divinely instituted sacraments. Indeed, it is beyond the imagination of this writer, who is a convert from agnosticism, what attraction exists in non-Catholic Christianity for those who don’t accept the fullness of Christ’s teaching on the Holy Eucharist. It is the singular truth of the Most Holy Eucharist that has made this convert (and countless others) fall helplessly, hopelessly, passionately in love with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. My most sincere prayer is that the Holy Spirit will reach…Continue Reading

Bernie Fears Some Will Seek To Flee If He Succeeds

February 25, 2020 Frontpage Comments Off on Bernie Fears Some Will Seek To Flee If He Succeeds

By TERENCE P. JEFFREY (Terence P. Jeffrey is the editor in chief of Creators Syndicate distributes his column.) + + + Sen. Bernie Sanders manifestly fears that if he succeeds in becoming president and enacting his economic plan, some Americans may seek to flee the country. How do we know this? His plan imposes a severe penalty on anybody who tries to leave to avoid paying his “wealth tax.” “The wealth tax includes a 40 percent exit tax on the net value of all assets under $1 billion and 60 percent over $1 billion for all wealthy individual(s) seeking to expatriate to avoid the tax,” it says. Under the current tax system, the United States does impose an “expatriation…Continue Reading

What In The Heck Happened In Iowa?

February 24, 2020 Frontpage Comments Off on What In The Heck Happened In Iowa?

By DEACON MIKE MANNO, JD After writing about how the Iowa caucuses work a few weeks ago, I’m left fielding questions about what appeared to be a colossal system-wide failure. Let me try to answer and in doing so try to defend the caucus process. First, let me explain why we have a caucus and not a primary. It seems the folks in New Hampshire have the corner on the market for the first primary in the nation. In fact, New Hampshire law requires that its primary is first and if any other state schedules a primary before New Hampshire’s primary, it will move to the week before the other state’s date. Thus, everyone has practically conceded the first to…Continue Reading

As Trump Travels To Shore Up GOP . . . Arizona Senator Could Use More Oomph For Victory

February 23, 2020 Frontpage Comments Off on As Trump Travels To Shore Up GOP . . . Arizona Senator Could Use More Oomph For Victory

By DEXTER DUGGAN PHOENIX — President Trump accomplished a lot against long odds in both winning and working at his presidency, so he may be able to score another triumph and carry Sen. Martha McSally (R., Ariz.) across the finish line in November’s elections, helping to maintain the slim GOP Senate majority. Trump isn’t helped, however, by the fact that a plainly reluctant McSally had been chosen in 2017 to run for a Senate vacancy by the same East Coast establishment elite that deeply opposed Trump’s presidential run. Nor was McSally, a two-term congresswoman, an early, enthusiastic Trump supporter. McSally managed to lose that race narrowly to a left-wing Democrat, Kyrsten Sinema, in November 2018 for the seat of retiring…Continue Reading

Humanae Vitae, The Coronavirus, And The Law Of Cause And Effect

February 22, 2020 Frontpage Comments Off on Humanae Vitae, The Coronavirus, And The Law Of Cause And Effect

By CHRISTOPHER MANION As the Chinese Communist Party reels from the terror and chaos caused by the spread of the coronavirus, everyone is looking for someone else to blame for the deadly epidemic. Given the nature of China’s totalitarian state, it might be years, if ever, before we know the truth. In the meantime, given the law of cause and effect, we can accurately identify the foul spirit that motivated it. In chapter two of Humanae Vitae, St. Pope Paul VI observes that a “rapid increase in population . . . has made many fear that world population is going to grow faster than available resources.” That fear can compel man to defy the Church’s teaching about marriage and the…Continue Reading

The Beauty Of Holiness

February 21, 2020 Frontpage Comments Off on The Beauty Of Holiness

By JAMES MONTI What is it that makes us stop and pause in wonder when we read a particularly moving anecdote about a saint? What is it about a particular painting or statue of our Lady that inflames us with love for her? Why is it that news of thousands turning out to venerate the visiting relic of a famed saint or the particular story of a miraculous cure wrought through a saint’s intercession affects us so deeply? In all these circumstances the human heart is responding to something to which it is so receptive — beauty. One of the great insights of Dietrich von Hildebrand is his identification of the practice of the virtues and the carrying out of…Continue Reading

What We See Is What We Don’t See

February 19, 2020 Frontpage Comments Off on What We See Is What We Don’t See

By JOE SIXPACK A father gave a beautiful crucifix to his young daughter. Then he asked her, “Annie, what’s the difference between the figure of Jesus on the crucifix and the Host which the priest holds up at the consecration of the Mass?” Annie didn’t hesitate a moment, “When I look at the figure on the cross I see Jesus, and He isn’t there. When I look at the Host, I don’t see Jesus, but He is there.” This is the true nature of the Most Holy Eucharist in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, but how much do we really know about the Mass? Before we look a little deeper into the Mass, let’s first look at a couple…Continue Reading