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Satan’s Dirty Little Secret

September 17, 2022 Frontpage Comments Off on Satan’s Dirty Little Secret

By CHRISTOPHER MANION After our story last week on the compulsory genderfication of Notre Dame’s class of 2026, I dropped a line to Mr. John Johnston, who works at the school’s Gender Relations Center. The Center is evidently very busy these days, so I asked Mr. Johnston some pretty simple questions — about the annual budget for the GRC — staff salaries and benefits, facilities, and programs. With Notre Dame’s tuition and fees amounting to over seventy-seven thousand dollars a year, I wondered how much of that sum was devoted to the Center’s work.I received a speedy reply from Mr. Dennis Brown, longtime University Spokesman: “this is not information that we share,” he wrote.Curious. The administration has made such a big deal…Continue Reading

The Forgiveness Of Sins

September 16, 2022 Frontpage Comments Off on The Forgiveness Of Sins

By JOE SIXPACK All pardon for sins comes, ultimately, from Calvary, but how is this pardon to be received by individuals? How are people who sin today to obtain forgiveness? Did Christ leave us any means within the Church to take away sin? The Bible says he gave us two means. Baptism was given to take away the sin inherited from Adam (original sin) and any sins (called actual sins, because they come from our own acts) committed before Baptism. For sins committed after Baptism, a different sacrament is needed.It has been called penance, confession, and reconciliation, each word emphasizing one of its aspects. During His life, Christ forgave sins, as in the case of the woman taken in adultery…Continue Reading

St. John Paul II’s Academy For Life Is Long Gone

September 15, 2022 Frontpage Comments Off on St. John Paul II’s Academy For Life Is Long Gone

By CHRISTOPHER MANION Ten years ago, Timothy Cardinal Dolan, admitted in the Wall Street Journal that America’s bishops had suffered from “laryngitis” about Humanae Vitae for years.Well, it’s contagious. In fact, silence reigns in Rome these days, as defenders of the Church’s teaching on love and family remain woefully silent.Meanwhile, however, a chorus of Vatican “progressives” has risen to target the magisterial truths so valiantly articulated by St. Paul VI’s masterful encyclical.As “Exhibit A,” consider what has happened to the Pontifical Academy for Life (Pontificia Accademia per la Vita, or PAV).In 1994, Pope St. John Paul II founded this revered institution. Its sole purpose: to foster “the interdisciplinary study and defense of human life in all its stages.”For 23 years,…Continue Reading

What Do We Know About Heaven?

September 14, 2022 Frontpage Comments Off on What Do We Know About Heaven?

By JOHN YOUNG When did you last hear a sermon on Heaven? Seeing that the Gospel is the Good News of Salvation and that the high point of that Good News is that we are destined for an eternity of happiness in Heaven, provided we don’t reject it by mortal sin, one would expect to hear a great deal about that marvelous destiny.Instead, the Scripture text is sometimes quoted: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard the things God has prepared for those who love Him” (1 Cor. 2:7), with the apparent implication that we don’t know what is in store for us if we live good lives. But that quote leaves off in the middle of a sentence.The continuation…Continue Reading

Beacon Of Light… Our Lady Of Sorrows

September 13, 2022 Frontpage Comments Off on Beacon Of Light… Our Lady Of Sorrows

By FR. RICHARD D. BRETON JR. (Editor’s Note: Fr. Richard D. Breton Jr. is a priest of the Diocese of Norwich, Conn.) + + Today, September 15, the Church celebrates the Memorial of Our Lady of Sorrows. Some people think, having celebrated the Feast of the Exultation of the Holy Cross yesterday, that today’s memorial celebrates the encounter that happens at the foot of the Cross. The encounter between Mary, the disciple John and Jesus, is only one part of the day’s celebration.In fact, the memorial of Our Lady of Sorrows, commemorates the Seven Sorrowful moments in the life of the Blessed Mother. So often, we only think of this during Lent when we pray the Stations of the Cross…Continue Reading

Biden Produced A Hellish Sight On Sacred Ground

September 12, 2022 Frontpage Comments Off on Biden Produced A Hellish Sight On Sacred Ground

By DEACON MIKE MANNO I think by now we have all seen at least parts of Mr. President’s “Battle for the Soul of the Nation” address the other week from Independence Hall in Philadelphia. Since both of my parents were from Philly, I’m not a stranger to Independence Hall, although it has been a few years since I was last there.The Independence Hall I remember was a stately building, well-kept and imposing, as fits its historical significance. I never thought of it before as a symbol of anything but our freedom and heritage, proudly reminding us of the ideals which we must carry forward.As I traveled through Independence Hall and the adjacent buildings, I could almost see John Hancock, Benjamin…Continue Reading

Make Up Your Mind!

September 11, 2022 Frontpage Comments Off on Make Up Your Mind!

By BARBARA SIMPSON The world is going politically crazy and we, in the west, are now stewing under a heat dome that is breaking heat records across the country, especially here.As I write this, I just heard a radio weather forecast for Sacramento, Calif., the capital of the state, that next week we are to expect at least five days of temperatures over 110 degrees.No matter how you look at it, that is HOT! And it breaks records.What does it all mean as we face the future?We have become accustomed to the four seasons and that summer is hot. What we are faced with now is an overlapping of seasons, and that the excessive heat is something we have not…Continue Reading

Bully For Notre Dame

September 10, 2022 Frontpage Comments Off on Bully For Notre Dame

By CHRISTOPHER MANION The University of Notre Dame has updated its video on “sexual orientation and gender discrimination,” the student-run Irish Rover reports. Watching the video is required of all freshmen before they are allowed to matriculate, author Joseph DeReuil reports, and students are also required to complete a questionnaire inquiring into the new students’ sexual orientation(s) and preferred pronouns.Well, 58 years ago some psychologist passed out a questionnaire to us incoming freshmen and gave us half an hour to complete it.After scanning the dozens of questions that amounted to a verbal Rorschach Test, I checked “don’t know” on all of them and left after five minutes.The inquisitive Doctor was not pleased, but Notre Dame’s Gender Gendarmes have learned a…Continue Reading

How To Prove God Exists

September 9, 2022 Frontpage Comments Off on How To Prove God Exists

By JOE SIXPACK Part 2 Last week we presented the Arguments from Nature and Conscience as proofs for the existence of God. We’ll finish up this week with the Bad Man/Mad Man Argument.In a court of law, in order to keep the jury firm hearing certain facts the prosecutor wishes to convey in his opening statement, the defense attorney will say that he stipulates that information. Well, I’m going to ask you to stipulate to certain facts. If I don’t ask you to do this, this will go on forever! The facts I am going to ask you to stipulate are no-brainers. In fact, in 30 years of doing this I’ve never had anyone try to challenge these facts. Of…Continue Reading

The Sign Of The Road To Heaven

September 8, 2022 Frontpage Comments Off on The Sign Of The Road To Heaven

By JAMES MONTI Along the highways here in the American Northeast, it is quite a common but sobering sight to spot on the side of the road a makeshift cross to mark the place where a tragic accident claimed the life of one or more occupants of the vehicles involved. The cross may be from a recent accident, or from one that happened years ago.Fresh flowers at the foot of the cross testify that those who perished there have not been forgotten. For when a family loses a loved one, it is not only their final resting place that will be remembered, but also where their soul departed from this world. For a person of faith, the choice of a…Continue Reading