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One Heart And Soul

May 28, 2019 Our Catholic Faith Comments Off on One Heart And Soul

BY FR. ROBERT ALTIER Seventh Sunday Of Easter (YR C) Readings: Acts 7:55-60; Rev. 22:12-14, 16-17, 20 John 17:20-26 In the Gospel reading today we are given a passage from the “High Priestly Prayer” of Jesus, a prayer our Lord prayed at the Last Supper. Among other things, He prays for two things we want to consider today. First, He prays for those who believe, that they would be one as Jesus and the Father are one. Second, He prays that those who believe would be with Him where He is, to see His glory. To be one as the Trinity is one is not a prayer that we would somehow be substantially united in order to become one as…Continue Reading

A Leaven In The World… Declaring War On “Leftover” Sundays

May 27, 2019 Our Catholic Faith Comments Off on A Leaven In The World… Declaring War On “Leftover” Sundays

By FR. KEVIN M. CUSICK I awoke on a recent Lord’s Day to the sounds of lawn equipment humming from several different directions in the neighborhood. This while it was still cool enough to leave the windows open and the air conditioner off. One woman was on this, of all days, trimming her hedges in full view as we gathered at the hall after Mass for our customary parish family brunch. She does not attend Sunday Mass. Apparently, she seems to fail to keep the day holy in general. Of course, there can on occasion be grave reasons for doing certain kinds of work on Sundays, but surely beautifying shrubs and cutting grass would be pretty close to the bottom…Continue Reading

Catholic Replies

May 24, 2019 Our Catholic Faith Comments Off on Catholic Replies

Q. I have a rosary called a “miraculous icon” that was “touched to the gloves, scab of blood, dried blood, and blood serum, and to the statue of Padre Pio.” It was also “blessed by Pope St. John Paul II and by nearly 1,000 archbishops, bishops, and priests from 70 countries.” What do you know of this? The contact is the Worldwide Apostolate known as Mary’s Way. — L.S., via e-mail. A. Mary’s Way describes itself as an online shopping network for “the most powerful sacramentals in the world,” and it offers a large array of rosaries, scapulars, medals, icons, candles, pictures, statues, and other sacramentals. Your rosary appears to have acquired an extraordinary number of blessings, but whatever its…Continue Reading

Thomas Aquinas College Commencement… Let Your Great Souls Be Unleashed!

May 22, 2019 Our Catholic Faith Comments Off on Thomas Aquinas College Commencement… Let Your Great Souls Be Unleashed!

By MOST REV. ROBERT E. BARRON (Editor’s Note: Auxiliary Bishop Robert E. Barron of Los Angeles delivered the homily below at the May 11 commencement exercises of Thomas Aquinas College, Santa Paula, Calif. It is reprinted here with permission. All rights reserved.) + + + It is indeed a high honor for me to be speaking to the 2019 graduating class of Thomas Aquinas College, an institution that I have admired for decades and which is situated, I am proud to say, within the borders of my own Santa Barbara Pastoral Region. I am deeply grateful to President McLean, as well as to the Board and faculty of this wonderful college. I want to offer a word of sincere and…Continue Reading

Let Not Your Hearts Be Troubled

May 21, 2019 Our Catholic Faith Comments Off on Let Not Your Hearts Be Troubled

By FR. ROBERT ALTIER Sixth Sunday Of Easter (YR C) Readings: Acts 15:1-2, 22-29 Rev. 21:10-14, 22-23 John 14:23-29 In the Gospel reading today, our Lord tells us not to let our hearts be troubled or afraid. It seems to be a rare person today who can actually say he is neither troubled nor afraid. With all that is going on in the world and in the Church, people have lost their sense of peace; they have pulled into themselves and, consequently, they are filled with fear and worry. In essence, people fail to trust God. When we do not trust God, the only one left to trust is our own self; that is reason enough to be worried and…Continue Reading

A Leaven In The World… The Pope Is A Catholic

May 20, 2019 Our Catholic Faith Comments Off on A Leaven In The World… The Pope Is A Catholic

By FR. KEVIN M. CUSICK The Church is in the grip of a frenzy of accusations, some of them rather superficial. It seems we may be in a bit of a correction period after the pendulum of papolatry swung so far during the reign of Pope St. John Paul II. He enjoyed a very high degree of popularity. Held as he was in very great esteem as a world leader and spiritual authority in a time of uncertainty, his words were clung to like a life raft in a storm. Even his missteps were forgiven. And there are always some of these within the prudential judgments of every Pope. Not every enunciation of our supreme Pontiffs enjoys a guarantee of…Continue Reading

Catholic Replies

May 17, 2019 Our Catholic Faith Comments Off on Catholic Replies

Q. A visiting priest gave a homily at Mass today and referred to a book entitled The American Catechism. Do you know what this new catechism is, and is it devoted to the truth of the Magisterium? — J.W., via e-mail. A. The only book we know of with a similar title is the St. Joseph New American Catechism, which is a current edition of the old Baltimore Catechism. It should be a reliable source of Catholic teachings. Is it possible that the priest you heard was referring to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which was promulgated in English in 1994 and was the first universal catechism of the Church in 400 years? In his introduction to the volume,…Continue Reading

Gratitude In The Sacred Liturgy And Beyond

May 15, 2019 Our Catholic Faith Comments Off on Gratitude In The Sacred Liturgy And Beyond

By JAMES MONTI The flickering glow of a red sanctuary lamp near the Tabernacle in a quiet church has a lot to teach us, if we have eyes to see and ears to hear. It is called a “perpetual” lamp, a lamp meant to burn unceasingly by night and by day, whether seen or unseen, and it bespeaks of unquenchable fire, an undying flame representing the unceasing Real Presence of our Lord in the sacrament of His love. But it also testifies to a fire meant to burn continually in the heart of man, the fire of love for his Creator, his response of undying love to God’s undying love for man. Indeed, all authentic love is by its very…Continue Reading

A Share In The Sufferings Of Christ

May 14, 2019 Our Catholic Faith Comments Off on A Share In The Sufferings Of Christ

By FR. ROBERT ALTIER Fifth Sunday Of Easter (YR C) Readings: Acts 14:21-27 Rev. 21:1-5a John 13:31-33a, 34-35 In the Gospel reading today our Lord, speaking at the Last Supper, says to His apostles: “Now is the Son of Man glorified, and God is glorified in Him. If God is glorified in Him, God will also glorify Him in Himself, and God will glorify Him at once.” This is one of those passages from St. John’s Gospel that seems to turn in circles. What is Jesus talking about? At the moment He was talking about His Passion. Judas had just left the supper to perform his dastardly deed of betrayal. Jesus was explaining to the eleven apostles who remained what…Continue Reading

A Leaven In The World… Thoughts On Inversion

May 13, 2019 Our Catholic Faith Comments Off on A Leaven In The World… Thoughts On Inversion

By FR. KEVIN M. CUSICK Women are men and men are women. Marriage is not a man and a woman but instead two men or two women. Children are parents and parents are children. Bad is good and good is bad. Inversion: It’s the key to understanding the current social and moral dilemma. Nothing is what it seems and, if it’s anything at all, it’s the opposite of what one might suppose. Inversion explains the rampant divorce rate, the opposite of marital commitment until death. It explains the fad of homosexuality, which in fact inverts attraction to the other in true complementarity, man for woman and woman for man, into its opposite in attraction to self. Inversion explains the madness…Continue Reading