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Immigration: Issue Of The Century

August 23, 2015 Featured Today Comments Off on Immigration: Issue Of The Century

By PATRICK J. BUCHANAN “Trump’s immigration proposals are as dangerous as they are stunning,” railed amnesty activist Frank Sharry. “Trump . . . promises to rescind protections for Dreamers and deport them. He wants to redefine the constitutional definition of U.S. citizenship as codified by the 14th Amendment. He plans to impose a moratorium on legal immigration.” While Sharry is a bit hysterical, he is not entirely wrong. For the six-page policy paper, to secure America’s border and send back aliens here illegally, released by Trump this past week, is the toughest, most comprehensive, stunning immigration proposal of the election cycle. The Trump folks were aided by people around Sen. Jeff Sessions who says Trump’s plan “reestablishes the principle that…Continue Reading

The Conversion Of St. Genesius

August 22, 2015 Featured Today Comments Off on The Conversion Of St. Genesius

By RAY CAVANAUGH In both ancient and modern times, there have been “entertainers” who mock Christian beliefs. One of them, however, became a saint. Genesius of Rome was a third-century pagan performer taking part in a blasphemous burlesque of a Christian Baptism, when suddenly he saw angels. By the time he stepped off the stage, he was a Christian forever. August 25 is his feast day. Genesius had been a leading comedic actor on the Roman circuit. This was not necessarily a good thing. Unlike the high-minded dramas of Ancient Greece, theater in Ancient Rome often was treated as a joke. The stage tended to be a place for cheap comedy, blasphemy, and outright pornography. In fact, the Church had…Continue Reading

May The Pope Give America Guidance… True Life Comes From God And Reflects His Glory

August 21, 2015 Featured Today Comments Off on May The Pope Give America Guidance… True Life Comes From God And Reflects His Glory

By ROBERT MOYNIHAN (Editor’s Note: Robert Moynihan is founder and editor-in-chief of Inside the Vatican magazine. This story first appeared in Inside the Vatican’s special commemorative issue, August-September 2015, welcoming Pope Francis to America. It is reprinted with permission. All rights reserved. Dr. Moynihan holds a Ph.D. in medieval studies from Yale.) + + + A tremendous effort is being made to overcome aging and death — even through the harvesting and use of aborted embryonic body parts. But the Christian faith holds that true life comes from God and reflects His glory “Once the human being is untethered from God, he becomes, in very short order, an object among objects, and hence susceptible to the grossest manipulation by the…Continue Reading

A Book Review… An Experience Of Many Miracles

August 20, 2015 Featured Today Comments Off on A Book Review… An Experience Of Many Miracles

By REY FLORES By God’s Design: Overcoming Same-Sex Attractions, A True Story, by Judith Hartzell, published by Ambassador International Press, When it comes to believing in the power of God, I will be the first one to raise my hand and shout “Hallelujah!” as if I were at a tent revival meeting on a hot summer day. I have witnessed miracle after miracle in my own life, as well as in the lives of many people I know. Perhaps the miracles people imagine are what they may have seen in a movie or on a television show where the clouds part, lights stream down in bright unbroken beams, and the sounds of heralding angels envelop everyone in Dolby stereo…Continue Reading

Run-Up To The Synod . . . Some Disturbing Initiatives Get Underway

August 19, 2015 Featured Today Comments Off on Run-Up To The Synod . . . Some Disturbing Initiatives Get Underway

By MAIKE HICKSON Since the October 2014 Synod of Bishops on Marriage and the Family and its scandalous midterm report — which promoted a looser and ostensibly more liberal attitude toward “remarried” divorcees and practicing homosexuals — the Catholic Church is increasingly faced with bishops and prelates who also support that innovating agenda with respect to the traditional moral teaching of the Church. Just in the last few weeks, some sobering events have happened: A German archbishop publicly declared his support of active homosexuals; a Spanish bishop allowed a transgender woman to become the godmother of her nephew; a Swiss bishop is now being sued by a homosexual organization for an alleged hate crime because he quoted, and too literally,…Continue Reading

Taking Down The Donald

August 18, 2015 Featured Today Comments Off on Taking Down The Donald

By PATRICK J. BUCHANAN If his Republican opponents will not take down Donald Trump, Fox News will not only show them how it is done. Fox News will do the job for them. That is the message that came out loud and clear from the Thursday, August 6 debate in Cleveland, which was viewed by the largest cable audience ever to watch a political event — 24 million Americans. As political theater, it was exciting and entertaining. But what was supposed to be a debate among the top-10 Republican candidates turned into a bear-baiting of Donald Trump. Make no mistake. The issues Fox News raised were legitimate. Trump’s threat to run third party, his remarks about women who have affronted…Continue Reading

Chris Christie Vs. Rand Paul

August 17, 2015 Featured Today Comments Off on Chris Christie Vs. Rand Paul

By ANDREW P. NAPOLITANO The dust-up between New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul over presidential fidelity to the Constitution — particularly the Fourth Amendment — was the most illuminating two minutes of the Republican debate. It is a well-regarded historical truism that the Fourth Amendment was written by victims of government snooping, the 1770s version. The Framers wrote it to ensure that the new federal government could never do to Americans what the king had done to the colonists. What did the king do? He dispatched British agents and soldiers into the colonists’ homes and businesses ostensibly looking for proof of payment of the king’s taxes and armed with general warrants issued by a secret court…Continue Reading

How Should The Family Synod Address Sex Education?

August 16, 2015 Featured Today Comments Off on How Should The Family Synod Address Sex Education?

By LOUISE KIRK With the Family Synod now only a couple of months away, few of us are unaware of tensions over the divorced and practicing homosexuals. I cannot be alone in wondering if there is not another equally dangerous issue threatening the Church from underneath. I am talking about sex education and the fight for the souls (and bodies) of the next generation. These are the young people who, even as you read this, are being guided toward, or away from, the very behaviors which cause dilemmas. Yet outside very specific circles we hear almost nothing on the subject. I was reminded forcefully of this last week, when in England UN Goodwill Ambassador for Sexual Health Goedele Liekens stormed…Continue Reading

Restoring The Sacred… The Truth About Catholics And The Bible

August 15, 2015 Featured Today Comments Off on Restoring The Sacred… The Truth About Catholics And The Bible

By JAMES MONTI It has long become commonplace in many quarters to say that before Vatican II, before the Charismatic Movement, before the modern influx of converts to the Catholic faith from evangelical Protestantism, Catholics were more or less ignorant of the Sacred Scriptures. Many a Protestant could cite the Bible by chapter and verse from memory, whereas most Catholics could not. The problem with this premise is that it defines “knowledge of the Bible” too narrowly. Knowing the Bible requires a lot more than simply memorizing verses and knowing by heart what pages they are on. The Catholics of past generations by and large did know the major events of the Bible. They knew the fall of Adam, the…Continue Reading

A Book Review . . . An Intellectual’s Insight Into Contemporary Issues

August 14, 2015 Featured Today Comments Off on A Book Review . . . An Intellectual’s Insight Into Contemporary Issues

By JUDE DOUGHERTY Manent, Pierre. Seeing Things Politically. Translated by Ralph Hancock. South Bend, Ind.: St. Augustine’s Press, 2015. xx + 215 pp. Following a helpful introduction by Daniel J. Mahoney, this book consists mainly of a series of interviews which Manent gave to Benedicte Delorme-Montini. Those interviews range from Manent speaking of his early education in a Communist family to his comments on the current state of European culture. The questions raised by Delorme-Montini are profound and probing, forcing Manent to reveal a complicated intellectual journey from the 1970s to the present. Manent relates that he came of age in a French, Communist, “political homogeneous milieu.” His first intellectual education included exposure to the thought of Roger Garaudy, Georges…Continue Reading