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Rush On The Environmentalists: Q.E.D.

November 8, 2016 Frontpage Comments Off on Rush On The Environmentalists: Q.E.D.

By JAMES K. FITZPATRICK I have been a big fan of Rush Limbaugh’s program since it first hit the airwaves in New York City in 1988. I listen to at least a half-hour, almost every day. Do I agree with everything Rush says? Of course not. Nonetheless, my first impulse, when a substitute host takes his place, is to turn off the radio and go about my business, even when the guest host is informed and articulate. No one matches Rush’s ability to both inform and entertain. What is unique about Rush is that he gives the impression that he knows something of consequence about conservative writers such as Edmund Burke, Ludwig von Mises, Russell Kirk, and James Burnham; that…Continue Reading

Regardless Of 2016 Election Result . . . Most Significant Performer Could Be Citizen Journalists

November 7, 2016 Frontpage Comments Off on Regardless Of 2016 Election Result . . . Most Significant Performer Could Be Citizen Journalists

By DEXTER DUGGAN The most significant performer in the U.S. election campaign of 2016 probably isn’t defiant Donald Trump or outrageous Hillary Clinton. Instead, inquisitive citizen journalists dug up defining stories that shoved their way into the headlines when the dominant media would have preferred to keep them buried. Recent months in the campaign would have looked, and been, drastically different if a secrets-spilling outsider like WikiLeaks hadn’t been doing its remarkable work exposing the high and mighty busily engaged in their routine down and dirty tasks that covertly but powerfully shape the way we live, even against our will. “Citizen journalism” in this electronic age is done by restless people not content with the narrow, biased news budget produced…Continue Reading

Hillary’s Watergate?

November 6, 2016 Frontpage Comments Off on Hillary’s Watergate?

By PATRICK J. BUCHANAN (Editor’s Note: This column from Pat Buchanan was dated November 1.) + + + After posting Friday’s [October 28] column, “A Presidency From Hell,” about the investigations a President Hillary Clinton would face, by afternoon it was clear I had understated the gravity of the situation. Networks exploded with news that FBI Director James Comey had informed Congress he was reopening the investigation into Clinton’s email scandal, which he had said in July had been concluded. “Bombshell” declared Carl Bernstein. The stock market tumbled. “October surprise!” came the cry. The only explanation, it seemed, was that the FBI had uncovered new information that could lead to a possible indictment of the former secretary of state, who…Continue Reading

From a Reader . . . A Grandfather’s Advice To His Nine Children And Twenty Six Grandchidren

November 5, 2016 Frontpage Comments Off on From a Reader . . . A Grandfather’s Advice To His Nine Children And Twenty Six Grandchidren

November 2, 2016 Dear “Children”, Though you are likely aware of this, it is critical to be sure in the midst of the  whirlwind of virulent prevarications constantly pumped out by the “free” press and all media, along with our curiously silent, often complicit, hierarchy.  There are some notably courageous exceptions in the clerical sphere, but, unfortunately far too few and, of course, they are confined to limited or no exposure. Clearly we are in uniquely dark times, truly the New Dark Ages of militant atheism from which we are unlikely to recover if Hillary and Bill are voted back into the White House.   The situation is far beyond politics or personalities.  We are looking at the demise of Faith,…Continue Reading

Awaiting U.S. Vote Result . . . Look At What Socialist Corruption Did To Venezuelans

November 5, 2016 Frontpage Comments Off on Awaiting U.S. Vote Result . . . Look At What Socialist Corruption Did To Venezuelans

By DEXTER DUGGAN PHOENIX — As U.S. voters prepared to set their nation on course for the next four years and even beyond, a few Venezuelan expatriates in the metropolitan Phoenix area spoke about what had become of their South American homeland under strong-arm socialist rule. Venezuela’s descent into widespread poverty, hunger, and violence is a warning of where the United States could be headed under a continuation of meddling radical Barack Obama’s disastrous left-wing agenda, many U.S. conservatives, independents, and even Democrats fear. Those misgivings were increased by current “Project Veritas” videos (projectveritas exposing U.S. Democratic Party operatives bragging about inciting violence and vote fraud as ways to help their party succeed. Looking to the south, they might…Continue Reading

Learning From France’s Problem

November 4, 2016 Frontpage Comments Off on Learning From France’s Problem

By JUDE DOUGHERTY By rational standards U.S. immigration policy is in shambles. An uncontrolled southern border allows unfettered access to the country. Illegal immigrants from Latin America join others who are already established in society, who have been here for years, who have been working hard, creating families, rearing children, contributing to their communities, and obeying the law. They would make good citizens, and it is not in the country’s interest to deport them. We are speaking here of the illegals whose country of origin lies south of the U.S. border. A distinction has to be made between immigrants from Latin America and immigrants from the Islamic Middle East. The latter are distinguished by their refusal to assimilate and by…Continue Reading

Old Books And Classics

November 3, 2016 Frontpage Comments Off on Old Books And Classics

By JAMES K. FITZPATRICK I hesitate to open this topic for discussion, since whatever side I take is likely to anger or disappoint a good portion of those reading the column. The topic I have in mind is the question of whether it is wise to include the “classics” among the required reading assignments for high school students, or stick to more modern books that the students will find easier to read and understand, with the goal of developing in them a love of the written word. The problem is that there is a difference between books that are genuinely classics and those that are merely old, and that sincere and intelligent people will disagree about where to draw that…Continue Reading

Government Health Insurance Up, Freedom Down

November 2, 2016 Frontpage Comments Off on Government Health Insurance Up, Freedom Down

By TERENCE P. JEFFREY “We’ve agreed that our health reform bill will promote choice,” President Barack Obama said on July 21, 2009. “Americans will be able to compare the price and quality of different plans and pick the plan that they want,” he said. “If you like your current plan, you will be able to keep it,” he said. “Let me repeat that: If you like your plan, you will be able to keep it,” he said. He apparently wanted Americans to remember that — at least until Congress enacted his Affordable Care Act. Last week, the Kaiser Family Foundation released an analysis of the Obamacare insurance exchanges that indicates there will be five states in 2017 where only one…Continue Reading

Jack T. Chick And His Dangerous Little Comics

November 1, 2016 Frontpage Comments Off on Jack T. Chick And His Dangerous Little Comics

By REY FLORES This past week the famous, or rather infamous, Jack T. Chick passed away at the age of 92. Chick, as you may know, is the fundamentalist writer, artist, and publisher of those curious little religious comic-book tracts you have probably found on top of a gumball machine at the grocery store, at the gas pump, or even in a public restroom. How many of us haven’t been handed one of these silly little tracts by some poor lost soul who truly believes he is trying to save our souls? Usually when a practicing Catholic hears or reads the name of Jack T. Chick, he is usually repelled by him and his tracts and with good reason. Catholics…Continue Reading

Let’s Make America Tolerable Again

October 31, 2016 Frontpage Comments Off on Let’s Make America Tolerable Again

By PETER MAURICE In the days leading up to the second presidential debate in St. Louis, and those following it, news outlets obsessed over a single story: Donald Trump had talked dirty to Billy Bush, cousin of “W,” about women. There he was, solid as a rock, dense as a doorknob, flaunting the arrogance of a “star.” After Jack, and Lyndon, and Bill, one might have believed America callused to crude carnal speech, but Trump’s grossness made even his most loyal supporters cringe. The “counter-puncher” held a pre-debate press conference with a representative sampling of women who had repulsed Bill Clinton’s attentions — including rape. Trump’s attempt to neutralize the lopsided coverage failed utterly. Hillary may have sounded a bit…Continue Reading