Friday 19th April 2024

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Catholic Replies

April 14, 2017 Our Catholic Faith Comments Off on Catholic Replies

Q. I must more than partly agree with a recent questioner that the bishops catastrophically have failed in a concerted effort to condemn or correct pro-abort so-called Catholic politicians. Yes, from time to time a bishop may speak out forcefully in regards to one of these politicians, and then the faithful say to themselves, finally, the Church is going to do something about these apostates, but then there’s no corrective canon law action taken against them, such as excommunication, and I believe these weak actions, or lack thereof, by the bishops, and the evil, sinful, open public promotion by these politicians have caused over the decades a weakening of faith and great harm to the Church. Instead, they are rewarded…Continue Reading

Suffering And God’s Mercy

April 13, 2017 Our Catholic Faith Comments Off on Suffering And God’s Mercy

By FR. ROBERT ALTIER Second Sunday Of Easter (YR A) Readings: Acts 2:42-47 1 Peter 1:3-9 John 20:19-31 In the second reading today, St. Peter says that God has given us a new birth unto a living hope through the Resurrection of Jesus from the dead. Of even greater news for us is the fact that he tells us that this is an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading. This is great news for us because, as St. Peter reminds us, we have to suffer through many trials in this life, but this is to purify our faith, hope, and charity. All of this, he tells us, is the great mercy of God. There are two parts to this…Continue Reading

Easter Sunday… “This Beautiful Bright Festival!”

April 12, 2017 Our Catholic Faith Comments Off on Easter Sunday… “This Beautiful Bright Festival!”

(Editor’s Note: Below are three Easter sermons from three great saints, St. John Chrysostom [lived from 347 to 407]; St. Augustine [lived from 354 to 430]; and St. Thomas Aquinas [lived from 1225-1274]. The text of St. John Chrysostom’s sermon is from Catholic News Agency. The text of St. Augustine’s sermon is from And the text of St. Thomas Aquinas’ homily is from + + + An Easter Sermon From St. John Chrysostom Is there anyone who is a devout lover of God? Let them enjoy this beautiful bright festival! Is there anyone who is a grateful servant? Let them rejoice and enter into the joy of their Lord! Are there any weary with fasting? Let them now…Continue Reading

A Leaven In The World… Every Sunday Is A “Little Easter”

April 10, 2017 Our Catholic Faith Comments Off on A Leaven In The World… Every Sunday Is A “Little Easter”

By FR. KEVIN M. CUSICK By the time you read these words, in print or posted on the Internet, you may have already attended Easter Mass, perhaps with your family. You may have gathered all your children together for the celebration of Mass and for a meal. Some families use a Florida getaway to attract all of their offspring to gather as one around the table once again. Larger families work harder to reunite. I am one of six children; dinner together as a family was a daily ritual. In our house, there was one dinner time and the rule was if you didn’t make it to the table, you didn’t eat. Now, I know my parents would never have…Continue Reading

Our Savior And Redeemer . . . The Human Knowledge Of Christ

April 9, 2017 Our Catholic Faith Comments Off on Our Savior And Redeemer . . . The Human Knowledge Of Christ

By RAYMOND DE SOUZA, KM Part 2 The knowledge of Our Lord Jesus Christ is a fundamental part and parcel of salvation. In His prayer to His Heavenly Father for His disciples, He said, “Now this is eternal life: That they may know thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent” (John 17:3). In our apologetics course we endeavor to know more about Jesus Christ, in order to love Him more. So we ask this question: How did Christ know things? With a divine mind? With a human mind? How were the two combined? This is a topic that requires a very close scrutiny, because there are modern-day “theologians” who slither a new doctrine among Catholics,…Continue Reading

The Eucharist: Sacramental Sacrifice

April 8, 2017 Our Catholic Faith Comments Off on The Eucharist: Sacramental Sacrifice

By DON FIER Part 6 The miraculous effect of the words pronounced by a validly ordained priest at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass — “This is My Body…This is My Blood” — was not seriously challenged for the first thousand years of the Church’s history. The major heresies of the first millennium were primarily Trinitarian and Christological; with some exceptions, most of them concerned the Eucharist only indirectly. It was in the 11th century, as we saw last week, that Berengarius of Tours falsely claimed that the presence of Christ in the consecrated bread and wine was only figurative or symbolic, a position that was to resurface periodically in the centuries to follow. In his comprehensive study on the…Continue Reading

Catholic Replies

April 7, 2017 Our Catholic Faith Comments Off on Catholic Replies

Q. Enclosed is an article about whether abortion is mentioned in the Bible and forbidden there. How would you respond to this Jewish writer? Also, do Jews forbid abortion? — J.G., Illinois. A. Just because something is not specifically mentioned in the Bible does not mean that it’s morally okay. The word “pornography” does not appear in the Bible. Is that okay? Nor do the words “human trafficking” or “drunken driving,” but no one would attempt to excuse those evils by saying that they are not in the Bible. It would be interesting to see how many of those who defend abortion on the grounds that the word is not in Scripture at the same time excuse or even practice…Continue Reading

Jesus Destroyed The Power Of Death

April 6, 2017 Our Catholic Faith Comments Off on Jesus Destroyed The Power Of Death

By FR. ROBERT ALTIER Easter Sunday (YR A) Readings: Acts 10:34a, 37-43 Col. 3:1-4 John 20:1-9 In the second reading today, St. Paul tells us that when Christ our life appears, we too will appear with Him in glory. The truth of this is that Jesus is risen from the dead and, on the last day of the world, all those who have died united with Him by grace will also rise from the dead and be taken up with Him into glory. We must understand that every human person to have ever lived is going to rise from the dead and their risen bodies will be reunited with the souls and they will live forever. This sounds wonderful until…Continue Reading

A Question Of Minor Adaptations . . . Illumination At The Easter Vigil

April 5, 2017 Our Catholic Faith Comments Off on A Question Of Minor Adaptations . . . Illumination At The Easter Vigil

By FR. EDWARD McNAMARA, LC (Editor’s Note: Legionary of Christ Fr. Edward McNamara, professor of liturgy and dean of theology at the Regina Apostolorum University, writes the Liturgy Q-and-A column for ZENIT News Agency, which first published the article below, March 28, 2017. (All rights reserved.) + + + Q. We are having disagreements in our parish about how to proceed in some parts of the Easter Vigil Mass. 1) When the new fire is outdoors, the procession order, back into the church, seems quite clear in the rubrics. However, at the second singing n. 16) “all light their candles from the flame of the paschal candle. . .” seems misunderstood as many go in before the deacon, light their…Continue Reading

A Leaven In The World… Kneeling Witnesses Faith Through Worship

April 3, 2017 Our Catholic Faith Comments Off on A Leaven In The World… Kneeling Witnesses Faith Through Worship

By FR. KEVIN M. CUSICK No one believes it’s true that we can say we love and then do whatever we want. If it were true, there would be no divorce. That is certainly not the case, as millions who suffer the devastating effects of broken marriages and families can attest. In the 1960s and ever after we’ve been told as long as we believe we could eliminate signs of belief. Many repeated the mantra that no one can judge your faith and this defense was often wielded in reaction to anyone who claimed that traditional devotion was worth saving. This happened when people were told to stand for Communion and we formed two ticket-taking lines in all our churches,…Continue Reading