Help Us Break The Silence!

The bishops have proven once again that they are unable to address the current crisis facing the Church. It is time for the laity to step up. We are asking you to help us flood the Vatican with this appeal to the Pope for answers. Tell your friends, your family, and your pastor: Encourage all concerned Catholics to sign our petition (see below) to the Holy Father. Please share on your Facebook and Twitter accounts. The progress of this appeal will be reported weekly in The Wanderer. The signatures of this appeal will be delivered to Pope Francis at a future date deemed appropriate. A report of the end result will appear in The Wanderer and copies sent to the Apostolic Nuncio and to Archbishop Daniel DiNardo, president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

There are several methods of participating in this appeal. You can print out hard copies of the petition here. These can be distributed to those who do not wish to sign online.  All hard copies should be mailed to The Wanderer, 201 Ohio St., St. Paul, MN 55107. You may fill out the petition online at (below). If you need more petitions and do not have computer access, we will mail you as many forms as you would like. Please include a donation for postage if you can.

Joseph Matt, Publisher, The Wanderer


Appeal to Pope Francis

  Your Holiness,

  Again the Catholic faithful are at a loss to understand your actions as Supreme Shepherd of the flock. Your decision to suppress any vote or action on the abuse scandals by the U.S. bishops has caused disappointment and dismay among many in the clergy as well as among the laity. Your failure to address and clarify any number of issues, from the dubia to Archbishop Carlo Viganò’s testimony concerning the McCarrick scandal, has caused great division and scandal within the Church.

  Since your own bishops could not muster the courage to address the McCarrick scandal at a minimum, it has become apparent that the laity must act and they must be heard. The good prelates and clerics who have demanded simple explanations and clarity on these matters from the Chair of Peter have been unjustly excoriated, both by their peers and by the Vatican. The treatment of these good shepherds is nothing less than shameful. As signers of this petition we respectively seek answers to these matters from you, answers we are entitled to as Catholics from the Vicar of Christ, Jesus’ representative on Earth. It seems that the Vatican does not fully realize the magnitude of this crisis. The lay faithful are becoming more and more outraged by the silence emanating from the Vatican.

  It is our hope that if enough Catholics express their concern by signing this petition to the Holy See, their numbers will warrant a response from Your Holiness that is worthy of a Successor to St. Peter.

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