A Book Review…. No Accident When Social Tyrants Set Out To Remake Nations


Target Africa: Ideological Neocolonialism in the Twenty-First Century, by Obianuju Ekeocha, Ignatius Press, San Francisco, ISBN 978-1-62164-215-2, 224 pages, paperback, $16.95, 2018. Available at Amazon.com.

A Planned Parenthood executive sent an email along to her pal Hillary Clinton in 2009 about a trip to Kenya that the secretary of state soon would be making concerning trade issues, according to this book about the ongoing re-enslavement of Africa.

Boy, are these rich topics for us nearly a decade later — Hillary’s unprotected emails, her self-aggrandizing government trips on trade, the fact that WikiLeaks helped us peer into this Clinton’s manipulations and law-breaking.

In these days of whistleblowers tearing the veils off the doings of the “deep state” about how things get done by, in, and through government, this incident is a forceful reminder of the way some shocking happenings aren’t accidental or unintended that come to oppress us.

Laurie Rubiner, Planned Parenthood vice president of public policy and advocacy, emailed Hillary about an issue that “I know . . . is near and dear to your heart” — imposing permissive abortion.

What thought vibrated in Hillary’s head? Be still, my beating heart, lest you explode with joy at a fresh opportunity to stop babies’ hearts forever?

“The Phrase Finder” site says “Be still, my beating heart” is an “expression of excitement when seeing the object of one’s romantic affections.”

Hillary has been in love with political radicalism and all the useful destruction that it can wreak on the supposedly ignorant little people beneath her well-shod although unsteady feet ever since she, in her own estimation, matured politically.

But Hillary is only one representative of a large class of “progressives” howling through the world since the 1960s to turn morality on its head. History shows there have been many other evil eras, but this one is ours to defeat.

Rubiner reminded Hillary that Kenya had a restrictive — as the Planned Parenthood planner phrased it — “anti-abortion” law, and that nation was considering codifying in its Constitution that “life begins at conception.”

The horror. What a threat to “stability,” to “success,” to “women’s rights,” to “safe medical services.”

Having been in Kenya only the previous month herself to work against this proposal and in favor of “a less restrictive abortion law,” Rubiner hoped that Hillary during her trip there could do her bit, too.

If so, “you would be even more of my personal hero than you already are,” Rubiner wrote. “…Of course, we would be happy to help you in any way if you decide you want to do something on this while you are there.”

Hillary’s famed left-hand lady Huma Abedin replied that her boss wouldn’t be “doing any specific health or womens (sic) events” in Kenya, but “I’ve…shared your email with policy team at state and embassy staff in Nairobi helping to plan the trip to see if there is any way to address this.”

There’s a campaign under way for overseas whites once again to control African nations, as Obianuju Ekeocha carefully explains in the highly valuable Target Africa: Ideological Neocolonialism in the Twenty-First Century.

As in old colonial times, the current effort is thought by the distant elite to be the naturally enlightened way to deal with what they regard as an inferior, backward population that needs its ideas forcibly changed.

The Western “progressive” social agenda is to be lashed onto Africans’ backs. If they resist, they’ll be lashed by threats to withdraw Western governments’ aid money.

Not only are contraception and permissive abortion to be woven into their ways of life, but also the Western elites’ entire degeneracy checklist, including homosexuality, sexual confusion, transgenderism, and same-sex “marriage.” And Western nations’ own taxpayers are milked for the money to help dry up black women’s maternal thoughts of milk for babies.

The Nigerian-born Ekeocha is founder and president of Culture of Life Africa (cultureoflife

africa.com), which defines itself as “an initiative dedicated to the promotion and defense of the African values of the sanctity of life, beauty of marriage, blessings of motherhood, and the dignity of family life. Culture of Life Africa answers the assaults on these values with African women’s voices.”

In an interview with The Wanderer shortly before she was to speak at San Francisco’s Walk for Life West Coast in January 2016, Ekeocha noted how the hostile Barack Obama administration still in power as of then had been pressuring her home continent.

She said: “Since President Obama has been in office, Africa has experienced an undeniable erosion of our cultural and moral values. . . . Africa has been led through a path of destruction to a dangerous cultural precipice since the beginning of the Obama presidency, and I pray we don’t completely jump off by the end of this administration.” (The interview began on page 1 of the hardcopy Wanderer dated for January 14, 2016.)

Although Donald Trump’s administration provoked elitist consternation when it ended some of Obama’s bankrolling of immorality, plenty of other ideologized governments continue trying to shackle Africans’ consciences.

Noting that the Western invaders regard Africans’ beliefs in traditional morality as “barriers” to progress, Ekeocha lauds U.S. radio host and columnist Dennis Prager commenting on abortion: “Good societies can survive people doing immoral things. But a good society cannot survive it if calls immoral things moral.”

“In a seemingly synchronized fashion,” Ekeocha observes, Western heads of state have made commitments against the bedrock of civilizations, the historic family — in their own nations, too, not only in Africa.

How could they have chosen such a radical path in such a relatively short time? Emails exchanged by folks such as Planned Parenthood and Hillary Clinton give insight into part of the process.

But demonic power itself surely plays a role. Which must be counteracted by our own, perhaps imperfect, dedication to moral living, not only in external acts but also an interior spiritual vigor.

“The world is witnessing an effort to reshape society with judicial sledgehammers, legislative chainsaws, and executive bulldozers,” Ekeocha says, “that are tearing down the meaning and the purpose of male and female….As modern politicians redesign society, they show themselves to be ever more totalitarian and tyrannical as their tolerance for dissent and resistance declines day by day.”

Planned Parenthood may think it’s in the Cupid business, and PP may be right if it’s simply settling for a pagan sex god, but the related word cupidity, deriving from Latin for strong desire, explains some of Africa’s problems — the greed of some of that continent’s leaders for Western aid money.

Ekeocha mentions African leaders whose careers depend on cooperating with population-control crusaders, “no matter what harm it might be causing Africans.”

She tells of showering one high-ranking East African government official with facts and statistics on all the damage being done. That official responded with outrage and said she and most of her government colleagues were pro-life, Ekeocha writes, but the foreigners’ money paid for part of her department’s budget and showered her with perks.

“Aid,” Ekeocha says, “has become the opium of the ruling classes of Africa.”

A Powerful Reminder

Although she writes about positive ways to bring further development to Africa — with many Africans having entered the middle class within recent years — she contends that the countries need to get off the aid addiction.

Citing economists about pro-market policies being more important for development, Ekeocha says African leaders need to release the potential of their own people.

While acknowledging ways in which assistance from others has been helpful, she quotes one economist that a society that can’t develop itself without external gifts is altogether unlikely to do so with them.

That’s a powerful reminder to developing countries around the world. It’s also a rebuke to oligarchic politicians who sit on their piles of bribes while telling their own poor people that reform at home is impossible, just go jump the line into the United States.

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