A Leaven In The World… Trans-Catholics And The Parish Of The Future


Selina is a high school athlete in Connecticut who remains female, as she always was, but the competition around her is changing. She is now losing track events in which she formerly excelled because “transgender” athletes are taking part.

It doesn’t matter how good she is: College recruiters and others won’t know, because she is female in word and deed and competes as such but does so against men who have changed some aspects of their bodies. The pure fantasy that they are now women because they say so is evident to Selina: The body composition needed to win track and field competitions remains male. You can’t argue against facts.

Something similar is happening within the Catholic Church. “Trans-Catholics” want to receive Catholic Communion, they want the appearance of being Catholic, but not necessarily anything else always thought necessary to be Catholic in reality.

The difference between trans-Catholics and transgenders is that they want to be called Catholic while they attempt to completely alter what that word has always meant, as demonstrated for the most part by the contents of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. People surgically change their outward appearance and think that means they are now the opposite sex. Many Catholics today are changing the contents of the faith at will and insisting they remain outwardly Catholic.

We are already seeing signs of how this trend will affect the parish of the future. The bishop who invited a fight with an Indiana Jesuit school by insisting they be Catholic in deed, by firing a teacher who attempted marriage with a person of the same sex or lose the name “Catholic,” is taking a position in the battle.

This struggle was brought to us by trans-Catholics who have risen to powerful positions in our institutions while entertaining the sheer fantasy of attempting a surgical hybridization of the false creeds of the world with the faith.

We’ve already exhausted ourselves reviewing ad nauseam all the assaults against the apostolic faith launched through the synods: against marriage, Communion, Confession, especially by means of Amoris Laetitia.

I almost wish the Holy Father would just stick to the environment as he did in Laudato Si so that human persons would sustain less damage to faith and morals. The Amazon Synod, which some are dubbing the “sin nod,” is tragically no exception to the trans-Catholic debacle.

We are preserving the environment around us, almost in worship of Mother Earth, while destroying the faith within the spiritual environment of the human person with the pollution and filth of heresy and immorality such as in the promotion of homosexual activity by calling it “marriage.”

First we with shock saw the Amazon Synod document with its talk of blessing pagan religious practices instead of evangelizing.

As Fr. V on Twitter said: “The St. Gallen Mafia Redux. This ‘Amazonian’ synod is not about the Amazon. It is about the Church in Germany imposing its recipe for the auto-demolition of what remains of the Roman Catholic Church.”

More cultural imperialism?

Then the devilish and secretive machinations of the protagonists of this further attempt to mutilate the faith as Edward Pentin reported, also on Twitter:

“A secretive meeting to discuss strategy for the upcoming #AmazonianSynod and involving mostly German-speaking prelates and intellectuals took place today [June 25] at a monastery in Rome. [Cardinals] Hummes, Baldisseri, Kasper, Schoenborn took part plus +Krautler, +Overbeck of Essen. More soon.”

Maike Hickson reported in LifeSiteNews as this column went to press that Cardinal Brandmueller has spoken out forcefully against the Amazonian Synod document (see p. 1 of this week’s issue).

You can read the full text of the cardinal’s statement also at LifeSiteNews or in this week’s issue of The Wanderer.

Here is a particularly fine passage:

“One has to ask in principle why a Synod of Bishops should deal with topics, which — as is now the case with three-fourths of the Instrumentum Laboris — have, at the most, very little to do with the Gospels and the Church. Obviously, the Synod of Bishops with this document makes an aggressive intrusion into the purely worldly affairs of the state and society of Brazil. What do ecology, economy, and politics have to do with the mandate and mission of the Church?

“And more importantly: What professional expertise authorizes an ecclesial Synod of Bishops to make statements in these fields?

“Should the Synod of Bishops truly do this, this would be a stepping over boundaries and a clericalist presumption, which the state authorities would then have to reject.

“Furthermore, throughout the whole Instrumentum Laboris can be found a very positive assessment of natural religions, to include indigenous healing practices and the like; yes, even mythical-religious practices and forms of cults. In the context of the call for harmony with nature, there is talk about the dialogue with the spirits (n. 75).

“It is not only the ideal of the ‘noble savage’ as presented by Rousseau and the Enlightenment that is being contrasted with the decadent European. The line of thought in the Instrumentum goes further, up to the turn to the twentieth century, ending in a pantheistic idolatry of nature. Hermann Claudius (1913) created the hymn of the Socialist Worker’s Movement, ‘When we walk side by side. . . ,’ a stanza of which reads: ‘Birches’ green and the green of seeds, how the old Mother Earth extends her full hands, with a pleading gesture, that man may become her own. . . .’ ”

As for me, I will go to my grave knowing I did the best for the Church and I will be able to rest in peace. Why is that? I offer the Traditional Latin Mass, attendance at which in my parish has more than tripled in the past nine years, as I recently reported on my blog APriestLife.blogspot.com, which report was also picked up by Canon212.

I am handing on to my parishioners and future priests the key to combatting the trans-Catholics who will never be true Catholics in word and deed. The immemorial Mass protects the integral faith and thus protects souls from the heresy and apostasy warned of by Cardinal Brandmueller and so many others in the recent past.

The Amazonian Synod document mentions changing a number of things. The Traditional Mass is not among them. It is now the most significant immunization against the trans-Catholic nightmare being systematically forced upon the universal Church synod after synod. Priests should begin to learn and to offer this Mass soon in every parish so that the parish of the future will be truly Catholic.

Thank you for reading and praised be Jesus Christ, now and forever.

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