A Special Canonization


Throughout the history of the Catholic Church, She has identified certain individuals as righteous people known for their “heroic sanctity” and, as such, she has through the canonization process declared them saints in Heaven.

The Church recognized St. Stephen as the first known Christian saint. He was martyred in approximately AD 34. Since then, many thousands of all ages have since been officially declared saints by the Church; a great number through martyrdom and many others due to their exceptional lives, devoted to serving God and mankind. Mother Teresa comes to mind.

As reported in the April 6, 2023, edition of The Wanderer, on September 10, 2023, the Catholic Church will take an unprecedented and welcomed step, by canonizing Jozef Ulma, a Polish farmer, and with him, his entire family. And included in the canonization will be a special and deserving unborn child of God who died in its mother’s womb. All members of the family were murdered on March 24, 1944, during World War II in Markowa, Poland, by Nazi occupiers. Their home was surrounded and invaded on that fateful day by ruthless German soldiers who summarily executed them.

And what was the terrible crime committed that warranted the death penalty for Jozef and his family? It was a “crime” that would require moral courage very few of us might possess under similar circumstances, that of offering ourselves for the safety of others. The Ulma family bravely hid eight Jews from the Nazi occupiers for nearly two years! They knowingly followed Jesus, risking their lives as He commanded, when He said, “This is my commandment: love one another as I love you. No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends” (John 15:12-13).

But although the Nazis shot eight Ulma family members, Pope Francis will be canonizing nine Ulma family members, recognizing that Wiktoria’s unborn child was truly a separate human being, deserving of all the rights and protection due any other child of God. Unborn baby Ulma was as much a martyr, as were Jozef, Wiktoria, and their six other children. Unfortunately, no amount of logic, no appeal to common sense, no facts, can force those who serve Satan to acknowledge the unborn child of the Ulma’s as a person deserving of life.

Those who refuse to accept the fact that the unborn have rights, begrudgingly, when pressed, are forced to admit that an unborn is of a human nature, but then without any logic, they will still attempt to deny the unborn’s right to life. By redefining words to fit their needs, they tell us that only persons have rights, and that a fetus may be human, but is not yet a person. If there ever was a “distinction without a difference,” this is the perfect example!

(Yes, just as sex and gender are no longer the same, neither are humans and persons.)

Ever since Roe v. Wade, the abortion lovers in the United States have turned a blind eye to the idea that our unborn have any rights. The “tree-huggers” and “mother-earthers” are fanatically promoting population control, while aggressively spreading fear of a disintegrating environment, and at the same time, calling for stronger legislation protecting such things as bald eagles’ eggs, our precious sea turtles and our polar bears of the North. The slaughter of unborn persons doesn’t even deserve honorable mention. We must pray that the canonization of unborn baby Ulma will open the eyes of some of them!

Surely, one might think, this action by our Church should finally cause at least some of our Catholic Democrat leaders to finally acknowledge the rights and the personage of the unborn. Well, considering their past performance, let’s not hold our breath. That corrupt Washington bunch of “Catholic-in-name-only glad-handers” have consistently turned their backs on the unborn, while praising “the right of reproductive freedom.” And they continually shout out their “Catholicism,” as they ignore Church leaders who defend life.

At the same time, in countries like Catholic Poland, Catholic Hungary, and in much of Eastern Europe, both Church leaders and politicians support life and point to the Ulma family as the quintessential model of Christian living. While with prosperity here in the United States has come an embrace of materialism and adisdain for family life.

One wonders that, when unborn baby Ulma is canonized, will our Catholic pro-abortion politicians just pretend it didn’t happen? Will Joe, “I have my rosary in my pocket” Biden, let us know his views on the canonization? Does he even have a clue regarding what will happen on September the 10th? Maybe his handlers will give him a cheat-sheet to deal with any questions about the Ulma canonizations, and he’ll shed a few tears as he denounces fascism.

I think it goes without saying, that none of these “Catholic pro-choice” politicians will be promoting the beauty of the nine Ulma family members’ canonizations on September the 10th, but instead will continue to proudly wear their “social justice” badges on their sleeves, while once again voting to fund Planned Parenthood.

However, we can be sure that they will, from time to time, claim to be saddened by the number of abortions throughout America, and fervently express their desire to “work together” to find ways to reduce those abortions that are not necessary. Which ones? Well, specifics won’t be addressed. We can be sure of that.

But sadly, they will never vote to eliminate all abortions. No, that would be asking too much. Besides, their campaign donations might dry up, and then they wouldn’t be able to continue their efforts to promote equality and equity for all those children who managed to avoid being slaughtered in America’s abortion mills.

Let us pray that through the intercession of the sainted Ulma family, including the unborn Ulma baby, that Our Lord will open the eyes and soften the hearts of those who have until now rejected the unborn by pretending that they are not truly among God’s children. Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Unborn, pray for us.

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