Abortion And The Ongoing Questions Surrounding It


“Abortion” — that word that raises the emotions and hackles of people on every level of life. It doesn’t matter what the occupation or the educational background of the individual bringing up the subject. It is bound to get a huge reaction and, for the most part, all kinds of disagreement.

Is it good or bad? Is it required or not? Who should get an abortion? Why or why not? In fact, is getting an abortion legal or not and who decides? Exactly what IS an abortion?

These are questions faced daily across the country, and since Roe v. Wade was overturned by the Supreme Court, those questions are more important than ever.

No matter what the individual woman does for a living — whether she is single, married, and or a working professional, the question of whether she gets an abortion and how that decision affects her personal and professional life is crucial.

One area where the question of abortion has been mainstream is in Hollywood — in the entertainment business. It has been made clear to the public over the years, that Hollywood accepts the fact of abortion and has no problem with people who support it. In fact, it is to the extent that those in the “biz” who do not support abortion are looked down upon.

But believe it or not, there are those in Hollywood who believe that abortion is wrong although for them to admit it, is dangerous to their careers. In light of that, it was wonderful to read of one young woman who has the courage of her convictions and who speaks out publicly that she does not support abortion — that for her, abortion is killing a living human being.

The woman is actress Alexa PenaVega, best known for her roles in Spy Kids. She recently spoke to Christine Yeargin, host of the Students for Life podcast “Speak Out,” for the March 1 episode.

She spoke candidly about her experience in opposing abortion in Hollywood. She admits she has gotten pushback in her work, but it has not changed her beliefs.

She calls herself “hard-core pro-life” and minces no words in explaining why. She says, “I believe that you’re killing life” (in an abortion).

She wonders why miscarriage is seen as a significant, heartbreaking loss, but the loss of a child to abortion isn’t seen that way. She is quoted as saying that “you are killing life in an abortion — that the child in the womb is a human life.”

She spoke about what it is like to work in a pro-abortion industry and admits that she has spoken to many in her field who talk about their experiences. She said that many have had so many abortions that they no longer are able to have children now.

While the people who have had abortions speak of their experiences, the reality is that what society is doing is covering up the reality that abortion is the killing of a child.

Alexa emphasized that the pro-life movement isn’t just about avoiding abortion but also ensuring that mothers get the help they need after the birth of their child.

She addressed the false idea that people who support life in the womb don’t really care about other humans.

“I think a lot of people feel like in today’s day and age if you’re pro-life that means you’re just pro-birth, and I think that’s a huge misconception on what being pro-life means. Pro-life means all of life, like looking at the aspect of the child but also the mom. The mom needs resources. The mom needs help. She needs love and guidance and sometimes finances,” she told Yeargin.

She says that “we are in such a dark, dark place in our world — that’s it’s a war. People have been manipulated into thinking that human life is just so disposable — they can’t even look at a baby as — a human that is alive.”

She says that when she first started speaking out about this issue and her beliefs, there were people who stopped working with her because of it. She got pushback. It was like: “We don’t want anything to do with her,” but her response was, and is, “That’s fine.”

“They can cancel you. They can hurt you. But you know you’re making the right choice.”

She said, she won’t deny being pro-life and it’s something she will “go to the cross on.”

God bless her.

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