American Revolution 2.0… How Did We Get Here?


What we are facing today is part of a decades-long strategic plan. Kid yourselves not. The evil radicals on the Marxist left are not through with their attacks on America and on the Christian world.

It is a multi-pronged attack which started decades ago and is now in full throttle. It is an attack on cultural “essentials” like life, marriage, and family. It is an attack on our God-given constitutional rights of sovereignty and freedom. And now, it is the age-old and timeless attack against religious freedom and our faith in the one triune God.

This is how it happened, or how we allowed it to happen.

In 1921, The Birth Control League of America was founded in New York City. The racist, eugenics-based organization eventually grew into a multimillion-dollar profit-making business based on the killing of unborn human beings and the selling of their body parts. Note that in 2018, Planned Parenthood reported a revenue over expenses of $245 million, while still receiving taxpayer dollars in excess of $563.8 million.

Then, the 1930s brought us Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s New Deal which encouraged fatherlessness by creating dependence on government rather than on a husband and father. This was contrary not only to the sacraments of the Catholic Church, but it was also a deliberate attack on the very necessary societal institutions of marriage and family.

FDR’s New Deal was a deal with the Devil. In 2018 there were about 15.05 million families with a female householder and no father present. No wonder so many daughters and sons are so lost, practically and spiritually.

Since Satan cannot create, he destroys. Looks like he’s doing a hell of a job!

Now let’s enter the 1950s. Hugh Hefner founded Playboy magazine in 1953, thus beginning a porn dynasty where women were photographed, displayed, presented, and objectified, just like shiny new Ferraris to husbands and fathers as much as they were to the bachelors the magazine was supposedly aiming at.

Today, the porn industry is the most profitable entity on the Internet. Financial observers predict that virtual reality porn could be a $1 billion business by the year 2025.

Wouldn’t it be nice if the 1960s hadn’t been so messed up? It wasn’t all just about “I Wanna Hold Your Hand.” The FDA approved Enovid for use as an oral contraceptive. The result: sex without commitment, without consequences, and without life.

With porn, the Pill, and welfare, free sex followed. People were enjoying their postwar freedoms, extra incomes, and wild new musical tastes like rock and roll — it was a party in the making. But whose party were we being invited to?

Enter psychedelia and the mainstream glorification of drugs. Timothy Leary’s “Turn on, tune in, drop out” slogan became the rallying cry for the youth of America. Leary went from psychology professor to hallucinogenic guru for the masses.

Famous entertainers like the Beatles and Jimi Hendrix helped further the popularity of drugs through their songs praising the glories of these mind-altering substances.

Then came the “three days of peace, love, and music” known as Woodstock, a rock music festival in upstate New York in 1969 which resulted in 742 overdoses and two deaths. It’s a miracle it wasn’t more, but the drug culture had been firmly planted into mainstream society. Albeit with a fairly good soundtrack.

But the 1960s were not over just yet. Given the era’s proclivities, the homosexual radicals were not about to go unnoticed.

The 1969 Stonewall riots were a spontaneous and violent revolt against alleged harassment by police who were simply enforcing laws against sodomy. Like today’s unlawful and violent miscreants, the Stonewall rioters chose destruction over dialogue.

Bullhorns, Molotov cocktails, profanity, and violence do not invite one’s attention. If anything, they make the targets less likely to listen to or negotiate with such unreasonable characters.

Nevertheless, we now have the “wholesome” Disney entertainment cabal pushing its first openly homosexual animated character: This character appears as a one-eyed lesbian cop in the movie Onward.

Hollywood has always been a hub of scandal and sin, yet we worship it and throw our money their way via movie tickets, Netflix, and Hulu. We went from the Oscar-winning Sound of Music in 1965, to the gay prostitution and drug-fueled Midnight Cowboy in 1969, from zero to sixty in no time flat.

Art imitates life, life imitates art. Both are toxic at this point.

Then came the 1970s, the death blow. In 1973, the Supreme Court of the United States went above God’s head and decided that the right to kill your own unborn child was a constitutional right. Murdering your own unborn child was legally permitted, so that one would not be burdened or inconvenienced by a creation of God.

Always remember: It isn’t just the Antifa, Black Lives Matter, or the usual hippie radical lefty rabble-rousers of yore who burn, destroy, loot, and riot. Some of these same miserable miscreants are now sitting in Congress and in the U.S. Senate in Washington, D.C., and on every level of government from the state, the county, and the municipal, and especially the school boards.

Just because they dress in ugly pantsuits and tacky scarves or expensive suits and ties doesn’t make them any less dangerous.

This battle is just getting to its boiling point. But the Godless heathens will not take over in the end. We have God on our side. They don’t.

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