Culture Of Life 101 . . . “Dissenter Tactics”


(Editor’s Note: Brian Clowes has been director of research and training at Human Life International since 1995. For an electronic copy of the book Call to Action or Call to Apostasy, consisting of a detailed description of the current forms of dissent and how to fight them, e-mail him at

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Part 1

So far, we have covered the first three steps of “POPE,” the most effective general strategy for opposing dissent in our dioceses and parishes — Prayer, Organizing, and Planning. The final step is to Expose their activities and Educate others about them.

Take confidence in the fact that the dissenters cannot stand opposition and exposure. Lies only flourish when a shroud of darkness and secrecy surrounds them; they will wither up and die when you shine the powerful light of truth on them.

The Gospel of John tells us:

“And this is the judgment, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For every one who does evil hates the light, and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed. But he who does what is true comes to the light, that it may be clearly seen that his deeds have been wrought in God” (John 3:1921).

Dissenters prattle endlessly about tolerance and inclusiveness, but you will soon learn that they ardently desire to stamp out any viewpoint but their own. Their motto is “Question authority — unless we are the authority.” They know that they can only hoodwink people if alternative voices cannot be heard. But, as Prov. 18:17 reveals, “He who states his case first seems right, until the other comes and examines him.”

After you make your plans, go to your pastor or bishop and ask him to take action against the dissenters. If he refuses, write him a polite letter and tell him exactly what you will do if he does not defend his flock against the spiritual poison of dissent.

If he stonewalls you or does not answer your phone calls or letters, go ahead with your plan. This plan should include documentation of exactly what your bishop or priest does or does not do regarding this matter, so you can send it all up the chain of command later. Let him know that you are carefully watching him.

If your bishop or priest does not take action, contact an experienced dissentbusting group to discuss your options, as described in the previous article. You may want to picket the dissenters or leaflet churches before and during their talks (make sure to remain afterward to answer questions and possibly do impromptu media interviews). Stand up during the question and answer period (if there is one) and quote authentic Catholic teachings. Take signs and banners into their presentations. Some parishioners might actually cause themselves to be arrested, which makes a great news story for conservative Catholic media: “Parishioners Kicked Out of Their Own Church for Defending Catholic Teachings!”

Liberal bishops and priests absolutely hate this kind of controversy. They know that a lot of controversy and conflict will hinder their efforts to be promoted to higher office. If you cause a ruckus, the dissenters will probably find that the chancery or rectory will not be quite so welcoming to them in the future.

The general idea here is to operate in two ways simultaneously — both within the “system,” documenting and watching and gathering information; and, since this might take years, outside the “system” with pickets and confrontations and leafleting and publicity.

Of course, as an ongoing campaign to influence a liberal bishop or priest, you may want to place notes in the collection basket stating that your contribution is going to an orthodox Catholic group until dissent and heresy are no longer tolerated, under the principle of “no dogma, no dollars.” You might keep track of the amount of money you and your orthodox friends are directing to other groups. If it is substantial, let your bishop and pastor know about it.

Taking concrete action will dispel your feeling of helplessness and will give you a sense of hope once again. Your watchwords should be vigilance, endurance, and courage. No dissenter can beat this combination.

Learn How the Dissenters Operate: Dissenting organizations and individuals employ timetested tactics that have worked in chanceries and parishes all over the United States and all over the world. Their methods are extremely effective when used against illinformed and unorganized lay people and priests.

A Catholic who is serious about being a member of the Church Militant has a high duty to defend the Church from those who would destroy or cripple her. As soldiers of Christ and protectors of the true faith, you must become very familiar with all of these tactics. You should be able to quickly identify the methods of the dissenters when you see them, and then take quick action to expose them and stop them in their tracks.

The most common tactic used by dissenters is an appeal for tolerance and non-judgmentalism. Many dissenters know only one Scripture passage: “Judge not lest ye be judged,” but can’t even tell you where in the Bible it is.

The reason dissenters love tolerance so much is that they have become accustomed to their own sins and the sins of others. This is why they emphasize the perfect mercy and kindness of Jesus Christ while forgetting His perfect judgment; why they tend not to believe in Satan and Hell, except as earthly metaphors; and why they have completely lost any sense of sin.

Our Lord has instructed us to hate sin and love the sinner. St. Paul admonished Titus to “Rebuke them sharply that they may be sound in Faith” (Titus 1:13). Orthodox Catholics do not judge dissenters, because only God knows the state of a person’s soul. However, we must unflinchingly judge sins and heresies in general, and exhort those guilty of them to repent. Our job is to “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations” (Matt. 28:19), and this may very well include helping back into the Church those who have lost their way.

In order to rescue the dissenters, we must boldly and clearly proclaim apostasy, heresy, abortion, contraception, sterilization, homosexual acts, divorce and remarriage, and other evils to be gravely sinful. Scripture tells us that we must reach out to those in sin or we ourselves will be judged guilty because they are lost. God tells us in Ezek. 3:1819 that we have a duty to warn the wicked, and, if we do not do so, their condemnation will be on our heads.

True Love

Dissenters also frequently speak of “love.” The most recent classic example is the “Love Wins!” campaign run by homophile groups after the legalization of ersatz homosexual “marriage” by the United States Supreme Court.

But what is true love: To allow a person to travel unhindered down their wide and smooth road to Hell and eternal damnation, or to try to turn them from their path? Would we rather be their friends on their terms and see them condemned, or would we rather be their friends on God’s terms and spend eternity with them in Heaven? We should remember, when fighting dissent, that it is not “us versus them”; it is instead “all of us against the Devil.”

To tolerate sin is to accept sin and surrender to our fallen natures. We must cast out the Devil and his works wherever we find them, whether they be in ourselves or in others. To do otherwise is to turn our backs on our roles as Christ’s disciples — and means abandoning and betraying those who need us the most: The dissenters.

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