Culture Of Life 101 . . . How To Identify Modern-Day Eugenics Groups


(Editor’s Note: Brian Clowes has been director of research and training at Human Life International since 1995. For an electronic copy of chapter 24 of The Facts of Life, “Eugenics,” e-mail him at

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“Guide reproduction wisely, improving fitness and diversity” — The Georgia Guidestone, monument constructed in 1980.

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After World War II, the term “eugenics” had lost much of its glittering promise and appeal. People had seen — and remembered in vivid detail — what happens when eugenicists are given free rein.

But the “new eugenicists” of the mid-20th century countered by insisting that the problem was not eugenics per se, but the overeagerness of the Nazis, who had simply taken things too far. So the eugenicists began a program of rehabilitation of their image by renaming their organizations (the American and British Eugenics Societies are still active today), overhauling their publications, and continuing to work in the field under the new banner of “human genetics.”

Despite all of the rebranding and propaganda, those who value all human life concluded that the Vernichtungslager — the Nazi extermination camps — were not a corruption of eugenics theory, but its perfect product.

Unfortunately for humanity, those who subscribe to eugenicist philosophies such as Nazism, socialism, Communism, and population suppression are absolutely convinced of the correctness of their clouded vision, no matter how many deadly failures they preside over. They are not deterred by an endless list of disasters or mountains of dead bodies. They claim that all they have to do is tinker with the theory, refine it a little, and try again.

Of course, the deadly consequences of their activities never fall upon them, but on those they consider less valuable than themselves. It is always someone else who dies.

For about 40 years after the end of World War II, the primary objective of the eugenicists was image building and damage control. They sought to sanitize and make seemingly innocuous the appearance of the roots of eugenics, and they sought to sever the concept entirely from the horrors of World War II.

As Dr. Carlos Paton Blacker said in 1957, “The [British Eugenics] Society should pursue eugenic ends by less obvious means, that is by a policy of crypto eugenics, which was apparently proving successful with the U.S. Eugenics Society.”

The only way we can stop the eugenics monstrosity is to clearly identify eugenics organizations and condemn them loudly and continuously, because they operate best under a shroud of secrecy and deception. There are several distinguishing marks that identify eugenics organizations and their supporters.

The Power Behind The Theories. The front line of the eugenics cartel has historically included a vast international web of psychiatrists, psychologists, physicians, college professors, bankers, writers, fundraisers, publicists, attorneys, judges, legislators, publishers, editors, prominent neoliberal clergy, and newspaper owners. In fact, the eugenics movement currently now has many more full-time employees than it did when it originally flowered in the early twentieth century. The only thing that is different now is that eugenics organizations label themselves “pro-choice” or “reproductive health providers,” or supporters of “death with dignity.”

The same ideology animates much of the “climate change” debate, where the main obstacle to “sustainable development” is always people. These organizations have a combined annual income of more than $25 billion and are backed up by hundreds of mainstream organizations that cooperate with them — groups with an additional annual combined income that totals more than $125 billion.

Just for a moment, try to imagine the colossal magnitude of the influence and power wielded by this massive conglomeration of individuals and organizations.

The eugenics cartel is a very effective self-contained and self-sufficient industry that has many branches that interlock and support each other. They relentlessly lobby for abortion, infanticide, contraceptive imperialism, eugenic euthanasia, genetic counseling and mapping, in vitro fertilization, transhumanism, sterilization and sex education, and a universe of other horrors that once were unthinkable to all but the most twisted people.

How To Identify Eugenicists

Activities. Today’s eugenicist organizations possess the same basic belief system as the original eugenicists, only set forth in modern terms and well-disguised under the cloak of “human rights.”

In general, a eugenicist group or individual plans, implements, or funds eugenics-related activities. A eugenic activity is any project, program, or individual initiative that seeks to either suppress the fertility of certain categories of human beings or eliminate them entirely. A eugenicist does not respect the fundamental sacredness of life and the dignity of the human person, but instead categorizes people by their physical attributes.

In today’s modern world, eugenicists support several primary activities that they believe improve the quality of the human race.

At the highest level, a powerful coalition of eugenics groups works internationally. They always promote abortion, contraception, and sterilization to the people of developing nations without contributing to their authentic economic development, a practice that arises from their concern about “differential fertility,” the racist-based fear that the “teeming populations” of Asians, Africans, or Latin Americans will overwhelm predominantly white nations.

These groups provide “reproductive health” to these nations while proclaiming that they care deeply about women and desire only to increase their “quality of life” while decreasing their poverty. But after more than $100 billion spent on population control since 1991, there is no evidence that turning large poor families into small poor families has done anything but weaken those nations that adopt the philosophy that fewer people are better.

The eugenics groups also work on a relatively “micro” scale by concentrating birth control and abortion clinics in minority neighborhoods, a widespread practice in the United States. They also organize propaganda programs aimed at increasing the use of contraception, sterilization, and abortion among minority groups. Two examples of this kind of initiative are Margaret Sanger’s “Negro Project” and the Packard Foundation-funded “Hispanic Project.”

Finally, eugenics groups always support the systematic use of prenatal diagnosis to eliminate “defective” preborn children, either because they are physically or mentally handicapped (eugenic abortion), or because they are girls (sex-selection abortion). On the other end of life, they support the euthanizing the elderly or ill because their “quality of life” is deemed insufficient by the eugenicists.

Beliefs. Eugenics groups have a cluster of related beliefs that identifies them clearly.

To begin with, eugenics groups see authentic religion as their foremost enemy, with a particular animus toward the Roman Catholic Church. True faith defends and lives by the natural law as established by God, a law holding that all human beings are created equal and in the image and likeness of their Creator.

By contrast, eugenics groups believe that all human beings are not created equal. Therefore, eugenics groups vigorously pursue a strategy of sidelining and neutralizing the Church through a rigidly enforced policy of the mythical “separation of church and state,” while trying to replace it with various “New Age” concoctions that are compatible with the eugenics philosophy (see The Georgia Guidestone, quoted above, for a good example).

The eugenicists know that, once the connection between God and man is severed, man becomes nothing more than a random product of the evolutionary chain, just another animal to be bred, aborted, neutered, or “put to sleep” for the general good of society.

The eugenics movement also has no use for the traditional nuclear family, which is the second greatest obstacle to its goals after the Roman Catholic Church. The family allows parents to pass their values on to their children.

Since eugenicists consider it necessary to have complete control of every institution in order to produce their perfect society, they aggressively try to substitute ersatz “families” for the real thing. So they support homosexual “marriage” and adoption, cohabitation, and other grossly defective and inferior substitutes.

They also do whatever they can to corrupt children and separate them from the beliefs of their parents with such programs as comprehensive sex education.

Eugenicist Kingsley Davis told us 45 years ago why eugenicists despise the family:

“The conditions that cause births to be wanted or unwanted are beyond the control of family planning . . . the social structure and economy must be changed before a deliberate reduction in the birthrate can be achieved. Changes in the structure of the family, in the position of women and in the social mores. . . . Women could be required to work outside the home, or compelled by circumstances to do so. If, at the same time, women were paid as well as men and given equal educational and occupational opportunities…many women would develop interests that would compete with family interests.”

Eugenics groups see authentic democracy as the third great obstacle to their plans and goals. As Bertrand Russell said, “The ideas of eugenics are based on the assumption that men are unequal, while democracy is based on the assumption that they are equal.”

Therefore, eugenics groups try to subvert democracy by concentrating power in their own hands. They strive to substitute their own brand of “democracy” which sidelines and mutes their opponents, particularly religious and socially conservative people. This is usually done through the courts; many conservatives have given up even attempting to vote on ballot measures, because they are usually overturned by activist judges.

And, as we all know, all of the largest gains for liberals have always been through the courts, from contraception to abortion and from euthanasia to ersatz homosexual “marriage,” because democratic votes on social issues almost always go against them.

There are many other ways to identify eugenics groups and individuals. One of these is their propensity to divert attention away from their own activities by loudly accusing their opponents of being guilty of various “isms” and “phobias,” such as racism, sexism, Nazism, xenophobia, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, and on and on.

As a corollary, eugenics groups and individuals are absolutely obsessed with privacy and secrecy, and always use Newspeak, or terms which put a humane face on their brutal eugenic activities. As Frederick Osborn of the American Eugenics Society said half a century ago, “Eugenic goals are most likely to be attained under a name other than eugenics.”

Perhaps it is inevitable that a movement run almost exclusively by elitist white people would be racist to its core. This is certainly the case with eugenicists, as described in the next article.

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