Culture Of Life 101 . . . “The Homosexual’s Intimidation Tactic”


Part 2

(Editor’s Note: Brian Clowes has been director of research and training at Human Life International since 1995. For previous articles on the real homosexual agenda and the scientific arguments against homosexual “marriage,” e-mail him at

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After decades of propaganda from homosexual activists and their willing accomplices in the media, the average person sincerely believes that “gays” are frequently victimized by vicious hate crimes ranging from torture and murder to simple verbal harassment.

We have seen that this is not true, but we should understand that there is a definite purpose for all of the hype.

Social issues in democracies have traditionally been resolved through the participatory process of proposal, examination, discussion, and debate. However, homosexual activists know full well that they cannot make progress within such a framework, so they completely circumvent democracy by working through the courts. Outside the rarified houses of theoretical legal debate, anyone bold enough to question or oppose any element of the special rights agenda is immediately denounced as a bigot.

If the person questioning the special rights agenda does not voluntarily censor himself, he will often be subjected to one of the physical forms of intimidation so often used by homosexual activists. This makes people feel as if they are completely shut out of the democratic process. In fact, homophiles deliberately make opposition to their agenda so socially dangerous that many do not want to be involved in the discussion. Of course, when there is little or no opposition, homosexual activists can falsely claim that public opinion is on their side.

This is not democracy; this is raw thuggery and totalitarianism.

Homophiles physically intimidate their opponents and the general public in four distinct ways — violence, coercion, retaliation, and censorship. It is important to be familiar with these tactics in order to prepare for them and to organize and defend effectively against them.

Intimidation through violence. Homophile activists complain loudly about “anti-gay violence,” but have, on hundreds of occasions, physically attacked churches and people who are courageous enough to oppose the “gay” agenda. The radical homosexual movement was born in violence in the Stonewall Riots of 1969, and continues to inflict violence against those who fight it.

In 1989 and 1990, homophiles waged an outright war of vandalism and property destruction against Catholic churches in Los Angeles. Homosexual attackers calling themselves “Greater Religious Responsibility” claimed responsibility for attacks against Roger Cardinal Mahony, calling him a “murderer” for opposing their disastrous “safe(r) sex” programs. They mobbed the Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption in Los Angeles, desecrating it with bloody-red handprints and pornographic photographs of perverted sex acts and ACT-UP posters plastered everywhere. At St. Catherine’s, they nailed a ten-foot cross festooned with plastic penises and used condoms to the church door. They also smeared the chancery with animal blood and entrails.

In 1989, Dr. Chuck McIlhenny, pastor of San Francisco’s First Orthodox Presbyterian Church, helped defeat a domestic partnership law that would have forced the public to treat two homosexuals as a family. As one of the city’s few politically active pastors, McIlhenny and his family became the focus of intense and vicious homosexual hate. For three years, they received thousands of threatening and harassing phone calls 24 hours a day, and some callers swore to sodomize and murder the McIlhenny’s three young daughters. Homophile terrorists firebombed McIlhenny’s home and church.

They also repeatedly vandalized his home and church with graffiti like “Dykes for Choice,” and attacked the crisis pregnancy center housed in the church. Cowardly, skulking homosexuals broke the church’s windows so many times the parishioners had to board them up permanently.

Homosexuals and pro-abortionists belonging to the group ACT-UP (AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power) stormed New York’s St. Patrick’s Cathedral on December 10, 1989, assaulting parishioners, disrupting John Cardinal O’Connor’s Mass, and desecrating the consecrated Host by throwing the Host on the ground and stamping on It. Outside, hundreds of screaming homosexuals burned Cardinal O’Connor in effigy and attacked passersby, all because the cardinal had refused to toe their immoral “safe(r) sex” line. The placards the homosexuals carried displayed slogans such as “Mary Should Have Had an Abortion,” “Christ was a Homosexual,” “Death to the Church!,” and “Adolph Hitler — A Catholic Leader.”

It is literally impossible to imagine anything more hateful than this attack, yet, of course, the media and the courts found no evidence of ill-will among the protesters. After the invasion of St. Patrick’s Cathedral, the homosexual group ACT-UP issued a press statement saying that its cause is “…important enough [to allow us] to invade any space, to disrupt any speech.”

When California Gov. Pete Wilson vetoed the special rights legislation sent to his desk in 1991, hundreds of screaming homosexuals rioted in the streets and overpowered police. They grabbed wooden police barriers and used them to smash heavy plate glass in several office buildings, and then used the broken glass like Frisbees, pitching them at the knees of police. At least one policeman had his kneecaps shattered by these assaults. The rioting homosexuals caused over one million dollars in damage to property.

In keeping with greater police department “sensitivity” towards “gays,” there were no arrests. Just consider for a moment what the police and the government would do to pro-lifers who rioted in the streets as the homosexuals did.

These incidents of rioting and violent intimidation occurred while homosexuals were allegedly fighting for their most basic rights. However, their violence certainly did not cease after they gained the political upper hand. If anything, the activists became even more terroristic in their drive to stamp out even the last whisper of resistance.

In July 2015, Breitbart’s Ben Shapiro called Inside Edition transgender reporter Zoey Tur “sir.” Tur reacted by grabbing Shapiro by the neck, and said in a threatening voice “You cut that out now, or you’ll go home in an ambulance,” and told the much smaller Shapiro “I’ll see you in the parking lot.” Later, Tur said that he would like to “curb stomp” Shapiro (“curb stomping” consists of knocking someone out, placing him open-mouthed over a curb, and then stamping on the back of his head, breaking his jaw and smashing out all of his teeth).

Not only did Tur not apologize for his violent behavior, he was applauded by the left, which called Shapiro the “bully”!

Without exception, anyone who has the slightest degree of name recognition who dares to speak out about any aspect of the radical homosexual agenda can expect to be deluged with hundreds or even thousands of death threats and other violence and hate-filled telephone calls and e-mails.

One typical example is when Bristol Palin spoke out against homosexual “marriage.” She received more than 3,000 vicious e-mails threatening her with death, and describing the heinous tortures that homosexuals would like to inflict upon her and even on her toddler son.

Not even children are safe from homosexual violence; when a 14-year-old home-schooled girl testified for natural marriage before the Maryland State Senate, she received hundreds of death threats, including promises to slowly burn her to death, gang-rape her, and “exterminate” her entire family.

Churches whose pastors dare to speak out against the homosexual special rights agenda can still expect to be vandalized by cowardly homosexuals in the middle of the night; this is just the routine cost of speaking out in these dangerous times.

There are dozens of examples of this type of homosexual thuggery directed against churches. For example, when St. Francis Xavier Roman Catholic in Acushnet, Mass., posted a message on its church sign stating, “Two men are friends, not spouses” in May 2012, it was vandalized, and dozens of callers threatened to burn the church to the ground. And, after one of its pastors stated that the Bible held that homosexuality is sinful, self-described “angry queers” threw bricks through the century-old stained glass windows of Mars Hill Church in Portland, Ore.

Screaming Mobs

Europe, where homosexual special rights are much more advanced than they are in North America, gives us a harrowing glimpse of the future. In several European nations in 2014, pro-family activists who dared to hold public rallies and marches were attacked by screaming mobs of homosexuals, who destroyed their signs and other property, simulated sexual acts, and threw rocks, bottles, and even feces at the pro-family people.

The homosexuals targeted priests and women in particular, sending several people to hospitals with injuries from beatings. In one case, the homosexuals even physically assaulted and spat on a one-year-old baby, and others ripped pages out of the Bible and simulated wiping their rear ends with it.

In all of these cases, police simply stood by and watched as the assaults continued.

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