Don’t Count Your Turkeys Before They Hatch… But Despite Scandals, Obama Still Could Repent


Your Barack Obama Thanksgiving Feast has just been delivered to your house, and it looks like the president finally has made good on something. This is a really big box!

You had an extra $20 withheld from your paycheck monthly beginning in January. By October, you’d painlessly accumulated $200 in your Federal Feast Account, just as Obama promised.

And here’s the delivery on Thanksgiving Day, with your home full of relatives drooling in anticipation. Get that box open!

Waaait a minute! Four pounds of broccoli, two gallons of water, and six exercise bicycles hooked up to generate Earth-friendly electricity? Plus our pre-planned Thanksgiving Day time schedule?

We get five minutes to eat, one minute to drink, then four hours on the bikes to generate electricity for a poor village in India?

Stop screaming, everybody! Calm down, honey! There’s gotta be an explanation!

Hmmm. Here’s a note from Michelle Obama under the broccoli. Hmmm.

“Barack and I wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving, even though you don’t deserve it. Stop trying to be gluttons. Excuse the gravy and chili stains on my letter. Because you people don’t have any idea what’s good for you, Barack and I have taken care of everything. Telling the truth doesn’t work for us. If you have any complaints, Jay Carney will show them to someone until we get back from Hawaii. Not that we care once we get back.”

Darn! After I had bought a federally designed home from Obama, I never should have trusted him and Michelle again! But he’d said he was sorry, he’d find someone else to blame, and I’m a forgiving guy. Darn.

I’d told Obama I didn’t need a home with 21 bedrooms. I’d never use them unless I slept in a different one every night for three weeks. But he said trust him, he knew I didn’t really want a substandard, cut-rate home built by some bad-apple developer.

Even though all the extras drove the home cost up to $3 million, maybe my income’s low enough that the government will give me a home-buying subsidy. No? Well, we all have to share making sacrifices, Obama said, in a democracy where everyone’s in it together.

Except him playing golf in Hawaii.

Take it easy, Obama said. Even the White House doesn’t have as many bedrooms as you do. Look at all I’m giving you. Those 21 bedrooms will be great for all those new Democratic voters I’m illegally welcoming into America! Don’t mind their snoring. And don’t you dare just feed them broccoli, they need their energy to cast the pre-marked ballots I’ve prepared for them. Goodbye, Republicans!

You don’t like snoring? I’ll get you a bedroll for the backyard. Or for the alley, after more newcomers pitch their tents all over your yard.

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Barack Obama’s presidency easily lends itself to satirical reflections like these. The towering calculated lies, threats, deception, thuggery, enmity, immorality, and all the soiled, repulsive rest seem certain to win him and his administration a place of infamy in U.S. history.

But no one is beyond redemption, if only he’ll change his ways. Judas betrayed Christ and despaired, St. Peter denied Christ but repented. Renouncing the evils makes every day a day of thanksgiving.

Bernard Nathanson, MD, comes to mind. Utterly dedicated to abortion, he lied, deceived, connived, and killed unborn babies by the tens of thousands. That confession of dishonesty is by Nathanson’s own subsequent admission. He even aborted a baby he had fathered.

He and his pals helped fool the U.S. Supreme Court into inventing the previously unknown nationwide constitutional right to permissive abortion.

In the early days of the pro-life movement, its pioneers had every reason to believe Nathanson was beyond hope, an abortionist so shameful he could never repent, who’d carry his record of prideful mass slaughter to the grave.

When the New England Journal of Medicine published his brief article “Deeper Into Abortion” in November 1974, Nathanson revealed a surprising new ambivalence, concluding the piece: “We must work together to create a moral climate rich enough to provide for abortion, but sensitive enough to life to accommodate a profound sense of loss.”

Nathanson had become troubled by knowledge about prenatal life revealed by scientific advances. His conscience was at work. Five years later, in his book Aborting America in 1979, he detailed his conversion to becoming a pro-lifer even while remaining an atheist.

While I interviewed him over the phone the following year, I was thinking this had been the terrible doctor who has completely changed his life.

And Nathanson was only one of many who left the abortion industry to become pro-lifers.

In 1996 Nathanson converted to Roman Catholicism. He died of cancer in 2011 at age 84 while still pleading for babies’ lives to be spared.

If Bernard Nathanson changed his ways — and he did, dramatically, resoundingly — even Barack Obama can. To take another example: If even Communist agent and spy Whittaker Chambers renounced his ways in the late 1930s, so can the uncomfortably American Obama end his crusade to undermine the United States.

Not that I’d place a big bet on Obama so transforming himself, and not that I’d eagerly accept his first hint he was thinking about it.

As our Lord said, when we go out among wolves, be as shrewd as serpents and innocent as doves. He also instructed His followers to pray and fast that those in the bondage of evil would be freed.

We have our work cut out for us while praying for others’ as well as our own redemption. Winning the victory is the thanksgiving that lasts, even unto an eternity of heavenly feasts.

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