If I Woke Up Today From A Twenty-Year Coma


In 1984 a man named Terry Wallis was involved in a car wreck in Stone County, Ark., leaving him in a prolonged coma. His injuries were many, but he managed to survive, even if he was just breathing with his heart pumping.

Not long after the accident, he was then upgraded into what his doctors called a “minimally unconscious state.”

It wasn’t until 2003 that Wallis began talking again and regained limited mobility in some parts of his body. While he still suffers some debilitating effects to this day, Wallis became known as “The Man Who Slept for Nineteen Years” for a 2005 British television documentary.

While Wallis was in his “minimally conscious state” between 1984 and 2003, the 9/11 terrorist attacks changed our world forever. Computers, cell phones, the Internet, and pop culture also evolved exponentially — or devolved in certain ways.

The reason I bring this up is because of the current state of world politics, the absolute decline of honest journalism, and the ever-encroaching loss of privacy and religious freedoms we face today.

If any of us were to fall into a two-decade coma twenty years ago in 1998, I’m certain most of us would not believe all that has changed in our current society.

The Y2K scare-mongering almost seems quaint in comparison to things like the socialist Obama presidency, the incredible amounts of corruption in our government overall, and the way journalism has become mostly anti-American propaganda.

Awakening to our new world today is extremely frightening; from the recently resuscitated, manufactured racism, fake news and disinformation, so-called gay marriage, and the Islamization of Western society. Even our own Pope appears more interested in environmental issues than in sustaining the orthodoxy and traditions of our Catholic Church.

Never has a world leader like President Donald J. Trump been so viciously attacked by a globalist agenda which creates all the fake news propaganda, and the educational system whose sole purpose is to indoctrinate our children and young people into America-hating, anti-Christian Marxist tools.

Today we’re not even sure — or at least that’s how they want us to think — whether we’re boys or girls, men or women, or any of the made-up transgender insanities.

I read a news item about a pair of lesbians who are filing a suit against the USCCB and the Health and Human Services. They are suing because, under Catholic Charities and USCCB guidelines, the two are not being allowed to be foster parents through the Office of Refugee Resettlement.

The story comes from The Dallas Morning News, yet another left-wing publication which passes itself off as news. The very biased and misleading headline reads like this: “Lesbian couple in Texas sues Trump administration after being told they don’t ‘mirror the Holy Family,’ can’t foster refugee kids.”

First, these two troublemakers are both “professors” at Texas A & M University. You see folks why college kids are so screwed up nowadays? We’ve got leftist, Marxist, and radicals brainwashing a generation already dumbed down by mainstream media and technology.

Second, the two women are well-aware of the Catholic Charities guidelines. You cannot tell me that they walked into this completely ignorant on the USCCB’s position to not place children under their guidance into homes which truly reflect anything but the Holy Family.

Then there’s that awful school shooting in Florida which has now become a political football for the left. They politicize everything they can to attack American conservative values and the First and Second Amendments. Of course, these values are personified by President Trump, whom they hate no matter what a good job he’s been doing with many things.

Is Trump perfect? No, only God is perfect. I still wish he’d take every single dime away from Planned Parenthood, and the whole amnesty thing also concerns me.

“Our Cartoon President”

It’s interesting to think how twenty years ago, if someone told us everything that’s going on now, we would never have believed it. Today, it’s a rude awakening every day.

Again, with the school shootings — every time one of these terrible incidents occur, the leftist gun-grabbers blame the gun, not the fact that many of these attackers have mental health issues, are all doped up with dangerous psychotropic drugs, and grew up in broken, fatherless homes.

The latest tactic is for limousine liberals like Oprah Winfrey and George Clooney to send these kids a million dollars to rally against President Trump in March in our nation’s capital. It’s supposedly about ending gun violence, but they can’t fool us. They are so predictable and transparent that it isn’t even funny.

Many of the kids who survived the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Parkland, Fla., have been paraded around the television cameras as pawns and tools of the left-wing crazies. These kids need comfort and counseling — they do not need to be dragged around in front of cameras by leftist wacko adults.

It all seems surreal sometimes. Even that fake comedian Stephen Colbert has a new animated television show called Our Cartoon President, which in my opinion is not clever, predictable — again — and unoriginal. The show makes Colbert look like a whining petulant child, and anti-Trump propaganda like this only makes Trump supporters like him even more.

Then there’s The View on ABC with the insipid Joy Behar calling Christianity a mental illness.

They won’t stop their attacks, but we’ll keep fighting back.

Hey Joy, God told me to not give up defending His teachings against the likes of miserable Godless people like you.

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(Rey Flores is a Catholic writer. Contact Rey at reyfloresusa@gmail.com.)

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