It’s The Election, Stupid


Politics, politics, politics. Can’t live with them, can’t live without them. Love them or hate them, they are a necessary evil in our world, and I do not say this with any levity.

2016 brought us somewhat of a cure for the political eight-year illness we suffered as a nation. While we had certainly been politically sick for at least twenty years before that; 2008 to 2016 had us all on life-support.

Enter 2016 and the tide turns in the complete opposite direction. Exit the Socialist-in-Chief Barack Hussein Obama, and enter President Donald J. Trump. While Obama bowed to the leaders of all other inferior nations, President Trump demands and commands respect. Now the world once again bows down to the United States.

It’s interesting how the world, be it the United Nations (UN), the European Union (EU), or the horde “refugee caravan” out of Honduras snaking its way towards our southern border; they all hate the United States, particularly President Trump, but they all want to come here, or want our money and support. These nations are like vindictive ex-spouses who hate one’s guts, but they want one to pay for all of their expenses.

In one ironic video snippet from fake news CNN, we see Hondurans burning a flag of the United States, but before burning it, someone emblazoned a Nazi swastika on it with black spray paint. Meanwhile, some of these other miscreants are flying the flags of El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras.

Now does that sound like the people we want coming into our country en masse? Does that sound like people wanting to embrace American values? Does that seem like the kind of people who want to assimilate, learn to speak English, and pursue American citizenship?

I was recently invited to debate a Democratic Party flunky for a Spanish-language news program in Washington, D.C. Of course, one of the topics we debated was the “caravan.” I could not believe that that amateur flung that tired old “Your huddled masses…” Statue of Liberty slogan at me.

Like a pesky fly, I swatted that argument down by stating the fact that the migrant invaders of today come to hurt our country, not help it. Ellis Island welcomed many immigrants who wanted to be Americans, many teaching their foreign and U.S.-born children to even forget to speak their native language. That is how desperately many of these European immigrants wanted to be one-hundred percent American.

Today’s immigrants come with a negative attitude about America and the exceptional country that we are. They sure want to reap the benefits of our great nation, yet they’ve been brainwashed and convinced by their own useless and corrupt governments, and the fake news propagandists, that America is evil.

If America and President Trump are so evil; why are they coming here? It’s absolutely ludicrous to believe that this “caravan” was a grassroots effort, organically manifesting itself by the poor and downtrodden. If anything, the few poor and downtrodden women, children, and elderly in this mess are just being used as a distraction to haul in fighting-aged men who despise America.

Another thing in my debate was how the host brought up the fake news lie that President Trump allegedly referred to “all” Mexicans as murderers and rapists. I had to shut him down too, pointing out the fact that Trump’s statement was taken way out of context. I reminded them that the only people desperate enough to illegally cross our border were people who would likely do most anything to survive; you know, like criminals.

I further added that a well-to-do Mexican citizen, perhaps a doctor, lawyer, engineer, any professional white-collar Mexican, didn’t need to sneak into another country to prosper. That’s why when Trump said something to the effect that Mexico is sending us their worst citizens, that is what he meant.

Since the Democrat socialists lost the 2016 elections, we’ve seen the lunatic left become more unhinged that ever. If it isn’t the goonish Antifa rioters, it’s the goonish senators who tried to take Judge Brett Kavanaugh down with outlandish, 30-plus year allegations of sexual assault. It didn’t work. They lost again.

This last phony caravan ploy by the globalists to attempt to bring America to her knees is not going to work either, not while President Trump is in office and we control both House and Senate. All three branches of the government sway in our conservative favor, baby!

I’m not saying we have a perfect government, far from it, but at least the winds are blowing in our direction. We lament the fact that in order to increase things like military spending, the abortion-possessed Democrats, and some RINOs (Republicans in name only), also keep throwing money at murderous institutions like Planned Parenthood.

The entire world always has its collective hands out, asking us for aid for this, that and the other, but despite our own federal budget deficit for fiscal year 2019 of $985 billion, the world sees us as their personal piggy bank. Enough.

We keep hearing about blue waves and red waves, and what not, but I am convinced that these 2018 midterm elections will be a repeat of 2016 when we can cement Republican control in both the House of Congress and the Senate.

But none of this can happen if you and everyone you know around you doesn’t vote. With the threat of a bunch of illegal invaders coming into the United States, timed perfectly with the elections, only God knows how this entire mess will end. It’s the Democratic Party’s last stand to save themselves like rats in a sinking ship.

Voter I.D. laws have been much needed for decades, but because of the mass exodus from the Democratic Party plantation by blacks and Hispanic Americans, the Democrats want to bring in new fake voters in order to survive.

Again. Please vote on November 6. Many states offer early or absentee voting opportunities, so there’s no excuse to not vote. The blue left has shown its true colors and their favorite color is evil. We cannot allow that to happen.

The only blue wave I see is the Democratic Party being flushed down the toilet like Tidy Bowl on November 6. Vote and remind as many of your family and friends to vote as well. Take them with you. Drive people with no transportation to the polls. Let’s do anything and everything we can to save our nation. May God bless America today and always.

Rey Flores writes opinion and book and movie reviews for The Wanderer. Contact Rey at

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