Say It Ain’t So, White Sox


The distinguished physician, psychoanalyst, and anthropologist Dr. Abram Kardiner once stated that homosexuality reaches plague proportions in decadent societies during their final stages of collapse.

In the past couple of years, we’ve seen President Obama repeal “Don’t ask, don’t tell” from our military, opening up a Pandora’s Box that has served only to further weaken what was once known to be the greatest military force known to man.

The Boy Scouts are now a foregone conclusion, and one can hardly even get a hamburger at the local fast-food restaurant without being offered a rainbow-wrapped Whopper sandwich.

Sacred Scripture presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity and tradition has always declared that “homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered.” They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.

We must, however, be merciful and pray for the conversion of all sinners, including active homosexuals. But we cannot sit idly by while the enemy deceives us all and shames us all into accepting what we already know by our faith to be a grave depravity.

On August 16, 2014, the death knell may as well ring on Chicago baseball forever. Everything that the late Catholic baseball legend Charles Comiskey worked so hard to build will succumb to the immoral wrecking ball of the modern culture.

The Chicago White Sox Major League Baseball team has officially joined the rainbow-festooned sports parade, following Michael Sam and the NFL and Jason Collins and the NBA.

The Chicago White Sox will be celebrating its second “Out at the Sox” LGBT Pride Night, to benefit the homosexual advocacy group Equality Illinois. As a lifelong White Sox fan, I cannot tell you just how disappointed I truly am.

It seems that nothing is sacred anymore and nothing is off limits for the radical homosexual agenda. A baseball game used to be a place for fathers and sons to enjoy a national past time and now it’s a place that celebrates drag queens and sodomy.

It is one thing for the northside Chicago Cubs to have embraced the homosexual culture years ago, given the close proximity of Wrigley Field to Chicago’s “gay” neighborhood, but the Sox? Really?

The White Sox and Chicago’s southside embodied something very different. It was once a place of stockyards and meat-packing plants, dirty and smoky steel mills, and rail yards and lunch pails where men were men and women loved them for it. No more. Today the White Sox may as well replace their black pinstripes with rainbow-colored ones.

According to The National Health Interview Survey recently released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, only 1.6 percent of adults self-identify as homosexual or lesbian, and 0.7 percent self-identify as bisexual. Why then, are the remaining 98.4 percent of us kowtowing and catering to every tantrum that this so-called community throws?

The homo-fascist propagandists in the entertainment and news media industries have done a terrific job of making everyone believe that the whole world has gone “gay.” It doesn’t seem to matter that the actual numbers and statistics don’t reflect that.

We are allowing the “gay mafia” to take over just about every aspect of our lives. Our military, the Boy Scouts, and major league sports have all succumbed. What’s left for our boys?

Evil is now good and if dare criticize it, you’ll be shamed into submission by hook or by crook. We will simply be labeled as haters for not accepting immorality and more than likely face some form of persecution.

In regard to homosexuality, 14th-century mystic St. Catherine of Siena recorded that the Lord told her: “It is disagreeable to the demons, not because evil displeases them and they find pleasure in good, but because their nature is angelic and thus is repulsed upon seeing such an enormous sin being committed,” even though “it is the demon who hits the sinner with the poisoned arrow of lust.”

I took to Twitter and Facebook to express my displeasure at this sad development with the White Sox organization. I posted a #BoycottWhiteSox hash tag accompanied by a graphic, which certainly got the ire of plenty of people. I was insulted and called many names I cannot repeat here. I was affronted by a photograph someone sent to me via Twitter of a graphic homosexual orgy.

One of the biggest ironies of war on decency is that the homosexual radicals tell us that “love is love” and they preach tolerance and acceptance, but when you disagree with them, all hell literally breaks loose.

Legend has it that when Sox player Shoeless Joe Jackson was leaving the courtroom after having been found guilty of throwing the 1919 World Series, a boy came up to him and asked him, “Say it ain’t so, Joe.”

Jackson later denied the tale, but today I feel the way that boy, real or not, must have felt at the sight of his sports hero letting him down completely.

Please reconsider attending any more White Sox games for now, and let Sox management know how disappointed you are at this whole fiasco. The White Sox website is

You might want to ask the White Sox when they’ll host “Save Traditional Marriage Between One Man and One Woman Night.”

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(Rey Flores is a Catholic writer and speaker and now a former lifelong White Sox fan. Contact Rey at

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