The Administration’s Conundrum


The Obama administration and its supporters and all Obama’s water carriers in the mainstream news media are running two parallel agendas at the same time, though both these agendas are at complete odds with each other.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations is celebrating the fact that New York Mayor Bill de Blasio just made it official that all public schools, starting in the 2015-2016 school year, will close on September 25 in observance of Eid al-Adha and will also close for the end of Ramadan, or Eid al-Fitr.

Zead Ramadan, a board member of CAIR, told the AP, “After years of advocating by New York City’s Muslim community, Muslim public school students will finally and thankfully no longer be penalized for observing their religious holidays.”

But if you dare make the Sign of the Cross or show up to school with a rosary, may God, or should I say, Allah, help you.

And, notably, our president won’t use the term “Islamic extremist.”

And at the same time, the president and his administration want us all to be waving our rainbow flags in support of the radical homosexualist agenda, with homosexuality getting preferential treatment.

Now how do you suppose this is all going to turn out? Isn’t homosexuality seen as a vile sort of fornication, punishable by death, under Sharia law?

How is it that these two factions will coexist? Strange bedfellows indeed.

What I also want to point out is how quick homosexuals are to compare Christians to ISIS, just because we don’t accept any of their nonsense about their getting married to each other. If they think we Christians are murderous, psychotic terrorists like ISIS, why don’t they try all of their “gay marriage” promotion in a Muslim country? Let’s just see how far they get away with that in those countries.

Recently, in the ISIS capital of Raqqa, Syria, after a trial in an Islamic State court, a homosexual male was thrown off a building by Muslim radicals just because he was a homosexual. When was the last time you saw any Christian throw a homosexual off a building? That’s right, never.

What it comes down to, folks, is the old divide and conquer. The global secularists, including our own U.S. administration, are helping to support the natural enemies of Christianity.

After the global secularists supposedly put an end to Christianity, what then?

But let me point out: First, over two thousand years of persecution, even having our own Founder crucified, and the Church still stands. Christianity won’t come to an end under these present-day attacks. Second, let us all pray very seriously for the conversion of all the natural enemies of Christianity.

And while we’re praying, let’s keep San Francisco’s Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone in our prayers as he fends off the ridiculous attacks by the radical homosexuals and the foolish so-called Catholics who want that archdiocese to basically cease being Catholic.

Archbishop Cordileone’s “Statement of the High Schools of the Archdiocese of San Francisco Regarding Teachings and Practice of the Catholic Church” is under fire from the radical Human Rights Campaign. That statement is to be included in the revised archdiocesan faculty handbook as of August 1.

As an example of how severe the attack against the archbishop is, his opponents recently hired image consultant Sam Singer to help undermine His Excellency.

Also, according to the March 4 Catholic Education Daily of the Cardinal Newman Society, some Catholic high school teachers recently signed a letter urging that the morality clauses be removed from the revised archdiocesan faculty handbook. Over 350 teachers signed the recent letter, according to CBS San Francisco.

Organizers of the letter asserted that the signatures amounted to 80 percent of faculty and staff at the schools that are subject to the handbook.

The letter reportedly said: “We believe the recently proposed handbook language is harmful to our community and creates an atmosphere of mistrust and fear. We believe our schools should be places of inquiry and the free exchange of ideas where all feel welcome and affirmed.”

But this San Francisco archdiocesan document is nothing new and merely serves to reaffirm the teachings in the Catechism of the Catholic Church that tell us that “all extramarital sexual relationships are gravely evil, including adultery, masturbation, fornication, the viewing of pornography and homosexual relations.”

There you have it.

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(Rey Flores is a Catholic writer and speaker and you can contact him at

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