A Book Review… Going Nuclear On Atheists


Inside the Atheist Mind by Anthony DeStefano, Nelson Books. Visit www.AnthonyDeStefano.com for information on ordering the book.

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“If there were no God there would be no atheists” — G.K. Chesterton.

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That is one of my all-time favorite quotes because it destroys atheists with Chesterton’s sharp wit and humor. In Anthony DeStefano’s new book Inside the Atheist Mind, he savages atheists for their arrogance, ignorance, and intolerance.

In the book’s subtitle, DeStefano declares that his book is about “unmasking the religion of those who say there is no God.”

Inside the Atheist Mind is a no-holds-barred attack on those who attack us believers. DeStefano refers to these unbelievers as the aggressive and obnoxious “new atheists,” informing them in his opening “note to atheists” that he has no interest in convincing them to believe in God or in proving to them the existence of God.

In this his latest book, best-selling author Anthony DeStefano goes on the offensive against those who ridicule God and anyone who believes in Him and his existence. His previous books usually take a lighter and more optimistic approach about God, faith, and life itself. One of his more popular books was 2003’s A Travel Guide to Heaven, which he followed up in 2013 with A Travel Guide to Heaven for Kids.

DeStefano also got rave reviews for his 2014 tome A Travel Guide to Life: Transforming Yourself From Head to Soul, personally handing an advance copy to Pope Francis himself when DeStefano was visiting Rome that same year.

DeStefano goes nuclear on atheists in this sharp and witty book exposing them as “illogical, inconsistent, and frankly ludicrous.” He poses the question: “What if atheism is actually a religion all its own?” And goes on to deliver the goods as to why atheism is “a ‘superstition’ of the very worst kind.”

It was good timing when I read in this book that atheists are “intellectually bankrupt” — given the recent passing of famous physicist and cosmologist Stephen Hawking. Hawking remained an atheist despite his fascination with the cosmos and how the universe began. I know many of us prayed that Hawking had a final moment of repentance and came to believe before passing on to eternity.

In the second chapter titled “The Ignorance of the Atheists,” DeStefano sarcastically refers to pornographic publisher Larry Flynt as a “paragon of virtue.” Flynt of all people should talk about God and faith; right? Flynt was once quoted as saying, “Religion has caused more harm than any other idea since the beginning of time. There’s nothing good I can say about it.” Sure Larry, whatever you say.

DeStefano goes on to point out again that atheists need to back up their arguments with solid evidence, but never do. He then takes one more swipe at Flynt and others like him as “dimwitted celebrities” who cannot get beyond empty clichés.

Chapter 3 titled “The Ruthlessness of the Atheists,” the author explains “The Big Lie” and how Adolf Hitler used it for the Nazis, gaining enormous power by telling great big lies repeatedly. Just as the fake news media does today.

DeStefano writes about how Hitler’s 1925 book Mein Kampf explained the Big Lie: “The reason is that good people have trouble believing anyone would even attempt to tell a lie that’s enormous and obviously untrue. Therefore, if that lie is repeated often enough, and with sufficient conviction, the people who hear it will actually begin to question their own powers of judgment and start to believe what they instinctively know to be untrue.”

I could go on chapter by chapter, but then you wouldn’t need to read the book, so I won’t do that. Instead I recommend you pick up a copy of Inside the Atheist Mind by Anthony DeStefano.

This book will enlighten you, entertain you, anger you, and even having you laughing out loud at times, but most important, it will give you the tools to completely obliterate any atheist’s stupid arguments against the existence of our omnipotent and perfect God.

Visit www.AnthonyDeStefano.com for more information, links to his other books, and links to retailers where you can purchase this book.

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