A Church Hierarchy Gone Mad?


It isn’t unusual for Wanderer readers to be frustrated with the way things are going for our Church, especially when the Pope has brought some controversy on himself by making a number of seriously head-scratching statements since he was elected.

It’s one thing for us as Catholics to debate back and forth with each other about the many nuances and quirks within our Church, but it’s an entirely different thing and a much bigger challenge when mainstream media take whatever Pope Francis says and spin it to make it fit their narrative, especially when it comes to all things homosexual.

But unfortunately, it’s not just ambiguous statements we have to deal with, it’s also questionable appointments.

In Chicago, we have the newly appointed Archbishop Blase Cupich who is the new kid in town who will be playing with the bad boys from Chicago. He’ll likely be the target of Fr. Pfleger’s “Eddie Haskell.”

Cupich is not good for this city, in my judgment.

Archbishop Cupich recently stated that he would not deny supposedly Catholic pro-abort politicians Communion.

“I would not use the Eucharist, or as they call it ‘the communion rail,’ as a place to have those discussions or a way in which people would be either excluded from the life of the church,” Cupich said on a recent broadcast of Face the Nation. “The Eucharist is an opportunity of grace and conversion. It’s also a time of forgiveness of sins, so my hope would be that grace would be instrumental in bringing people to the truth.”

I don’t care how poorly catechized any of us may be, but we should know that Communion is not the place that we seek forgiveness. Did penance and absolution of sin just get eliminated from the Archdiocese of Chicago?

Then there’s that one little jab he takes at traditional Catholics in his comment where he says “…or as they call it ‘the communion rail’.” When he says “they,” whom is he referring to?

Yes, it’s a communion rail, but thanks to liturgical revolutionaries, most Catholics today have never even heard of a communion rail. The rails were all torn out with the sacred art and sacred music and replaced by modernism and ugly, horrible “art installations” like the one I’m about to tell you all about.

At the beautiful Jesuitenkirche (Jesuit Church) of Vienna, there hangs the embodiment of everything that is plaguing our Holy Church. Suspended from the ceiling of the Jesuitenkirche is a horrible and black monstrosity that some people would refer to as art. I would hate to tell you what this floating thing looks like to me.

According to Reuters news agency, the plastic sculpture was designed by the artist group Steinbrener/Dempf & Huber and it is 8 meters high, weighs 700 pounds, and is empty inside, much like the hearts of those Jesuits who allowed this nightmare to become reality.

It is said that the sculpture, if you can call it that, symbolizes faith and its menacing aspects. The installation will remain on display until April 2015, to be then moved to a church in Hamburg, Germany.

If anything, the piece of junk hanging inside the Jesuitenkirche represents the blackness of diabolical influence within the Church. It isn’t merely the “smoke of Satan” that Paul VI referred to, but a physical embodiment of all that is wrong with the Church today — not because of the Church, but because of the fraudulent wolves that have been clawing at her.

Call me dramatic or call me a fool, but the ugly truth is there for all to see.

I can try and wrap this column up with another reminder that Christ is triumphant and that we all know how the story ends; but in the meantime, it is painful to endure all of the abuses and indignities that our Holy Mother Church has had to withstand.

Like the many lashes on our Lord’s back and the many puncture wounds on His sweet head made by the crown of thorns, our Church is in great pain today. Each time any of us or any of our shepherds do something to undermine our Church, the thorns get sharper and longer in that holy crown of thorns.

Every time one of us sinners receives our Lord in a state of mortal sin, we invite Him to enter into a dark place of sin and ugliness. We literally spit on the Corpus Christi as His Body and Blood intermingle with our sins.

Together, we, the Church Militant, must pray, fast, and sacrifice so that the good and holy shepherds turn away from the worldly temptations and reject the wickedness and snares of the Devil.

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(Rey Flores is a Catholic writer and speaker. Contact Rey at reyfloresusa@gmail.com.)

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