A Declaration Of War


On February 22, 2020, Big Tech declared war on Steven Mosher.

Mosher, president of the Population Research Institute, is a longtime China scholar, and pro-life leader. His crime? He had written a scathing op-ed with a blunt headline: “Don’t buy China’s story: The coronavirus may have leaked from a lab.” Mosher had monitored reports in China’s domestic media and intelligence sources for weeks; he determined that yes, the virus now threatening the world might well be “Made in China.”

Mosher’s op-ed appeared in the New York Post, one of America’s major newspapers. His salvo was the first shot fired in a historic saga that continues today. The most likely source of the virus, he wrote, was China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology. The Wuhan Institute is home to the National Biosafety Laboratory, Communist China’s only Level 4 microbiology lab that is equipped to handle deadly coronaviruses.

But that wasn’t all. China was worried too. The People’s Liberation Army’s top expert in biological warfare, a Major General Chen Wei, was dispatched to Wuhan at the end of January to help with the effort to contain the outbreak.

“Does that suggest to you that the novel coronavirus, now known as SARS-CoV-2, may have escaped from that very lab, and that Chen’s job is to try to put the genie back in the bottle, as it were? It does to me,” Mosher wrote.

Mosher’s conclusion was harsh: “China has unleashed a plague on its own people. It’s too early to say how many in China and other countries will ultimately die for the failures of their country’s state-run microbiology labs, but the human cost will be high.”

It was too early to say then, but not anymore. Little did we know in February 2020 the historic impact of that plague, worldwide.

When Mosher’s op-ed appeared, Big Tech, so dependent on Communist China for everything from raw materials to market share, wasted no time. Mosher must be silenced. Facebook immediately shut Mosher’s op-ed down. How? Two months later, after their own investigation, the Post’s editors summed it up. “If you tried to share Mosher’s column on Facebook,” they wrote, “the social network stuck a ‘False Information’ alert on top, saying that finding was ‘checked by independent fact-checkers’ and preventing your friends from clicking to connect to the original article to see for themselves.” The fact that Facebook’s “independent fact-checker” was in fact a colleague of many staff members at the Wuhan lab emerged only later.

Big Tech was unanimous: Mosher’s revelations must go down the Memory Hole, and Big Media followed suit.

As the lockdowns, shutdowns, and layoffs exploded here at home, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was all politics, all the time. Forget China, her target was Donald Trump. She had already failed with two attempts to impeach the president and remove him from office. But now she faced the pandemic. Mosher had labeled it “The China Virus,” and his view was widely held in spite of the media blackout. That wasn’t good for Nancy. Sure, in the months that followed, China’s Communist Party leadership countered with a campaign of its own, conjuring up one story after another blaming the virus on everything from the U.S. Army to bat soup. But it didn’t work.

So on July 21, Pelosi covered for China and launched a new front in her war on the President. The virus wasn’t from China at all, she declared — it was the “Trump Virus.”

Finally, The Truth

But that was then. Now — just last week, in fact — the media stonewall collapsed. Reuters — a “major media” player that often calls the shots on what the “news” really is — told the story.

“Facebook will no longer remove posts on its platform asserting COVID-19 was man-made.” The company credited the move to Joe Biden’s May 26 announcement that he had “ordered U.S. intelligence agencies to investigate if the virus came from a Chinese lab.”

“In light of ongoing investigations into the origin of COVID-19 and in consultation with public health experts, we will no longer remove the claim that COVID-19 is man-made from our apps,” a Facebook spokesperson told Politico.

The report did not include the fact that President Trump had ordered that investigation last year — no Big Tech media covered that either. Once he assumed office, Joe Biden had quietly shut it down.

But the evidence was mounting, and so was the outrage. The media had long refused to report on “China Joe’s” family connections to the Chinese Communist Party, but they are now widely acknowledged. The spectacular capitulation to China by Biden Secretary of State Anthony Blinken in March was disastrous. China’s takeover of Hong Kong and its threat to Taiwan represent a new defiance of U.S. policy in the region. China’s Communist Party (CCP) was riding high, and party leader Xi Jinping saw Biden’s announcement as a devastating blow.

So he struck back.

“Washington is too arrogant to realize that its vicious accusations against China have become a political gamble for itself,” wrote the CCP’s Global Times. “It has staked too many bargaining chips on credit from international morality. It actually has no way to back down from this dangerous status . The U.S. could meet its Waterloo in this battle: It might lose its credibility by abusing its soft power.”

Mosher’s warning of fifteen months ago close to being proven true. And if China is blamed by the international community — and the people of China! — for the virus, the pandemic, and the consequences, it’s China’s Communist Party, not the United States, that might meet its Waterloo.

China Frantic To

Increase Population

And China’s got other problems — big problems.

Forty years ago, Communist China inaugurated its infamous “one-child” forced-abortion policy. Curiously, it was the same Steven Mosher cited above who broke the story on that campaign, and his refusal to cover it up led to his being expelled from China and from Stanford University.

“The one-child policy, which led to hundreds of millions of forced abortions and sterilizations, driving the birthrate in the world’s most populous country down to today’s historically low levels,” Mosher writes today. “The now defunct population control program, which started in 1980, set China’s population on an aging trajectory unmatched in human history.”

This week we learned that The Chinese Communist Party has decided to allow Chinese couples to have three children. “To actively respond to the aging of the population, a couple is permitted to have three children,” state media Xinhua reported on May 31.

China is in deep trouble, Mosher writes. “China’s official fertility rate stands at 1.3 children per woman — well below the 2.1 needed to maintain the current population — but it is probably even lower in reality. China’s National Bureau of Statistics reports that only 12 million babies were born in 2020. Not only is this 2.65 million fewer than were born in 2019, it is the lowest number of babies born in China since the great famine of 1961, when 42.5 million people starved to death.”

“China is literally dying, filling more coffins than cradles each year. Chinese Communist leaders, who see population as an element of national power, are desperate for more workers and soldiers,” Mosher writes.

China took too long to confront a problem of its own making. When it comes to U.S. policy toward China, let us pray that we don’t make the same mistake.

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