A Great Defender Of Children?


Once again, one of our most famous, supposedly Catholic politicians, Nancy Pelosi perplexes us and makes us wonder just how truly off-base one person can get.

After having been one of the most ardent supporters of Planned Parenthood and abortion in general, Pelosi now tries to come off as the great defender of children, going so far as to compare the thousands of unaccompanied illegal immigrant children crossing our borders to baby Jesus.

Just earlier this year she accepted the annual Margaret Sanger Award from none other than the number-one abortion provider in the world, Planned Parenthood.

She now says that she wants us all to conform to the U.S. bishops’ request to treat the incoming illegal immigrant children — who were sent here unaccompanied by their own parents to the U.S. — as if “they were baby Jesus.”

“As you probably know by now, that when it comes to the children from my standpoint, I’m like a lioness,” she said. “Just don’t mess with the children, okay?”

A lioness? I’d say she’s more like a wolf in sheep’s clothing, but the wool is getting thin, Cong. Pelosi, and we see right through your tired, old cover-up.

How dare she? Nancy Pelosi has helped facilitate the destruction of innocent babies, made in the image of God Himself, in the abortuaries of Planned Parenthood — and now suddenly she pretends to respect the teachings of the Church? Really?

The fact she references obedience to a U.S. bishops’ statement is absolutely ludicrous — it’s convenient selective hypocrisy raised to the highest order.

How can she not see the painful irony, seemingly painting herself as the Mother Teresa of American politics, yet supporting a woman’s right to abort an innocent child at will? You can’t accept an award from Planned Parenthood for killing babies, and then feign concern for children!

Is there a reason why the bishops continue to stand by while this woman continues to scandalize the Church through her amazingly hypocritical and anti-life actions? I can think of no conceivable reason why Pelosi has not already been excommunicated.

These immigrant children that Pelosi pretends to care so much for are for the most part political pawns exploited by the government of their own nations and now to be even more exploited by Obama and Pelosi, too.

As a politician, she feeds off misery of the poor, whether they’re immigrant children or the poor of our own nation.

It’s people like Pelosi and Secretary of State John Kerry and Vice President Joe Biden and the late Ted Kennedy who are truly the problem for us as Catholics, because they themselves call themselves Catholics and do more to damage an already confused and damaged Catholic populace here in America.

Non-Catholic political opportunists like President Obama aren’t the same type of concern to me, as their views and actions are less surprising. And God only knows what religion Obama truly practices, if any at all.

It’s the so-called high-profile Catholics who are up there on the world stage who are the real trouble. They are often up there grinning for the cameras with members of the clergy, as well as hobnobbing with secular elitists who hate the Church. All this sends out mixed messages to already confused Catholics.

If Pelosi wants to draw comparisons between these children and Jesus, that’s fine. I don’t mind using biblical references in regard to current affairs.

I therefore declare Nancy Pelosi to be a modern-day Queen Herod who does not truly care about children, but uses them for political gain.

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(Rey Flores is a Catholic writer and speaker. Contact Rey at reyfloresusa@gmail.com.)

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