A Millstone Around His Neck

A Millstone Around His Neck


Today, some 2,000 years after Jesus walked among us, His message of love and forgiveness is preached continuously in churches and on Christian television throughout the world, and that message comforts believers who otherwise might despair of salvation. In fact, many Christian denominations seem to preach almost universal salvation. Martin Luther said, “Be a sinner and sin boldly, but believe and rejoice in Christ even more boldly.”

But did Jesus really come offering only an olive branch? Just believe and you are saved? Yes, Jesus lived among sinners, and yes, He ate with them to the dismay of the Jewish leaders, but His message to them was never, “I’m okay. You’re okay.” Instead, He freely offered forgiveness, but, coupled with that forgiveness, He called for sinners to turn from their sins, and warned against false repentance.

For those who say, “Oh, God is too good to send anyone to Hell,” they should thoughtfully read for the first time, or read again, the words that He spoke against those causing children to sin! In fact, He never was more explicit about the consequences of sin when He said to His disciples, “Things that cause sin will inevitably occur, but woe to the one through whom they occur. It would be better for him if a millstone were put around his neck and he be thrown into the sea, than for him to cause one of these little ones to sin” (Luke 17:1-6).

Jesus was not speaking just to the people of His time. He was speaking to peoples of all times, and His warning remains as chilling today as it was then. It is a message that quite clearly spells out a sentence of eternal damnation for those who deliberately target our innocent children.

The question is: Who among us is listening? Are those who would destroy the family that has existed since God created mankind aware of the warning? Do they even care? Could one have imagined 50 years ago that the diabolical assaults against our innocent children could have descended to the level of disgust that they are at today? Are the pedophiles listening? As they feed on their pornographic videos and on their photographic and written trash that degrades the innocence of our children, does it ever occur to them that God is always aware of their actions?

When our “Entertainment Industry” produces a so-called comedy based on man/boy sexual relationships and a child wanting to kill his unborn baby brother is anyone outraged? Are there really such shows that are so degrading?

Unfortunately, there are. South Park, for one, is a TV show on a network called Comedy Central, and it actually has an alleged animated comedy, the 53rd episode of the series, in which a character seeking “more mature friends” joins an association that advocates for man/boy love relationships. The association is called NAMBLA. And indeed, there is a character, he’s named Kenny, on that same episode who does want to murder his unborn baby brother. At first, he tries to ruin his father’s ability to impregnate his mother by throwing a ball at his father’s private parts. When that doesn’t work, he tries to give his mother morning-after pills in a cocktail, but she refuses the drink.

After another failed attempt, Kenny chases his mother with a plunger, attempting to “plunge the fetus out of her.” What an uplifting and charming comedy. Where can they find such creepy writers, and what are their motives? I suspect there is hatred for the traditional family, or maybe it’s a shoutout for population control, or both. There is no rational explanation for producing shows that reach to the depths of Hell for its plots.

What is even harder to believe is that NAMBLA is not a fictitious “club.” It wasn’t just made up for this obscene show. In case you haven’t heard of them, NAMBLA stands for: North American Man/Boy Love Association. They are an actual pedophilia and pederasty advocacy association located, not surprisingly, in New York City and San Francisco. It was founded in 1978. Among its founders was an outspoken sexual deviant named David Thorstad, who once described himself as a bisexual pederast (specifically, one who engages is sexual activity with a boy) and an atheist. The association advocates for the “removal age” of consent laws.

Allan Ginsberg, who was a well-known poet of the beat generation and also a teacher, was an affiliate member of this evil group. He claimed his support was in defense of free speech. Ginsberg said, “I am a member of NAMBLA because I love boys too — everybody does, who has a little humanity.”

Do these people ever think about how it must feel to be thrown into the sea with a large anchor hung around their necks? Humanity, indeed!

“Little Devil”

And what about our comic books? Are they the light entertainment for the young that they were 25 years ago? Well, Marvel Comics, a subsidiary of The Walt Disney Company, recently announced that they will soon be releasing a new Spider Man character, one that will be a homosexual version of the current one. He will be known as “Web Weaver,” and he will feature a new look with feminine eyelashes and a new costume. He will stand with an effeminate posture and will supposedly be a model for LGBTQ children.

Is anyone objecting to this latest attack on our children? Will most parents even be aware of this latest attempt to make the unnatural, natural?

And the corrupt Disney organization is not content with repackaging its comic books to entice our little ones to sin. A new show that is debuting on FXX called Little Devil is an animated “comedy” featuring a mother who had been impregnated by Satan 13 years before, together with her antichrist daughter. The two are constantly harassed by Satan and his crew. It seems that the evil one “yearns for custody of his daughter’s soul.”

A trailer for the show has Satan congratulating his daughter for killing teenagers at her school! Not surprisingly, violence is prevalent throughout this twisted “comedy.” In case Disney executives are curious, a search of the Internet found that a millstone in the time of Jesus would usually weigh thousands of pounds! (This would make treading water somewhat difficult.)

The plots against our children are unceasing, and they aren’t limited to the entertainment media. Boston Children’s Hospital, a “prestigious” east coast facility that boasts that it has been named “the country’s #1 pediatric hospital by U.S. News & World Report, nine years running,” has now become a leading hospital performing psychological counseling, pharmaceutical therapy, and surgical procedures, targeting the “transgender” community. And its aggressive experimental interventions are not limited to older teens, but have been used upon young children, as well.

The Gender Multispecialty Service (GeMS) at Boston Children’s says, “We are here to affirm, uplift, and advocate for transgender and gender diverse youth, and we remain committed to doing all we can to support their cause.” Should anyone doubt their commitment, a description of some of their abusive surgeries should convince them of the insanity that has overtaken the professional staff at the hospital. Dr. Frances Grimstad, a staff member, whose Twitter bio describes her as “queer and a trans reproductive health advocate,” has explained that she performs gender-affirming hysterectomies on young (vulnerable) females.

Surgeons at Boston Children’s may also construct a “neophallus” from slices of a female’s forearm to create the allusion of a male penis. And, of course, breast removal surgery is available, as well. And what about a young male who wants to be a female? Boston Children’s surgeons can deal with that problem, too. A male can undergo a surgical procedure on his penis so that the resulting area will resemble a female vagina. No need to remain in the real world. Through the miracle of modern surgery, we can deny reality.

If a child is too young to have surgery, and the parents and staff conclude that the child does want to change his or her gender, then staff and family can reinforce the desire by continually referring to the child as a member of that other gender. Dr. Jeremi Carswell, director of the Gender Multispecialty Service at BCH, believes that a child “will often know that they’re transgender from the moment that they have any ability to express themselves, and parents will often tell us this.” She goes on to say that certain telltale actions like “refusing to get a haircut or standing to urinate, refusing to stand to urinate, trying on siblings’ clothing . . .” are clues to the child’s transgender status.

The bizarre phenomena at Boston Children’s becomes even more insane when we are told that a psychologist and associate director of the Gender Multispecialty Service, Dr. Kerry McGregor, claims that “a good portion of children do know as early as from the womb” that they are transgender. Really?

Perhaps, the learned associate director could provide us with an explanation for her claim. Did she interview the unborn children that knew they were transgender? If so, at what age? Were they in the first trimester, or in the second trimester, or maybe immediately before leaving the womb?

And if she did, how did she communicate with them? Morse code? Baby talk? Sign language? Maybe she recognized their preferred gender by the way they kicked their mommy’s tummy. A hard kick from a female could mean that she is aggressive and is really a tough male hidden in that female body. A gentle kick by a male could mean that he doesn’t want to play football, but would be happy in a tutu. Oh, and one other question, did the word psychobabble originate before Dr. McGregor became a psychologist, or after?

If one wonders how medical professionals can become involved in this obscene attack on our children, well, it turns out there are big bucks to be made. It is really a very profitable business. Sex reassignment surgery can cost upwards of $100,000. The industry generated $1.9 billion in 2021 and is projected to grow at 10 percent annually. And if a child has hormone therapy, it can cost $1,500 per year for the rest of his or her life. The money sounds good, but is it worth lugging that millstone around the bottom of Boston Harbor?

Thank you, Joe Biden

But if we doubt the legitimacy of transgender medical intervention, we should realize that we are doubting our federal government’s view, as well. Dr. Rachael (Richard) Levine, a transgender U.S. Assistant Secretary of Health, has declared: “It’s mental health care. Suicide prevention care. It improves quality of life and saves lives. Based on decades of research. It is established medical practice.”

However, several European countries have disagreed with him. They have either suspended or significantly limited support for this “established medical practice” following new evidence. Their research shows that transitions have been shown to have no improvement in mental health, and anti-cancer drugs that are used off-label to stop puberty have had shockingly serious side effects, but who are we to doubt Dr. Levine? She is a four-star admiral and has “no dog in the race.” Thank you, Joe Biden for bringing us Admiral Levine.

It’s a shame that all these “benefits” for transgenders were not around when Dr. Josef Mengele, “the Angel of Death at Auschwitz,” was with us. He was a pioneer in experimenting on young children and could have undoubtedly added his “expertise” to the mutilation of our children at Boston Children’s.

Try as man may, mutilation will not change any child’s set of chromosomes. They remain as given to us by God. For those who think that a millstone put around the neck is much too harsh a punishment for taking away our children’s innocence, they should remember these words from Psalm 127:3 “Behold, children are a gift from the Lord, a reward of the fruit of the womb.” Therefore, they need to be cherished, not exploited.

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