A Modest Proposal


As Democrats prepare for their presidential primary debate marathon, there’s one issue they won’t be talking about. That’s the abject failure of American cities and states that are run by Democrats.

In California, the homeless multiply amidst filth and human waste in major coastal cities. Meanwhile, the Democrats now offer free, taxpayer-funded health care to millions of the illegal aliens living in the state, inviting millions more to come. New York City is infested by rats, but not by new industry: Amazon abandoned its plan for a new headquarters in Queens after left-wing opposition led by socialist Cong. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.). Across the Hudson, New Jersey has the highest property taxes in the country.

So many residents are fleeing high-tax states that the GOP is worried. After all, preening liberals might cling to their ideology for its celebration of their superiority, but not for its “tax the rich” mantra. After all, for Democrats, the “rich” includes millions of middle-class folks, many of them Democrats, who cling to their wallets as fiercely as Obama said we Deplorables cling to our guns and our Bibles.

As we’ve noted, those Democrat economic migrants flowing towards low-tax Florida and Texas threaten to turn those red states blue. What to do?

Well, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has just signed legislation prohibiting jurisdictions in the Lone Star State from doing business with abortion providers, including Planned Parenthood. “As governor, I will fight for every child to have a chance at life,” Abbott said.

That’s great news! Why not celebrate, and put the Lone Star State’s pro-life policies on signs in every Texas airport, billboards on every road, and printed on every public document Texans see? Are Democrats thinking about moving there? Let them know Texas is going to remind them every day, every way they turn, and make them very uncomfortable — you know, the way their obscene Pride Marches make us gag when they commandeer city streets and the media.

And what about Florida, another low-tax magnet for blue-state tax slaves? Well, Florida Gov. Rick Scott has signed legislation to defund Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers. He’s also signed a bill that permanently funds pregnancy centers that offer alternatives to abortion.

Why not shout it from the rooftops? Don’t blue-state Democrats have the right to be made uncomfortable with their hypocrisy? Texans and Floridians should call them out on it, early and often. Maybe they’ll go back home and throw the bums out. Or at least, stay out.

Perversion Marches On

In the 1960s, feminists and sodomites decided that the “sexual revolution” was the horse they were going to ride. They formed an ideological alliance that targeted not only natural law, but civil laws throughout the country. For the feminists, progress came easy. After all, big business and government were their silent partners. Millions of women entering the workforce seeking a limited number of jobs allowed businesses to keep real wages low.

And government prospered as well. Millions of women who had formerly been unpaid homemakers were now new taxpayers, and so were the household help and day-care workers whose industries experienced explosive growth.

Roe v. Wade “liberated” the feminists long before Obergefell v. Hodges liberated the sodomites, but the same caustic reasoning informed both decisions. Like all falsehoods, however, these victories were bound to come into conflict, and now they have. Big time.

In Connecticut, the Hartford Courant reports that “parents, athletes, and coaches” are “calling for a change in the current rules [because] The Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference, which governs high school sports in the state, allows athletes to compete in the gender specific sport in which they identify.” That means boys can run as girls. And they do, and this spring in Connecticut, they cleaned up.

Note what has happened here: “transgenderism” is the new darling of the LGBTQ crowd — in fact, they want to add a “T.” Bear in mind that, once upon a time, the “liberations” of sodomites and feminists were mutually cheered by the same crowd.

But now, as Hegel warned about all “progress,” the negation has negated the negation, resulting in an “Aufhebung,” a “lifting up” and a “destruction” all in one. As transgenders rise, the feminists — and the women they “advocate” for — are shoved to the back of the bus. Thus, in Connecticut, the real women finished in last place, wondering where their “progress” went.

And this is just the beginning. Nancy Pelosi’s Democrats in Congress have just passed the “Equality Act,” which aims “to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation.” Be advised: This bill fundamentally amends the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Already, Title IX of that act has ravaged college sports for decades by requiring “equality” of women and men. No wonder that the Women’s Sports Foundation credits Title IX for “the rise of women’s sports” in America.

And indeed they have risen. In 1964, the year the Civil Rights Act was passed, I joined a group of undergrads to found the Notre Dame Crew. We weren’t a varsity sport, but the crew raised its own funding to participate in races and regattas all over the country. It was a great team in a great sport.

So a couple of years ago, the Notre Dame Crew celebrated its fiftieth anniversary. At the celebration, guess who sat in the first three rows? Not the founders, not Andy Monaghan, who pioneered those first efforts so long ago. And not Fred Nugent, Mike Bradley, Jim Monti, Ed Dadura, and a few hardy brothers who sweated and strained every day in the Rockne Memorial’s Room 101.

No, after fifty years, the Notre Dame Men’s Crew was still a club. The Women’s Crew, however, was a varsity sport. And their university funding built the new boathouse and hired the coaches and all the rest. So the women, sporting their Notre Dame varsity letters, sat in front.

But not for long.

Here Come The Trannies

The National Collegiate Athletic Association is as left-wing as its member “institutions of higher learning” are. How long will it take for the NCAA to follow its Connecticut counterpart and demand that men be allowed to compete as women if they feel like it? Already, the Bleacher Report — a widely read sports site — has chosen sides:

“Andraya Yearwood Knows She Has the Right to Compete,” the site raves. “She is one of the fastest teens in Connecticut. So why do people not want her to run? Because this 17-year-old black transgender girl represents what they are afraid of: no longer being the norm.”

In the 1960s, both feminists and sodomites wanted to change “the norm.” And they did. Applying the same twisted logic, women competing in women’s sports today cannot be allowed to be “the norm.” And while Speaker Pelosi’s “Equity Act” won’t become law — not under President Trump anyway — the NCAA doesn’t need it: The pressure is on to force the NCAA to adopt and enforce the Connecticut high school policy on all collegiate sports.

Right now. Whatever pretext it uses — legislation, the courts, a future presidential diktat — the left is eventually going to force this policy on schools nationwide.

So let’s ask the simple question: What’s Notre Dame going to do when the transgenders show up?

When the Notre Dame Crew celebrates its sixtieth anniversary in 2025, who will be sitting in the front row? If the sodomite radicals have their way, it’ll be the fake women. The real women will be sitting in the back row, right beside the real men.

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