Abortion Survivors Address Congress?. . . How To Win The Pro-Life Battle By Casting Off Shackles


Had you heard the Republican Party can’t accomplish anything unless it controls the House, Senate, the presidency, the UN secretary generalship, the papacy, the ownership of Disneyland, the commissionership of the National Football League, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the World Series, the Super Bowl, and all the East Coast toll roads?

Actually, during the 2014 election campaign, GOP leaders just said they needed to hold the House and take control of the Senate in order to make the big differences the nation was pleading for.

However, after they had control of both congressional chambers as 2015 began, the leaders said that’s not enough unless they win the presidency, too. While, of course, holding on to both chambers.

So let’s just herd all the cats imaginable and stipulate that the GOP is powerless until it controls everything enumerated above, plus maybe the National Restaurant Association, the Eiffel Tower, London Bridge, and the Catalina Island ferry boats. Then, watch out for action, Barack Obama!

Why must the Republican Party apparently wait until it pretty much establishes a world government, and sports and tourism conglomerates, before it can achieve what voters want? Because, says cowering GOP Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Democrat Obama will veto any budget plan he disagrees with.

Obama insists on big gulps of tax funding for abortion giant Planned Parenthood, he insists on higher spending generally, and he vows he’ll shut the government if Republicans don’t deliver.

Strange, but Obama feels secure making these threats without having power over the Eiffel Tower, the Catalina Island ferries, the World Series, or a host of other organizations and activities.

That’s because Obama fights like a desperate alley brawler to get what he wants. Remember how he won on Obamacare. Prim national GOP leadership isn’t so focused and isn’t willing to stand up against his threats, no matter how repulsive.

After the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) began releasing videos in mid-July exposing the cruelty and greed of the abortion giant, many voters erupted in outrage, and some shamefaced major corporations fled from being identified as PP donors. Not Obama. He was proud to insist on shoveling more hundreds of millions of tax money into PP’s death camps.

Upon releasing its first videos, the California-based CMP already had made more of a strong public case against PP horrors than the GOP ever attempted.

Education provides reasons for action. National GOP leadership has let decades drag by without attempting to give the instruction. Don’t expect the dominant media to do this informational job while cheering themselves hoarse for PP.

Prompted by the videos, the GOP-led House finally scheduled hearings into PP, with two women who’d survived saline abortions as babies in 1977 among the four leadoff witnesses on September 9. They were Gianna Jessen, aborted in southern California, and Melissa Ohden, aborted in Iowa.

Dominant media didn’t welcome this. The September 9 online attempt at a “news” report by the strongly pro-abortion Los Angeles Times was headlined, “Abortion ‘survivors’ criticize Planned Parenthood on Capitol Hill.”

The story didn’t deny they survived abortions, but the Times’ quotation marks around the single word survivors in the headline attempted to convey that impression.

Jessen was accorded only one direct quotation in the story by writer Marcus E. Howard: “If abortion is about women’s rights, then what were mine?”

At its website, southern California’s largest daily paper didn’t even mention the strong local angle that Jessen had been aborted right in Los Angeles.

Moreover, just past the two-minute mark in her comments at the hearing, viewable at C-SPAN, Jessen said this: “Within the first year after my birth, I was used as an expert witness in a case where an abortionist had been caught strangling a child to death after being born alive.”

Of course the Times couldn’t bring itself to publicize these remarkable words. Nor did the Times want to do so 37 long years ago, when Jessen as an infant was brought to the witness stand in Orange County, Calif., Superior Court, an hour’s drive down the freeway from the Times’ headquarters. The Times keeps its grudges and prejudices fresh for decades.

That was the case of abortionist William Baxter Waddill Jr., MD, dramatically accused of strangling Baby Girl Weaver to death in the newborn nursery of Westminster, Calif., Community Hospital in 1977.

Pleading innocence, Waddill claimed that he couldn’t conceive a baby would survive the harshness of a saline abortion, which he’d performed on Baby Weaver’s mother, the teenaged daughter of a local high school official. The implication was that if Waddill didn’t think a baby could survive, he’d have no reason to try to kill her after delivery. However, as a major saline abortionist, it’s unlikely Waddill believed his own words on that.

I was one of the reporters at the Orange County courthouse, covering the case back then for a few conservative agencies including The Wanderer. The prosecutor told us reporters that contrary to Waddill’s claims, the prosecution was receiving word from around the nation about other abortion survivals.

Soviet-Style Self-Censorship

To make the graphic point, the prosecutor brought two other baby girls into the courtroom who’d survived saline abortions in southern California around the same time Baby Weaver was aborted.

One of those two was Jessen — although of course at the time, no one could have foreseen who she’d grow up to be. I still recall her as a baby carried to the witness stand, reaching out curiously for the witness microphone.

Waddill went through two mistrials, but never was acquitted nor convicted.

It was a rather remarkable case, right in the media center of southern California. And the Los Angeles Times kept the lid on the news about the case as tightly as it could. Don’t want permissive abortion and its related issues to get a bad name, you know.

Even though the case was in the Los Angeles metropolitan area, on most days the Times confined its coverage to the B-section cover page of only its Orange County edition, about 150,000 copies of a total press run of more than one million copies.

Right up the freeway in Los Angeles County itself, people weren’t reading this news in the Times. I recall a Times reporter remarking on how hard it was to get these stories into the main edition.

Even when the two abortion-surviving babies were brought into the courtroom, Times editors buried the story back inside the B section of the main edition.

A few other news agencies started to report the case, including the feisty little Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, the Long Beach Press-Telegram, and Los Angeles’ KABC-TV. But the Times, as the “bible” of southern California news, was sending the message this wasn’t much of a story. Yawning national news editors agreed.

I provide these details now to illustrate that no matter how graphic or remarkable a damaging abortion-related case is, the dominantly pro-abortion media mainly don’t want to hear it, and don’t want to report it beyond the minimum, if at all.

It’s like shameful, Soviet-style self-censorship. Because, simply, if people generally knew the horrors of abortion, they’d want to stop it, but dominant media grimly want it to continue forever after.

Shortly after pro-life Republican Ronald Reagan was elected president in 1980, the obdurately pro-abortion New York Times contrived a front-page story about how it wasn’t the right time to address the abortion issue. No, it never is, even 35 years later.

The Center for Medical Progress releases videos of the mangled bodies of aborted babies — little organs being poked at for profit, an arm torn off the torso in a casserole dish of body parts — and the pro-abortion “mainstream” media seethe with resentment at the videos and resolve to keep doing all they can to hush up and protect this slaughter. “It’s legal, it’s legal,” they mutter.

Here’s an idea. The Republican majority can invite Gianna Jessen and Melissa Ohden to address a joint session of Congress. The two women justly could speak before the nation as haunting representatives of the tens of millions of innocent babies aborted.

It could be the beginning of a determined, principled effort truly to end the slaughter in this nation, and stretching out through the world. Every week, presenting some major educational effort to keep the wickedness in front of the people until the U.S. Supreme Court’s blind, ignorant actions beginning in 1973 are brought to an end.

When Mitch McConnell pleads that the GOP-controlled Congress has to fund baby butcher Planned Parenthood because Obama insists on it, McConnell isn’t even trying to fight, or to help educate the public about why cutting off tax money to the abortion giant is imperative.

If, for instance, it were revealed that some organization advocating the mass assassination of police officers got one-third of its budget from the taxpayers, there’d be no Republican mewing that they have to fund it because Obama insists. The GOP would say this is an outrage, it won’t be funded, and we’ll tie Obama in a thousand knots if necessary until he gives in.

Fighting Slavery Head-On

At its founding in the mid-19th century, the Republican Party was a major force against continued human slavery in the United States. The GOP didn’t simply put a plank in its platform then propose nibbling around the edges of slavery for decades. Its first president, Abraham Lincoln, resolutely fought slavery head-on.

The GOP was founded in 1854. By the time Lincoln was assassinated 11 years later, in 1865, the Civil War and slavery were drawing to a close. The Republican Party has never fought massive permissive abortion like this, thus enabling it to continue under the protection of the media and liberal political establishments — which includes powerful Democrats as well as some Republicans.

Blogger Matt Walsh made the necessary points at TheBlaze website on September 11: “Dear Republicans, Defund Planned Parenthood at any cost, or step aside.”

He wrote: “Mitch McConnell illustrated the dynamic clearly when he voted for a bill to defund Planned Parenthood, which had no chance of becoming law, right after blocking an amendment that would have defunded Planned Parenthood and had a chance of becoming law. Now the traitorous wimp is running to the press, playing right into the hands of the Democrats by preemptively and inaccurately blaming any impending shutdown on Republicans.”

Walsh reminded Republicans that they’d merely be refusing to send “any money to an organization that stabs babies in the heart with a poison needle and cuts their faces off. You’d be categorically refusing to send one more dime to serial child killers, no matter what, no matter the cost, no matter anything.

“. . . Let the Democrats go to the American people and explain why they will not fund government unless they can also fund the largest abortion provider in the hemisphere. Let the Democrats justify the bloody practices of Planned Parenthood publicly,” he said.

“This will be their choice and their doing, all you need is the minimal courage and wit required to back them into that corner. And once they’re in that corner, you have to stare them down with an icy, unwavering glare, and refuse to break under any circumstance,” Walsh said. “Meanwhile, you hit them over the head with their own support for welfare for billion-dollar abortionists. . . .

“They are scared to death of having to publicly defend giving half a billion dollars a year to an organization that kills and sells children. No matter what they claim, they don’t want to be put in that position,” he said.

“So put them in that position. It’s the smart thing. It’s the politically advantageous thing. It’s the honest thing. It’s the constitutional thing. It’s the right thing,” Walsh said.

End Another Vast Evil

It’s useful to recall early 2010, just after Republican candidate Scott Brown shocked the political world by winning the U.S. Senate seat of the late Democrat Edward Kennedy, in deep-blue Massachusetts. Brown’s victory quickly was understood to be a repudiation of Democrats trying to make Obamacare into law. Democrats ran from the medical-monstrosity bill in terror.

But Obama clenched his jaw, got ready to use any bribe, threat and illegality needed to succeed, and demanded that his Democrats in Congress absolutely shove Obamacare through to passage, even if it cost them their seats, or even lost his party its majority in one or both chambers.

He knew what he wanted, and he’d do anything to win it. Obama would govern like a majority of one if he had to. And he has done so, pretty successfully, as it turns out, while weakling Republican “leaders” bend to his wishes. If Obama has any lesson for the GOP, it’s how to win despite the odds, instead of fainting away like complete cowards.

The GOP ended human slavery here. Now it’s time for Republican leadership to grow up and start believing in ending a vast evil again.

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