After OK’ing An Invasion . . . What More Will Obama Get Away With?


PHOENIX — The president of the United States has grown weary of waiting for the new Congress to pass his Voter Optimization and Transformation Enhancement (VOTE) bill, introduced a month ago, so Barack Obama declares he has enacted it on his own.

It’s February 2015, and one month is plenty long to wait for this critical legislation to be approved. The new and misnamed VOTE law is to begin removing the eligibility of the middle class to vote in elections.

Obama’s leftist theory is that the middle class already enjoys excessive power and privilege over the lower classes including illegal aliens, so he must redress the imbalance in order to help guarantee the constitutional right to equality.

Although Obama previously had said he would be powerless to strip a class of Americans of the electoral franchise, he now declares it’s well established that certain people like convicted criminals lose that right, and he is only expanding that classification to include politically immature people who might oppose him, like the conservative middle class.

Meanwhile, those who favor him, like illegal aliens, will be fast-tracked to the ballot box.

If the Republican Party doesn’t like his declaration, “So, sue me,” he declares, as he instructs the Justice Department to initiate the removal of voting power of these racist discriminators.

The dominant pro-Obama communications media focus their ire not on Obama’s usurpations, but on any Republican Party official who would dare disrespect this president.

What are Americans to do when the president asserts a clearly illegal authority, says enforcement of his order is to begin, and the media insist that Republicans dare not alienate Latinos and blacks by trying to preserve the bigotry of middle-income voting people?

Although this scenario has yet to occur in reality, the ingredients are there with Obama’s sweepingly lawless declaration on November 20 that he personally is creating the right of millions of illegal immigrants to be in the United States and assert themselves. If you don’t like it, tough cookies.

He previously said time and again that he had no such power, but, as with any Latino caudillo, laws change with his mood and his fancy. He’ll get away with whatever the nation allows him to get away with.

If the midterm voters’ revolt against Obama on November 4 did nothing to give him pause, but only inflamed Obama’s appetite for aggression, people may conclude they can’t afford to wait only for Election Day to protect themselves and their nation.

The time is fast arriving when they can’t afford the luxury of passivity. When Obama’s march to dictatorship is on his calendar every day, Americans can’t limit their reply to occasional occurrences.

Liberal media caution Republicans against responding strongly to Obama’s diktat. Republican leadership, disavowing any serious action like impeachment of a lawbreaker or a necessary “government shutdown,” seems ready to buy the media advice.

Remi Ruiz, an orthodox Phoenix Catholic and educator, told The Wanderer on November 22 that although Obama poses as a friend of Hispanics, he really only wants to use them for his purposes.

Obama wants to set not only non-citizen Hispanics against U.S. citizens, but also races against each other, Ruiz said, citing the president’s manipulation of racial animosity in the news in Ferguson, Mo.

“I think he wants a civil war” that would give Obama the excuse for invoking stronger personal powers, Ruiz said.

Meanwhile, the incoming majority leader of the Arizona House of Representatives, Steve Montenegro, who was brought to the U.S. legally as a youngster from El Salvador, quickly issued a statement condemning Obama’s action.

“President Obama’s remarks Thursday [November 20] on immigration ignore the constitutional separation of powers,” said Montenegro, a conservative Republican. “His responsibility is to faithfully execute the laws of our country, not to suspend them by executive fiat.

“Ultimately, the president’s actions hurt our immigration system. Playing with people’s emotions for political gain is wrong. These actions reward people who broke the law, and ignore those who abide by it,” Montenegro said.

“The Obama administration’s lawless approach to immigration takes this country in a direction that it has never gone before. The creation of such broad exemptions for millions of people is constitutionally in the hands of Congress,” he said.

Trust, once thrown away by uttering repeated bold lies, is hard for a politician to restore. Blithering liar Obama makes no effort to win back trust but only lies contemptuously all the more to the nation. Self-entranced with his fairy-tale magnificence, Obama really seems to believe Americans are all idiots beneath him. So does this make Obama the chief of idiots?

His immigration diktat defies and defames all U.S. citizens, including those who are jobless and minorities. He gives preference for hard-sought jobs to aliens who reject the rules. Obama also insults legal immigrants and people in other countries who play by the rules to try to enter the U.S.

His diktat also recalls Obama’s record of arrogance and corruption against anyone who gets in his way. Is this dangerously untrustworthy, conniving politician truly someone the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops wants to strengthen by encouraging him to violate the laws on behalf of illegal immigrants?

Obama is out to increase his power, not the Catholic Church’s. How quickly opportunistic bishops forget the knives he drove into their backs with his immoral Obamacare mandates. More knives are certain in the future.

Obama’s agenda is, among other things, limitless, tax-paid permissive abortion, the denial of care to babies who survive abortion, sexual disorientation of every sort, the utter incoherence of “marriage” between people of the same sex, an expanding, iron-fisted government based on his whims, and a growing voter base of ill-informed people even if he has to import them illegally into the nation.

Oh, and cozying with credulous bishops who’ll negotiate away far too much.

Catholics weep for their Church, whose image is dragged through the mud before the public when the USCCB eagerly joins with a leftist president.

People long have ceased to trust the deceptive language of the USCCB on illegal immigration. Which therefore tarnishes the Church’s reputation.

Year after year, to take just one example, we hear that families mustn’t be separated, that families must be reunited, that families mustn’t be torn apart. One would think that kidnappers prowl the border in order to drag unwilling Latinos away from their casas and into the U.S.

Everyone actually knows that in many cases, one or more family members illegally sneaked into the U.S. and now demand that the rest of the family be brought here illegally, too. If it actually were only a matter of reuniting with the family, all they have to do is catch the bus south, back to the homeland.

No country is perfect, but the United States has a powerful record of helping other nations, and Latino nations in need are simply our neighbors. We can extend help from the U.S. southward while continuing our generous legal immigration policies. But this good sense wouldn’t sufficiently serve the interests of open-borders globalists, conniving politicians, or ambitious hierarchs.

When illegal aliens even get in-state U.S. college tuition denied to U.S. citizens and preferential treatment on the basis of their being lawbreakers, Americans may think they see injustice being rewarded and encouraged.

Creating An Unsettled Climate

The USCCB quickly celebrated Obama’s lawless November 20 declaration and issued the standard doubletalk, saying: “There is an urgent pastoral need for a more humane view of immigrants and a legal process that respects each person’s dignity, protects human rights, and upholds the rule of law.”

The legal process and rule of law had just been trampled under Obama’s generalissimo boots. As for taking “a more humane view of immigrants,” the USCCB might reflect on how it has inflamed false hopes and misled aliens into flooding lawlessly into the U.S. by millions upon millions. No dignity, no honor when crawling through the desert to evade lawful border authorities.

Charity begins in their homeland, but that is where the USCCB doesn’t bother to demand that Latinos’ problems be attended to and resolved.

Of course, even after Obama’s action, the USCCB called on the U.S. government to do still more to accommodate the flood.

If most Americans are outraged over Obama, how are they to view the USCCB, which only encourages and cheers his lawbreaking?

Reymundo Torres, president of the Arizona Latino Republican Association, told The Wanderer that widespread border violations create exactly the kind of unsettled climate here that some illegal immigrants are trying to escape.

“The characteristics that make this country attractive . . . are exactly the guarantees that . . . we are on the precipice of losing,” Torres said on November 22.

As for the USCCB’s oft-stated position that the issue is only one of “welcoming immigrants,” Torres said this is “whitewashing an issue that is more nuanced than [USCCB President and Archbishop Joseph Kurtz] is being honest about.”

The issue isn’t immigrants, Torres said, but “illegal immigrants who steal identities. That is not noble. . . . This is nothing the Church should be advocating for. . . . How is it that the Church is sanctioning . . . a flagrant violation of our existing laws and protection of our citizens?”

If illegal invaders tried to overwhelm rectories or chanceries, Torres said, “This elitist bishop would probably have them [dragged] out by their necks” instead of inviting them to share his living quarters.

While the USCCB would like U.S. citizens to quell their understandable outrage against an invasion, conservative columnist Pat Buchanan spoke for the majority and for justice when he said Obama’s act was “rule by diktat, the rejection of which sparked the American Revolution.”

How much longer will Americans think they can entrust the government to Obama, and the Catholic Church to the USCCB?

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