Another Venezuela?… What Path To The Future Is This Nation On?


When Joe Biden warned last December that America’s darkest days lay ahead, he didn’t mean the sorry fate would be directly due to the wicked, corrupt, immoral intentions of his own far-left, swamp-saturated administration, but that’s what Americans today must contend with.

His ruling Democrats’ ravenous hunger for soul-destroying evil to spew out on everyone else from behind the Capitol Hill protection of razor wire and a strategically compromised military is unprecedented in U.S. history.

Tech, corporate, legal, and media giants are allied with cognitively impaired Biden to conceal reality and to clamp on enforcement of irrationality across society. Why so? Have the incremental acts of degeneracy they injected into the social body finally exploded beyond containment inside the victimized host, like the deadly parasite in the 1979 movie Alien?

Is the United States to become another Venezuela or Cuba? Another Russia as it was Communized into being part of the metastatic Soviet Union?

Donald Trump long was recognized as a political outsider who quickly had the establishment marshalled against him in almost every way, even being spied upon by the Obama-Biden administration before Trump entered the White House.

On March 17 political analyst Hugh Hewitt recalled that just before the November 3 presidential election, the ABC News-Washington Post survey had Biden leading incumbent Trump by an astounding 17 percentage points in Wisconsin — although, as it turned out, the official victory was by less than one point there.

This poll is what cost Trump the election, Hewitt contended, because if Trump was losing this badly — after he narrowly won Wisconsin in 2016 — there was no hope for him in many states.

It was a suppression poll. And it was only a fraction of the suppression employed against Trump and his patriotic movement of Americans that rejected soulless globalism.

What days do we await now? Or do we stop simply waiting and rise up in rejection of the monstrosity? Or, a more hopeful possibility, has more than a half-century of immorality, ruling as a soft tyranny, run its historic course and is about to start to wither? Is the demented Biden administration the final stage of this rottenness that will start collapsing on itself?

Take the example of permissive abortion. Slaughtering countless defenseless preborn babies became the highest priority of the Democratic Party, even though the Supreme Court opinions authorizing this nearly a half-century ago were entirely lawless and baseless, just the babbling of liberal legalisms of that day. This scandal should have imploded quickly, but has been propped up time and again.

Has this legal outrage, having poisoned the nation for decades, become insupportable for any longer? Or has it become only another step down into left-wing hell where, among other evils, even toddlers are propagandized into disoriented transgenderism and radicals’ racial obsessions?

Is weak, confused Joke Biden the equivalent of Russia’s Alexander Kerensky in 1917, to be shoved aside as the hard revolution arrives, ushering in totalitarianism? Or will Biden and his government be so widely perceived as laughingstocks that they’ll be toppled easily in upcoming elections, despite complicit dominant media’s efforts to buttress them?

We can’t just be content to wait to see what arrives, but must pray and work against Biden and his Dems’ dark days and implore the Lord for the triumph.

On his national radio program on March 12, Sean Hannity interviewed political writers Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes, the authors of Lucky: How Joe Biden Barely Won the Presidency. Hannity said the book cites Barack Obama, who knew Biden best as his vice president for eight years, as fearing Biden would fall flat on his face.

That would explain why Obama long withheld his expected endorsement from the man who had served as his second-in-command.

Hannity also noted that the demands of the presidency traditionally wear out healthy men, and that’s plain in photos as years pass, so how can obviously declining Biden — the oldest man ever to begin serving as president of the most powerful nation on Earth — expect to endure?

Authors Allen and Parnes seemed fearful of affirming Hannity’s downright plain line of reasoning, although one might think that political writers would be more than ready to share in some extrapolation or speculation. However, maybe they didn’t want the pro-Biden journalist corps to strip them of professional courtesies if not job survival.

This is not a time for a political weakness, either, against an aggressive Communist China that correctly views the United States as its main rival. Some argue that the world is entering “the Chinese century.” And this China is absolutely no friend of liberty, religion, or human dignity. Does declining Biden hope that his personal friendship with Beijing will win him points?

Or what if the horrible day should come that Biden thinks Communist China is almost ready to subjugate the U.S. and he — believing he has some kind of “legacy” to preserve for history books — lashes out wildly against it?

President Trump showed he understood the proper uses of strength and negotiation in foreign policy, and how this encourages peace. Think of his amazing Abraham Accords, which the professional political class like Biden’s pals thought impossible to attain. As Trump’s secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, said, “Weakness begets war.”

The novel The Garden of The Finzi-Continis came to mind recently, about some northern Italian Jews whose happy days ended as fascism and its noxious big brother in Germany took hold.

More than once it has been observed that if people had acted sooner against a situation, it wouldn’t have become disastrous. But disaster time arrived because it didn’t begin threateningly. Merely step by step, not a giant leap. Think of the analogy of how to boil the frog without making it jump from the pot.

It’s easier to train a toddler about being good than indulging his every whim until he’s a boozing, thieving, brawling 6-foot-4. Back in 1970 it would have been unthinkable for Catholic Democratic politicians routinely to be on the record promoting legally required public degeneracy.

But USCCB bureaucrats’ prolonged indulgence of their Democrat pals brought us to this very day, where, for instance, the Dems’ so-called “Equality Act” would give preference to deviance over traditional religious liberty and conscience.

When Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas) questioned a very partisan Biden nominee for the Department of Justice at a hearing, Cruz recalled that back in 1993, then-Cong. Charles Schumer (D., N.Y.) had introduced the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA).

The bill passed the House unanimously, the Senate by 97-3, and was signed into law by President Bill Clinton, Cruz said.

Only 28 years ago, even partisan Democrat liberals supported this measure protecting religious liberty.

Cruz said that not so long ago “religious liberty was a bipartisan commitment in Congress.” But today’s Democratic Party not merely has abandoned religious liberty but opposes it.

In journalism, a milestone may have been passed in 2005 when dominant media eagerly promoted and defended the death by dehydration and starvation of Terri Schiavo, a disabled Florida woman whose birth family wanted to care for her, but whose estranged husband, Michael, wanted her deprived of this basic aid.

And, thanks to a conniving legal establishment, he succeeded.

Michael was the beneficiary of her life insurance and was living with another woman. After Terri succumbed to this deprivation, he had her body cremated.

Terri Schiavo’s situation — a made-to-order feminist scenario of a vulnerable woman taken advantage of by a male oppressor — normally would have seemed to win journalists strongly to her side. But veteran Washington columnist Robert Novak, who defended her life, noted at the time that others in his profession rooted against her.

“I had not engaged in such a heated debate with colleagues since the Vietnam War,” the conservative Novak wrote in 2005.

Meanwhile, as the U.S. border-invasion crisis exploded under Biden in mid-March, Ken Cuccinelli, who’d served Trump as a senior official in the Department of Homeland Security, was a guest on James T. Harris’ “Conservative Circus” radio talk program on Phoenix-based KFYI (550 AM), the capital of the state with the second-longest frontier with Mexico.

A downcast-sounding Cuccinelli lamented that the Trump team warned the Biden transition of what would happen if the border was opened, but Biden did it anyway. Citing long-negotiated agreements that now were lost, Cuccinelli said it’s hard to build but easy to destroy.

Cuccinelli said the Democrats want the illegal immigrants streaming in because they’ll be U.S. voters under H.R.1.

That’s the congressional bill Dems want passed to destroy voting security and heedlessly put ballots into everyone’s hands, eligible or not. It’s what they consider their ticket to dictatorship.

Although holding facilities were packed and straining under the load, Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott said on March 17 that while “the floodgates” for illegal immigration to Texas already are open under the Biden administration, the volume will grow “tenfold and a hundredfold.”

Fox News’ Hannity program showed Abbott saying that the federal government won’t even allow Texas state officials to access shelters holding new arrivals in order to obtain information about health or criminal trafficking.

And in his nightly commentary on March 17, Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, reviewing the incredible damage Biden promotes, asked, “Has there ever been an administration this reckless and destructive? What’s happening on the border tonight will change our country forever. A lot of things won’t, but this will, and you should know that.

“Unlike other disasters, mass illegal immigration is permanent,” he said. “No one ever really gets sent home. Over the past 30 years, the population of the United States has exploded by nearly 100 million people, mostly due to immigration. Were you even aware that happened?”

Carlson had just traveled down to El Salvador to interview its president, Nayib Bukele, who said this kind of human movement is bad not only for the U.S. but also for his own country because, in part, El Salvador becomes dependent for economic survival on opportunity-seeking people who left it behind but now have to send money back to it.

At this bleak time under Biden, who exploits any nation for his own benefit, a Central American president has words of wisdom. We all may need travelers from a farther country, too, angelic warriors to wrench this world from the expanding grasp of Satan.

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