As N.Y. Police Call Leftist Mayor To Account . . . U.S. Voters Closely Watch How GOP Uses New Clout


New York City police finally were fed up with their city’s left-wing mayor, Bill de Blasio, who, along with other liberal Democrat politicians, had been fanning dangerous fears of deadly racism by police.

The law officers emphatically showed their contempt for de Blasio by turning their backs on him in emotional, dramatic hospital and funeral settings after an unstable attacker assassinated two police officers at random in Brooklyn on December 20 before he killed himself.

The attacker had posted messages indicating he was taking revenge for the deaths of two blacks during confrontations with police.

Like other liberal Democrats, de Blasio seemed to have thought he could stir the racial pot repeatedly without earning himself the resentment and disrespect of most people.

De Blasio, like most liberal Democrats, also is strongly for aberrations like massive permissive abortion and the disorientation of “same-sex marriage.” Better for you to keep your distance from such panderers.

However, that hadn’t stopped New York’s Timothy Cardinal Dolan from smiling, beaming, hugging and joking around with the morally corrupt mayor. This wasn’t how Jesus reached out to convert sinners.

One might think that as far as Dolan is concerned, he and de Blasio disagree on nothing more serious than whether they prefer ketchup or mustard, rather than imperiling the eternal welfare of bodies and souls. New York’s top Catholic prelate seemed to have infinite indulgence for de Blasio and similar pols.

It took New York City’s police to demonstrate in a dramatic confrontation the sort of public anger that means the time for playing inflammatory games is over, and people aren’t going to tolerate politicians’ contemptuous agenda any longer.

Only a few weeks earlier, voters across the U.S. powerfully turned their backs figuratively against Democrat Barack Obama’s far-left, lawbreaking policies in the November 4 general election. It was a wave election that gave the Republican Party control of the U.S. Senate, a larger majority in the U.S. House, and control of 31 governorships and about two-thirds of all state legislative chambers.

It should have been a time for Republicans to start right off asserting their power nationally over the repudiated Democratic Party. But congressional GOP leadership all too characteristically went into a defensive crouch during the lame-duck session.

The Republicans made their familiar excuses and passed a long-term spending bill that continued to fund Obamacare and suited opportunistic Democrats fine.

Rather than trying to start playing a strong bargaining hand with obvious national support, the GOP pumped out feckless apologies about not wanting to have a U.S. government shutdown, and not having Senate control until January.

Conservative Catholic blogger Mary Ann Kreitzer in Virginia posted on December 18, “When my old congressman, Jim Moran, a liberal loon if there ever was one, can say that the Cromnibus [spending] bill gave Democrats ‘virtually everything we wanted,’ you know that the GOP establishment has dissed the grassroots big time.”

Big loser Obama, meanwhile, acted after the election as if he were the big winner, once again defiantly rewriting national law, illegally and single-handedly, and just daring anyone to try to stop him.

Having previously declared repeatedly that he had no power to change immigration law, Obama did exactly that once again on November 20 – having already done it for “dreamers” — by welcoming millions of illegal aliens to stay in the U.S.

Although his dwindling supporters said the new amnesty was legally acceptable, they hadn’t made this assertion all the while that Obama had said his hands were tied. If they really thought he could do this when he demurred, why hadn’t they explained his mistake to him?

The liberal U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops cheered on Obama’s indefensible lawbreaking and asked him to do still more to bring tides of illegal aliens here.

The bishops’ bureaucrats should instead be disapproving of Obama’s overreach, because they know he’s an adamant opponent of historic morality and would like to put the Church, and traditional religious believers generally, firmly under his thumb.

Well aware that a majority of U.S. voters oppose his record of reckless governance, Obama is undertaking to overwhelm and disarm the electorate by importing unlimited foreign voters whom he trusts to do the will of left-wing Democrats and their Culture of Death.

The foreigners aren’t voters here yet? Just another technicality to lawbreaking Barack. Allow Obama to flex his illegitimate authority a bit more and perhaps he’ll declare them voters before long. And voting fraud now and then often has been useful to Democrats.

Liberal Democrat and former Cabinet member Henry Cisneros callously acknowledged that Obama was acting against majority beliefs that oppose illegal immigration, but Cisneros predicted that Democrats would thereby benefit by creating millions of new voters from elsewhere.

“While the breadth of anger will be wide, the intensity of the benefits will be deep,” the Washington Post quoted Cisneros on November 19.

In an article posted December 17 at Nashville’s Tennessean newspaper site, Republican conservative Cong. Marsha Blackburn warned:

“King Obama’s unconstitutional actions are making America an open-borders society. Executive amnesty threatens the jurisdiction of Congress, encourages more people to unlawfully enter our country, and has created a billion-dollar culture of unaccountability within [the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement].

“There is nothing lawful or fair about what President Obama is doing,” Blackburn continued. “His executive overreach is cracking the foundation of our democracy and shredding the Constitution. That is why I led the fight in the House this year to pass legislation blocking the president’s executive amnesty, and will continue to lead that effort in the next Congress.”

Syndicated radio talk host Laura Ingraham said on December 17 that there actually are only 15 to 20 families in the U.S. who pull the levers of political power. She said this as “moderate” Republican Jeb Bush presumptuously prepared to become the third Bush in his immediate family to stake a claim to the White House.

Radio talkmeister Rush Limbaugh said on December 16 that the GOP frittered away its big November victory by giving in on the December budget deal. The donor class has control, Limbaugh said, and this is what it wants, as well as illegal-immigration “amnesty.”

Limbaugh suggested that the new Republican-controlled Senate won’t be giving Obama much trouble in the new year.

That’s exactly what conservative activists will be watching like hawks as the work of the new Congress gets under way. Will all the people’s voting power in November have persuaded the GOP to go on the offensive, or will the establishment still only cut deals and play sweet with Obama and his liberal-media adorers?

How much longer are voters to be treated as inconvenient children who should be aborted, as millions of babies are? The difference is that the babies are defenseless; the voters are increasingly impatient for the perpetual political class to listen to and act on reality.

Make no mistake, this nation literally is being taken away from its people step by step by a liberal elite. If national Republicans try to avoid recognizing this disastrous reality, or allow the rout to continue, the voters, like the New York police, are going to have to take stronger steps.

The aggression by the ruling class has been awful and imperious for years, but dominant media have only smiled indulgently, instead of expressing alarm, because their own agenda was being enacted undemocratically.

To cite just a few dramatic examples:

— No legislature in the U.S. ever had enacted an abortion law as permissive as the U.S. Supreme Court suddenly imposed nationwide in 1973. Since then, unaccountable judges for decades have rejected law after law after law that attempted to correct the scandal.

— For years, open-borders theorists have welcomed unending millions of advantage-seeking unauthorized aliens while trusting that professional politicians would frustrate any attempt to secure the border and protect legal U.S. residents and citizens.

— After voters from coast to coast rejected measures for years that would have approved the assault of “same-sex marriage” against law, history and morality, unaccountable judges jumped in to impose it.

To many people, it looks like only strong, determined resistance will bring an end to these poisonously misbegotten policies. However, scholar Walter Russell Mead recently suggested that the policies have become so overripe, they may topple on their own.

In an article for The American Interest posted on December 21, Mead noted that liberals have been increasingly cocooning themselves thoroughly from reality with their out-of-touch policies favoring such issues as immigration amnesty, “reproductive rights,” and “same-sex marriage.”

According to their theory, Mead writes, “Aided by the immigration amnesty, an irresistible army of minority voters would enshrine liberal ideas into law and give Democrats a permanent lock on the machinery of an ever more powerful state.

“That no longer looks likely; we can all look forward to eloquent laments, wringing of hands, impassioned statements of faith as the realization sinks in,” Mead continues. “. . . In the end, we can hope that liberalism will purge itself of the excesses and indulgences that come from life in the cocoon. The country needs a forward-looking and level-headed left; right now what we have is a mess.”

Maybe Mead is right, but conservative activists probably think that even a thoroughly rotten tree needs a shove to make sure it collapses.

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