As New Year Begins . . . Real Question Isn’t Trump’s Future, But Spineless GOP Establishment’s


As 2021 barely began, the future of the Republican Party was at least as much being weighed as that of President Trump.

While the swamp-dwelling establishment had done all it could to dump Trump — through years of hoaxes and lies, then manipulating the 2020 election — some prominent GOP leaders’ reaction to the massive vote steal was the sort of disgusting surrender that they’d made their characteristic.

Trump’s enthusiastic hordes seemed unlikely to stand for more so-familiar spinelessness. If certain Republican leaders were determined to try to push Trump into invisibility, it seemed more probable that they’d be the ones kicked aside. They could win the rewards of showing courage, or receive the deserved fate of cowards.

If the political invertebrates were determined that the GOP must be their private possession, they would choose to go the way of the nineteenth-century Whig Party, which crumbled as new energies arose elsewhere.

President Trump rightfully continued to offer proof that he won the election while he looked forward to the third large “stop the steal” rally since November 3 in Washington, D.C., on January 6, the same day that Congress was to consider the electors’ certification. Some GOP members of Congress vowed to raise a challenge on his behalf, and against Trump’s opponent.

This article was written overnight on December 29-30, with this hard-copy issue of The Wanderer going to press just before New Year’s Day.

Even without the fact that the presidential election was in the process of a colossal robbery, Republicans like Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, of Kentucky, should have taken the greatest care to verify accurate results before ceding control of the powerful executive branch to a clearly senescent bumbler controlled by the Culture of Death, Democrat Joe Biden.

To say that the fate of this nation needlessly should be surrendered to cognitively declining Biden — while his thoughts show themselves as scrambled as eggs for breakfast — would be, to put it mildly, an act of supreme disloyalty to Americans.

For Biden to say he wants unity in this nation now — after all that he and his party’s schemers did against Trump for four years — would be like a gunman saying he wants peace in the neighborhood after he killed three families, so don’t call the police.

Attorney Sidney Powell once against stated her case on the Rush Limbaugh radio program with guest host Todd Herman on December 29, pointing out that the landslide developing for Trump the night of November 3 is why five states took the “absolutely unprecedented” step of ceasing to count ballots, before Trump could reach the point of 270 electoral votes to assure his win.

Trump’s voter turnout broke the algorithms, and “they had to bring in ballots and try to backfill” to alter the result, Powell said, recalling that “multiple mathematicians” contacted her to say “they knew the algorithm that had been run to change the vote.”

The Washington Examiner reported on December 27 that Powell’s team put together a 270-page “binder of election-fraud claims and related materials” disproving Biden’s alleged victory.

“ ‘No judge has heard the evidence,’ she said, suggesting a rush job to move past the election,” the Examiner reported on December 29. It added: “‘For them to dismiss our cases on any basis is absolutely ridiculous. We have just an extraordinary volume of evidence that you wouldn’t even put in the complaint stage of a normal case,’ said Powell.”

In a separate story, the Examiner reported on December 29 that GOP office-holders in the Keystone State said that discovery of a discrepancy easily takes away Biden’s supposed victory in their state.

“Republican lawmakers in Pennsylvania say an ‘alarming discrepancy’ in the presidential vote count is two times larger than the margin of President-elect Joe Biden’s victory in the state,” the Examiner said.

But McConnell and Senate Majority Whip John Thune, of South Dakota, already had said they accepted Biden as president-elect, and they astoundingly urged that no Republicans oppose him, despite undeniable proof that Biden no more legitimately had been elected than that he deserved to declare himself the king of France, Spain, and also the moon.

Cheap political gamesmanship year after year remained the establishment’s standard political operating procedure, with the hamster wheel their symbol, not a reform agenda that actually got problems solved instead of twirling along forever.

One reason for Trump’s sky-high popularity with Republican voters, and increasing attraction to working-class Democrats, was that he stood up and delivered on his promises with a program that improved people’s lives rather than keeping them in the pain of dependency. How much more still he could have done in his first four years if he hadn’t been under constant political assault.

Typical establishment Republican and Democratic leaders were buddies at playing shell games that they assumed could go on forever. Trump’s ascendancy was no more welcome to the GOP McConnells and Romneys than to the aged congressional Dem Pelosis and Hoyers.

As a Republican, though, McConnell was forced to work with Trump once the Manhattan developer won the White House, but was quick to turn his back as the vote-steal proceeded, although Trump called for GOP leaders to join in defending him.

Voters, however, were watching. They had turned out by the tens of thousands when Trump jetted in to their cities for outdoor 2020 campaign rallies, while Biden slinked into mainly empty rooms for little scripted presentations.

To think that confused, often-hidden, worn-out Biden had overwhelmed dynamic Trump in the vote was to think the impossible.

While the Democratic establishment and its dominant-media allies for years had claimed Trump was guilty of foreign interference in order to have won in 2016, suddenly Americans were expected to believe that nothing wrong could have happened on Election Day 2020 to provide Biden a win.

Pro-Trump cartoonist Scott Adams tweeted on December 20: “Seems as if every major computer system in the United States has been penetrated by a foreign adversary. Except for our voting systems. Those are fine. Move along. Orange Man bad.”

Meanwhile, abortion survivor and pro-life activist Gianna Jessen posted a thread of people’s tweets expressing surprise over their supposedly being Georgia voters in the Peach State’s crucial January Senate runoff elections even though they don’t live there.

One of them went further and said ironically, “My deceased mother of three years got two pre-filled voter-registration applications in the mail from @GaSecofState and co-sponsored by some leftist vote-harvesting company” — but people shouldn’t believe there’s any fraud.

On December 29, northern California conservative commentator Barbara Simpson told The Wanderer: “As the days tick down to the end of his term, President Trump isn’t giving up. He believes the election was rigged and that the Biden win is invalid. He isn’t alone; millions of Americans agree with him. . . .

“How Democrats react to this will determine their future success,” Simpson said. “The basic question — ‘Whose side are they on?’ Voters have a long memory and these years of vicious, dirty politics will have a lasting effect.

“Then again,” she said, “there are the Republicans who deserted the party and Trump: more of the same dirty politics with long-lasting effects. Overall, this does not bode well for our future and how it will affect the average voter.”

On the other hand, conservative GOP political consultant Constantin Querard told The Wanderer on December 28 that he didn’t expect Trump’s backers to be able successfully to dispute the electoral vote.

“I assume there will be some procedural moves made in Congress to object to the electors, similar to what the Democrats did after George W. Bush beat Al Gore,” Querard said. “They will likely fail in short order, as those prior attempts did as well. There are a ton of unanswered questions about the 2020 election and most may never be answered, which is too bad.

“And it may well turn out that real proof will emerge after the new administration takes over that will raise questions about its legitimacy and legality,” he said. “Then it will be interesting to see what Congress does. But it is extremely unlikely that the kind of proof Congress would require, in order to intervene, will become available and be verified in the next three weeks.”

Whenever it happens that Trump leaves the White House, even if not until January 2025, he has grown children who’ve already shown off their political skills while supporting him. And he has shown the Republican Party how to break the mold and build a real winning coalition, not the creaky assemblage that “moderates” have futilely claimed for years to be the answer.

If it weren’t so dangerous to put the nuclear button in Biden’s hands, it’d almost be worth keeping him in the spotlight in order to compile a joke book of his scrambled thinking. Here are two of his latest goof-ups.

After a carefully controlled press availability on December 22, Fox News reporter Peter Doocy called out to a departing Biden to ask if he still believed that accusations against son Hunter were Russian disinformation. Bleary Biden declined to answer but called Doocy a “one-horse pony.”

Biden presumably meant to say “one-trick pony,” meaning a person with only one special feature. Meanwhile, if Doocy’s “one trick” happens to be repeatedly asking Biden about Hunter’s corruption, perhaps that’s because the only trick the other reporters have is covering up for the Bidens.

And, as the year came to an end, Biden said he took the COVID-19 vaccine “to instill public confidence” in it, as did “President-elect Harris.” Actually, this was getting to be an old story of Biden repeatedly deferring to Kamala Harris as the top of his presidential ticket. Maybe he knows for sure what many other people suspect, that he wouldn’t be around long as president.

As for people being ponies, who could forget early last February when Biden called a female college student a “lying, dog-faced pony soldier” when she mildly asked about his candidacy.

This was in the days when Biden still was telling ordinary people to their faces that they were full of excrement — although he used a less polite word — if they dared question him. Apparently staffers finally told Biden this was going just too far if he wanted to win their votes.

Biden is an irascible old bad Catholic who belongs in a retirement home rather than on the verge of the highly demanding U.S. presidency. It’s not his fault if his mind is crumbling because of being 78 years old. But it is his fault, and his handlers’, when they try to thrust his debility on this nation and this entire world.

Hoping soon to be in the White House, Biden said in his Christmas message that our darkest days are ahead of us. True words from the mouth of malaprop Biden, but only because of the darkness he embodies.

If there’s anything good to come from Biden, it’ll be everyone else falling to their knees in desperate prayer — prayer for deliverance from him and his Dems.

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