Back To School


If you think this is going to be one of those whimsical, feel-good “back-to-school’ columns recalling days gone by when little Junior brought an apple to Miss Crabtree on the first day of school, you are sorely mistaken.

I will instead take this opportunity to point out just how dumbed-down Americans have become in everything from reading and spelling, to math and science. We won’t even get into how uninformed, unaware, and deliberately misinformed many Catholics have become in the postconciliar era. That is a column all in and of itself.

For several decades now, the average American student has become nothing more than another falling number, a failing statistic, in the monstrosity known as the American public education system.

All kids, families, and schools shouldn’t be painted with the same broad brushstroke, but overall, ACT and SAT scores have steadily declined in the past 30 to 40 years.

Today a college education gets you nothing more than a lifetime of crushing student loan debt and an indoctrination and literal brainwashing into anti-American, anti-Christian political ideologies.

Again, before you get all upset with me, take a step back and look back at what you yourselves learned 20, 30, or more years ago in college. The radical leftist agenda had already taken hold, so today’s academia is a complete cesspool of socialist propaganda, violent Antifa professors, and again — crushing student debt.

In a 2013 study by the National Center on Education and the Economy (NCEE), it concluded that high schools are failing to teach basic math and English skills needed for first-year community college success.

As reported by Pennsylvania back in 2103, “The study also found that community college freshmen haven’t mastered even the ‘middle school math’ they need to know….The study also found community college freshmen read and write so poorly that their instructors don’t expect them to be able to read their textbooks and require little writing. When writing is required, it rarely demands logical, evidence-based argument — or the sort of writing freshmen will need for their chosen careers.”

Add to this all the ironically named “smart technology” in our lives, everything from so-called smartphones, tablets, laptops, and a whole array of “smart” appliances, cars, and security systems which are increasingly doing more thinking on our behalf so that we don’t have to.

We live in an age when millennials are being exposed to a rewritten history of our nation, where if there is a part of history you don’t like, you simply tie a rope around its neck and pull it down off its longstanding pedestal.

Removing statues of American history cannot change the history itself, but the radical left is sure going to try to do it anyway. The Nazis burned libraries full of books back in World War II. Today’s Antifa basement dwellers and Black Lives Matter radicals burn American flags and tear down statues of the Confederacy. Not much of a difference between then and now, is there?

One would think that the most advanced nation in the entire world would be leading in education, but, sadly, we are not.

There are several reasons for the appalling state of education in America and one of the biggest culprits is the radical leftist National Education Association (NEA).

Just a quick perusing of NEA’s website shows it bashing President Donald J. Trump and his Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos. The NEA headlines scream, “Oppose Higher Education Cuts in Trump/DeVos Budget — This disastrous budget proposal would increase student loan debt and put college further out of reach for many more Americans.”

Another one: “. . . the Trump budget will deprive millions of students of opportunities and make it harder for students to access higher education.” As if a “higher education” meant anything anymore to anyone, aside from the radical leftists running these asylums.

Then the NEA opposes parents and families from having school choice. They want to keep kids corralled in failing schools where the most important priorities are the teachers union’s political agendas, fat pensions for do-nothing bureaucrats; and of course, the perverted sex education programs from none other than “abortionists extraordinaire” Planned Parenthood.

When Mommy or Daddy ask nowadays, “What did little Johnny and Suzy learn today in school?,” the kids are likely to answer “Miss Harold (or Mr. Jane), taught us all about how to put a condom on a cucumber, and then we read Heather Has Two Mommies!”

We need to get rid of the mess that is the American education system today!

Home-schooling, more specifically, Christian home-schooling, is one of the most powerful ways families can speak up and help make America truly great again starting with our most important American institution, the family.

It doesn’t take a rich family to home-school. I know many large families who are anything but rich and manage to home-school. Sacrifices are made, but the return on investment is out of this world.

And let’s also promote school vouchers. Let families decide what schools, in what neighborhoods, are best for their own children. Today’s neighborhood public schools are just a step away from other institutions known as prisons. If the leftists really wanted to empower the poor, they would be all in favor of school vouchers.

But because the leftists want to exploit the poor, enslave them into government dependency and dictate just about every aspect of their lives, they oppose school vouchers.

The left doesn’t believe in true choice; they only believe in “their” choice.

Yes America, it’s back-to-school time again all right, but what needs to happen is a lesson in common decency, morals, self-respect and self-discipline. And, most important, in Godliness!

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(Rey Flores is a Catholic troublemaker. Contact Rey at

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