Bad-Catholic Politicians . . . They’re Enough To Make Rest Of Us Want To Wear Bags Over Our Heads


How Catholics should attend church was in the news again recently with Pope Francis’ motu proprio Traditionis Custodes, restricting celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass. However, the issue of bag-headed worshippers in the pews has yet to exist.

In sports stadia, the bag-headed fan phenomenon began when a team’s record was so bad, its followers still turned up in the bleachers but were too ashamed to show their faces. So on went grocery bags with eye holes and maybe some crayon flourish.

Catholics may be fans of good or bad sports squads. However, they have plenty of reason to put on the bags and be ashamed of any connection with the most powerful politicians in the United States — and therefore the world — who affect to suit up for the Rome team these days, Democrats Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi. To say nothing of other bad Catholic pols who flout all the rule books.

Biden has been much before our eyes recently as he defiantly keeps receiving the Eucharist while pushing permissive abortion to the hilt. (“To the hilt” is idiom for when the sword is shoved all the way in, a most appropriate figure of speech regarding this baby slayer.) But he is hardly alone.

When the Eucharist-hungry Pelosi spoke at the 50th anniversary dinner of the radically pro-abortion NARAL organization in 2019, she showed how willingly she carried its baggage, without feeling ashamed or having a bag over her head.

Limitations of permissive abortion “violate the Constitution” and “ignore basic morality. They imperil the health and well-being of countless women,” Pelosi lied, adding that having permissive abortion is “about respect” for women.

Pelosi isn’t a reluctant player on the dead-baby team. She could be its coach. As strategy-setting speaker of the House, she in fact is.

Catholics down the street who reflexively vote for some Catholic make no more sense now than enslaved Cubans “voting” for whatever Cuban Communist dictator currently heads the party on that island.

The Democrat radicals such as cognitively impaired Biden, whose riddled thinking has a death grip on the party, are being exposed as liars and impromptu totalitarians as never before.

Having devastated the U.S.’s liberty and economy in the name of defeating the COVID virus, Dems and their allies suddenly welcome tens or hundreds of thousands of virus-carrying illegal immigrants to be transported freely all across this nation, who will sicken and kill who knows how many.

Some Dems crow that Republican Texas is being taught a lesson about the virus, but the illness has been cultivated there thanks to their own open-borders fanaticism.

Then there’s the need for identification. Dems say requiring ID to vote in a secure election is a dirty racist restriction. But suddenly if you lack a vaccination ID, you can’t move around at all. Identification is unallowable when it hurts Democrats. But it’s fine when it hurts you.

Coming up soon, California Catholics, as well as other Golden Staters, will have a chance to vote against very bad “Catholic” and authoritarian Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom in their September 14 recall election, which could replace him with one of a number of challengers.

One of the best-known among them is veteran radio talk host and writer Larry Elder, a conservative Republican whose name recognition may give him a boost.

As a possible tactic to remove this threat to Newsom, California’s Democrat secretary of state tried to keep Elder off the ballot over a tax-returns filing issue, but in July a Sacramento Superior Court judge ruled that Elder was eligible to run.

Practicing Catholics and other moral traditionalists would see their concerns better served by someone like Elder, but the Democratic Party has a strong partisan interest in keeping Newsom as governor in heavily Democratic California.

However, the point may be coming when even routine Democrat voters conclude that this offensive incumbent is too much of a burden on their lives and the Golden State.

In the same way, Pelosi has become so offensive as the utterly unscrupulous, power-mad House speaker that it’s hard to imagine this elderly queen bee would be chosen by her caucus to head them again, in the unlikely event that Democrats manage to retain or expand their narrow House majority in the 2022 midterm elections.

Her deeply embarrassing partisan fury against conservative Republican President Donald Trump led her into two phony impeachments against him that failed. And remember when she despicably tore up the text of his State of the Union address just after he spoke it?

Now Pelosi has assembled a fiercely partisan so-called January 6 commission that has been called the third impeachment of Trump.

Pelosi rejected two of the five Republicans that House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R., Calif.) selected for his party’s portion of the so-called bipartisan January 6 commission, as if she deserved any say in the GOP’s selection.

She comically said that Jim Jordan (R., Ohio) and Jim Banks (R., Ind.) had to be excluded because they negatively would “impact the integrity of the committee.” What she meant was she feared that they would be effective Republicans.

However, Pelosi thought it perfectly fine to stack her seven-person side of the panel with such players as notorious shameless lying Adam Schiff (D., Calif.), who’d already done all he could to destroy Trump.

McCarthy criticized Pelosi’s abuse of power and pulled all five GOP members from the panel, saying Republicans would conduct their own investigation of January 6. So was Pelosi left with just seven Dems? Heavens no. Thinking that she runs the entire world, she appointed two of the most anti-Trump Republicans she could think of, Liz Cheney (R., Wyo.) and Adam Kinzinger (R., Ill.).

Beyond doubt, Pelosi’s gang was out to try to hang Trump again, apparently hoping that most voters, rather than being ready to vomit over unrelenting Democratic antics, would trustingly go to ballot in 2022 with their minds poisoned by whatever fake verdict Pelosi’s lynch mob delivered.

Our Greatest President

Fr. Frank Pavone, national director of Priests for Life, isn’t one of the clergy who finds it hard to condemn baby-slaughtering politicians. The Wanderer asked Pavone for his reaction to Pelosi’s January 6 commission. He replied on August 4:

“As our greatest president, Donald J. Trump, has said many times, ‘They are not after me; they’re after you.’ They oppose our values, including pro-life and religious freedom, and Donald Trump is the biggest obstacle in their way. That’s what this fake commission and its fake investigation are all about. In short, it’s crap.

“It’s meant to give all of us a bad name,” Pavone continued. “If the Democrats want to investigate threats to democracy, it’s their own left-wing operation that needs investigating, and it needs to be stopped for the good of America. That will be happening at the voting booth in the 2022 midterms.”

Yes, if any threat to democracy actually needs to be probed by Congress, it would be 2020’s year of left-wing riots across the United States, including widespread looting, arson, and some murders.

Were prolonged attacks elsewhere on government office buildings and police stations — to say nothing of individuals’ lives, businesses, and homes — of no importance to Pelosi’s gang, but a brief invasion of the U.S. Capitol one afternoon by hundreds of people was a horrific event, as bad as 9/11 or the Civil War?

No one believes this delusional “crap,” as Pavone aptly called it. All last year national Democrats barely would criticize the massive dangerous, felonious assaults by their fellow left-wingers because they knew that would be criticism of their own factions.

But they decided to see what mileage they could get out of flaying a strange collection of selfie-taking gawkers under the Capitol dome, many of whom were invited inside by police themselves.

What probably frightened Pelosi and her totalitarian pals wasn’t this relatively small group, but the apparently hundreds of thousands of Trump supporters who’d rallied elsewhere in D.C. earlier that day to hear him give a talk counseling them to demonstrate peacefully and patriotically.

These were the representatives of tens of millions of people across the nation who strongly backed Trump for supporting them against the callous globalist billionaires who were not only plotting but also actually achieving the suppression of this nation and subjugation of traditional morality and liberty. Oh, how the Democrats loved and worked hand-in-glove with these globalists.

But the Washington swamp figured that the nation’s Trump allies needed a stern warning they dare not rise from a supine position. The Capitol invaders were to be fingered as synonymous with Trumpism, and they were to be imprisoned long before any trial — as the hordes of rioting 2020 leftists never were.

Just as tens of millions of slaughtered preborn babies are of no concern to dominant media, the swamp’s indefensible treatment of the hundreds of imprisoned Capitol offenders also elicited little attention, aside from sources you might expect. headlined on June 16, “Pro-Trump Jan. 6 ‘political prisoners’ rotting away in dedicated D.C. prison, without bail or trial — The federal government continues its ‘nationwide manhunt’ after arresting more than 500 people ‘mostly for misdemeanor charges related to what happened on January 6’.”

Its story began, “As part of its unprecedented investigation of the January 6 disturbance at the U.S. Capitol, Joe Biden’s Department of Justice…has arrested and is holding hundreds of ‘political prisoners’ in a dedicated jail under ‘harsh almost solitary confinement conditions’ while denying them bail and the constitutional right of a speedy trial.”

While contemporary Democrat leaders and their allies normally scorn the police — “Defund the police” continued to be a rallying cry, which means ending their careers — suddenly the Dems were oh so concerned that Capitol police were mistreated on January 6.

Moreover, if Capitol police were so upset by one afternoon, one wonders how they could have survived the left-wing violence their compatriots in, say, Minneapolis, Seattle or Portland, Ore., suffered repeatedly.

Policing often encounters life at its worst, and police these days have been experiencing widespread rejection not only from the criminal class but also politicians and media that they normally wouldn’t have expected.

Still, it was around a half-century ago, back in the 1970s, that successful novelist Joseph Wambaugh, a former police officer himself, included the theme of police suicides — “eating your gun” — in his writing. One might think police generally were better respected then, but they still saw the underbelly of society, and sometimes of themselves.

Total Disrespect

The Wanderer asked some sources about pressures on police now. Conservative Republican political consultant Constantin Querard replied: “Democrats are leading the charge to defund the police because they need to keep their political base happy, and their base hates law enforcement. It isn’t a question of race because Democratic activists hate black cops as much as white cops.

“But most Democrats in office know that the rest of the country disagrees strongly, so even while they are working to defund the police, they are pretending they’re not and, in typical fashion, they’re accusing Republicans of doing the very thing they are doing,” Querard said.

“The tactic doesn’t seem to be working, because voters know that generally speaking, Republicans are the party of law enforcement and Democrats are opposed to law enforcement,” he said.

Northern California conservative commentator Barbara Simpson said: “We’re treating our police the way we treated our returning Vietnam veterans — with total disrespect. Too bad we didn’t learn our lesson then.

“With the rising crime rates in cities across the country, it’s insane for anyone to talk seriously of defunding the police, least of all elected politicians,” Simpson said.

“Average people want protection. The latest Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll shows 72 percent of people do NOT want to defund the police, and 75 percent want more police on duty.

“The truth is, people want LESS crime, and support the police in their job of keeping the peace,” she said.

However, if police are out of favor with Dems now, just think of a future if Pelosi’s totalitarians succeed. Then we’d have a police state, and she’d want police all over the place to put innocent us in vans for a lasting trip to prison. And maybe one day we’d even get a trial.

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