Balanced Between Darkness And Light . . . People Moving, Illegally And Legally, To Change Our Future


PHOENIX — It didn’t look like a beach ripe for an invasion force to land at the intersection of North 16th Street and East Bethany Home Road here the afternoon of March 20, the spring equinox, the day the world balances between equal times of darkness and light.

The TexAz Grill, a Texas-themed steakhouse for Arizonans, was on the northeast corner, just across from a Starbucks coffee shop on the southeast. Luci’s Healthy Marketplace occupied the northwest spot, just east of where Richardson’s New Mexican Cuisine used to be, where President George W. Bush once dined, before a fire forced the eatery to move a little northward.

Offering fast food on the southwest corner was a Dunkin’ Donuts and, a little to the west, a Taco Bell where I once stopped so my passenger, abortion survivor Gianna Jessen, could buy two Mexican pizzas on the way back to her hotel after she gave a pro-life evening talk at North Phoenix Baptist Church, a worship space that the late Sen. John McCain attended.

There seemed to be a tilt toward filling plates for Southwestern palates at this intersection, amid middle-class apartments and older homes — “older” in Phoenix meaning built around the 1950s — about a ten-minute drive from my own residence.

It caught people’s attention when Sam Stone, the chief of staff for conservative Republican City Councilman Sal DiCiccio, told a Phoenix radio talk host on March 13 that the Department of Homeland Security had simply dropped off more than 80 illegal immigrants on this corner at 6 o’clock that morning.

Stone told host James T. Harris (KFYI, 550 AM) that the Greyhound bus station, a frequent drop-off point near Phoenix’s main airport, said not to leave more of the unauthorized crossers at the transit hub because it causes too much of a mess. The Greyhound station, considered to be in a less attractive area, is about 6.6 miles south of middle-class 16th Street and Bethany Home Road.

“This isn’t catch-and-release. This is stocking the danged pond,” Stone told Harris. He added that the federal government just dropping homeless foreign migrants by the side of the city street means there’ll be more crime, more blight, more roadside encampments.

This writer contacted Stone, who said DHS hadn’t informed the city of Phoenix it’d be doing the drop-off, with another one to follow shortly thereafter. “It’s not helpful to us” to be blindsided this way, Stone said.

He said he learned of the incident when a church pastor called, asking for assistance for them. Stone said the new arrivals had no money or other resources with them.

When I asked Stone if this wasn’t only an offense against the residents of Phoenix but also against the aliens dumped in an urban area, he replied, “Absolutely what I’ve said on this case.” It’d be one thing if they were released to a friend or family member, he said, but different when they’re just turned loose.

Stone said he’d been provided with no figures of how many illegal aliens had been released into the Phoenix metropolitan area since 2019 began.

Meanwhile, KFYI radio and KSAZ-TV Phoenix were among outlets reporting on March 20, Wednesday, that ICE dropped off nearly 1,000 illegal immigrants near the Greyhound station, although not in the terminal, since the previous Saturday.

Government detention centers were overflowing, and churches that traditionally received them were stretched beyond their limits by unending waves of new illegal immigrants determined that no country except the U.S. is suitable for their forced entry. And they were encouraged by leftist judges.

The judges had contrived that newly arrived aliens merely making a claim for asylum allows them to fade into anonymity in the U.S. instead of having to keep their date for immigration court months or years away.

KSAZ-TV also reported: “Thousands of migrants have also been dropped off by ICE in El Paso and San Diego.”

Breitbart News said on March 20 that El Paso Sector Border Patrol agents apprehended more than 400 illegal immigrants during a five-minute period early the previous day. The Breitbart report added:

“ ‘In the last 30 days, the U.S. Border Patrol El Paso Sector is averaging 570 apprehensions a day, with 90 percent of those being in the El Paso Metropolitan Area,’ officials stated. ‘These numbers continue to stretch the resources available to the U.S. Border Patrol to deal with this influx and the challenges that come with it’.”

Any sane political system under such massive foreign assault would deport the border-jumpers to their native lands — with an offer to help encourage reform back home. But the U.S. is tied in knots by hostile leftists lusting for more power by aborting the babies of the U.S. future while packing in as many unauthorized aliens as possible already poisoned by socialist servitude.

However, elitists in their penthouses deny there’s any border emergency except for President Trump having crazy ideas, while I’m burning my porch light and getting prepared in the unhappy event that any of the dispossessed new arrivals at 16th and Bethany Home should travel the ten minutes to my street and threateningly break in.

Aside from a tsunami of illegal arrivals remaking parts of this nation into some of the Third World, there’s another unfavorable transformation at hand for conservatives.

Stone, the City Council aide, also told talk host Harris on March 13 that the profile of people legally moving to Arizona has changed, with worrisome political implications.

As recently as a decade ago, Stone said, many of these new arrivals were retirees, but now people in the 25- to 35-year-old range are escaping from California, Illinois, and New York but bringing their liberal voting views with them. Arizona is trending bluer, Stone said.

National talk host Rush Limbaugh raised this issue on March 18, citing an article in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review that President Trump is ahead of a generic Democrat for the 2020 race in Pennsylvania, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, and Wisconsin.

However, Limbaugh added, the same poll showed Trump trailing a generic Democrat for 2020 in the Sunbelt havens of Arizona, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, and Texas.

Limbaugh said liberals are fleeing states they’ve ruined but cling to their mistaken views and thereby corrupt their new homes, but the Midwestern states they abandoned thus become more conservative.

“The people who stayed in Pennsylvania, Indiana, Ohio, Wisconsin are the tough ones,” Limbaugh said. “They’re fighting it out, to take back their states and make them function again.”

Voting Profiles

The Wanderer asked a political strategist and a commentator for their reactions to the increased illegal immigration, and the changing voting profile in some Sunbelt states.

Constantin Querard, a conservative GOP political consultant, said: “The courts are making it nearly impossible to deport illegal aliens once they make it across, and they have to go somewhere, so DHS is just starting to drop them off places rather than have them collect by the tens of thousands in one place, where it would become an overwhelming problem very quickly.

“Yes, it is all relatively insane, but until Congress steps up and fixes it, which includes reminding the courts of their constitutional role, it will remain insane,” Querard added.

As for voting patterns changing, he said: “It is an unfortunate trend where people leave failing systems and states behind and move to where life is good, but bring their failed ideas and voting habits with them.

“Still,” Querard said, “most of the updates we get from the secretary of state’s office show new Republicans out-registering new Democrats in Arizona, so the ideology of the so-called Independent voters will continue to make the difference in close years.”

Northern California conservative commentator Barbara Simpson told The Wanderer: “The lack of definitive action by politicians in Washington as to how to deal with the flood of illegal aliens crossing our southern border is causing the crisis you face now. With current facilities to house them ‘full,’ the only other alternative is to release them in varied cities and towns, thereby forcing the cost of care onto local governments.

“No one likes it,” Simpson said, “but until a HUGE uproar results, this will not change. The only answer is to prevent the border crossings in the first place. Wall, anyone???

“As to residents of blue states moving into red states, look at the economics — California being one good example,” she said. “The state is totally controlled by Democrats at every level of government.

“Democrats want government to provide and provide and that takes money — from taxes on businesses and citizens. The basic cost of living is out of sight and housing is unaffordable. The result is businesses moving out of state and individual families as well,” Simpson said.

“The big BUT is that those people bring their politics with them and, as a result, slowly change the politics in the new state. Look what happened in Oregon and Washington and Nevada, and is happening now in Arizona and other states,” she said. “They bring the poison with them. All I can say is, beware.”

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