Betrayal By Globalist Pols . . . Russia Shows How Ireland Could Change Its New Pro-Abortion Ways


Just after the May 25 vote to legalize permissive abortion in the Republic of Ireland, Virginia resident Mary Ann Kreitzer recalled at her “Les Femmes — The Truth” blog the golden-calf scene in director Cecil B. DeMille’s 1956 movie version of The Ten Commandments.

Many of the Israelites whom God had saved from slavery in Egypt had abandoned Him in the desert to disgracefully worship a worthless pagan idol made by their own hands.

Irish celebrations of the victory for slaughtering infants reminded her, Kreitzer wrote, “of the Israelites’ orgy in the desert as they danced around the golden calf. But note, as you view the scene, the faithful Israelites who refused to join the festivities of abomination.

“Out of the collapse of Rome,” added Kreitzer, “came the Benedictine glory of monastic life. What glory will God bring from this latest moral calamity? There will be one for sure because where sin abounds, God’s grace abounds even more.”

One comment on her blog item linked to a commentary at Russia Insider about the restoration of a pro-life ethic in Russia, which is stepping away from its tragic bloody history of massive permissive abortion put into effect by — who else? — the Godless Communist totalitarians of the 1920s.

“Marxist-inspired gender equality” had made the USSR the first government to legalize abortion, said the commentary, titled “A Pro-Life Russia Emerges.”

Babies are a big responsibility, and shortsighted governments can’t seem to comprehend the damage they do to their own people and themselves when they say it’s a glorious freedom to kill off this responsibility, which is the nation’s own future. It can be a slow road to restoring moral truths, but it can occur.

In 2017, the commentary said, Russian abortions had declined to an estimated 700,000. That’s a very large number, but far below the startling five million abortions in Communist times in 1965, then down to about one million in 2012.

“Moreover,” it said, “since 2007, the number of births in Russia has exceeded the number of abortions, by about a 2 to 1 margin; again, this is a stunning reversal over the last few decades.”

A major factor in the change, the commentary said, has been the influence of the Russian Orthodox Church — long suppressed by the old Communist thugs — and the church’s establishment of support centers for pregnant women, rather like U.S. crisis-pregnancy centers.

In Western societies, pro-abortion radicals spread their view that women are dysfunctional men because, unlike men in the workforce, women cause problems for assembly lines of any sort by getting pregnant. In this view, women aren’t being true to their nature, but untrue to the male nature.

Although leftists rage against “soulless capitalism,” that is exactly the soullessness they serve with their rage for abortion.

Moreover, the U.S.’s leftist-inclined dominant media, with a worldwide influential reach, have done worlds of damage with their advocacy of immorality. For decades The New York Times has been an abomination with its lip-smacking ardor for massive abortion.

The Irish abortion vote was a popular referendum to repeal its constitution’s Eighth Amendment, which protected both Moms and babies, not a vote of a legislative body. But there was no doubt which side the professional politicians and unmoored major media wanted to help win: cruel death for countless infants.

The Eighth overwhelmingly had been approved by popular vote in 1983, although it was opposed by leftists. However, the globalist corporate class later began to see traditional intact families as impediments to its power, and so undertook to facilitate such social afflictions as permissive abortion and “same-sex marriage.”

As a foretaste of the table being set for abortion, exactly three years earlier Ireland had a referendum on “gay marriage.” It, too, passed overwhelmingly, nearly two-to-one, with government officials voicing their joy.

The left-wing UK Guardian posted on May 23, 2015, that Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny said: “With today’s vote we have disclosed who we are. We are a generous, compassionate, bold and joyful people who say yes to inclusion, yes to generosity, yes to love, yes to gay marriage.”

Like the betraying ancient Israelites in the desert, such political officials dance insanely before other false idols as their gods.

Entirely predictably, immoral globalist George Soros jumped in for abortion in the Irish Republic, to do his latest deviltry against humanity and its Creator.

With the Eighth repealed, legislators are to devise a new, permissive law. The Irish Times quoted one bishop that he thought it unlikely they’d back off from their plans.

The newspaper quoted Bishop Kevin Doran on May 28 as he noted the celebrations over abortion going on at Dublin Castle, a major government complex.

As usual, the divide between pro-life and pro-abortion was between reality and deceptive slogans.

An Irish blog against repealing the Eighth had listed the various cruel, painful ways babies would be killed by abortionists, while some posters in favor of abortion showed large red hearts. This was supposed to represent the false compassion and love of abortion, certainly not the hearts of innocent babies to be ripped apart.

An article posted May 29 at raised an interesting question. On voting day, it said, “most news outlets talked of a ‘close result.’ Some talked of the referendum outcome as being ‘too close to call.’ Although the most recent polls had given the ‘Yes’ side a margin of victory, it was nowhere near the size of the actual result that transpired. Where did this unexpected landslide ‘Yes’ vote come from?

“This, however, was one referendum that the Irish political establishment could not afford to lose, nor was it ever going to,” the article said. “No doubt, in the coming days, Irish leaders shall present themselves in foreign capitals to their political masters with a smile, one as crooked as it is pitiless.”

On May 29 Ireland’s Rosary for Life and Faith organization announced 40 days of reparation, from May 30 to July 8.

“It has just been announced,” the organization said, “that the government hopes to fast-track this destruction by passing a law before the summer recess, which is scheduled to begin on July 13th, the anniversary of the Fatima apparition in which our Lady most strongly called for reparation.”

It called for regular prayer, Confession, Communion, and penance including fasting. Detailed information is at its website,

Philadelphia Daily News columnist Christine Flowers noted her Irish heritage on her father’s side.

“My heart is American, my soul is Italian and my spirit was once Irish,” Flowers wrote on May 28. “Now, I reject that last bit of my heritage, as two-thirds of my ancestral countrymen rejected humanity in their embrace of a progressive morality that sees dead babies as an easy price to pay for modernity” and membership in “the Europe Club.”

The Europe Club being the Continental branch of the globalists who think people are best herded like uncomprehending sheep.

Flowers went on to note the problems the Irish Church caused for its authority due to incompetent treatment of sex abuse — something that caused serious damage to the U.S. Church, too, one could add.

In Ireland, she said, the Church “became the target of an easy, useful anger manipulated by the faithless, the secularists, the atheists, and the angry Catholics who felt betrayed.”

The Old Ireland

More than a decade ago, an Irishwoman who moved to Phoenix expressed her serious concerns to me of the changes she was hearing of from back home. Ireland needed prayers, she said. People’s view of life was becoming different as many people were making more money.

This was well before the “same-sex marriage” vote of 2015.

I was in Dublin only once, decades ago, for just two nights during a European tour on my own. I saw a long line of people on one sidewalk. What was that for? Going to the public bathhouse, I was told. It was a poverty that I didn’t see elsewhere.

Some little Irish kids came up to me asking to sell postcards, to make a little money.

As I left a Dublin newspaper office after a photographer snapped a shot of me for a little item in the paper, he surprised me by bidding farewell with a “God bless you.” Where else, I thought, might a daily secular lensman talk like that?

These days, unfortunately, maybe he’d ask instead if I knew someone who wanted an abortion.

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