Better Not Ask . . . What More Blows From Fate Will U.S. And World Face In 2020?


Some events truly happen only once in the history of a nation or even the world, such as Americans first setting foot on the moon nearly 51 full years ago, in July 1969.

But some other years have such an eruption of major occurrences that a person is left wondering, what possibly could top this?

Tear gas was in the air in America in the 1960s from rioting, even as people looked toward the moon, and the eye irritant was floating again in 2020 as SpaceX Crew Dragon memorably returned NASA astronauts to a mission in nearby space from U.S. soil in Florida on May 30.

June 2020 had only begun, with more than half of the year still to pass, yet already Americans had suffered through, to name some standouts, an unprecedented partisan impeachment hoax birthed from a 2019 Russia-collusion hoax, a shocking Communist disease-caused international lockdown, then raging terrorists ripping through U.S. cities from coast to coast after a black arrestee died.

In each of the politically fraught cases, a sickly unfair major media twisted events beyond recognition. If journalism were God’s major profession instead of being only one of His many — He, after all, wrote the Bible with the aid of some interns on Earth — there would be reason enough for Him to send down avenging angel editors because the profession had become ill beyond endurance.

Yet besides this was a host of moral evils that leftism had contrived to impose as basic rights. Human beings have enough temptation and confusion to face, as they always have had due to original sin, without having unsought depravities mandated upon their lives.

No matter how violent and destructive the May-June terrorists, the punditocracy in their customary upside-down bubbles stressed the revolutionaries’ peaceful nature and noble goals. No matter how justifiably worried other people were at the chaos, they were demeaned by media as ignoble and base impediments to progress and equality.

Americans had barely started to emerge from tight pandemic restrictions clamped on in mid-March — enforced by tough regulations from politicians against innocent individuals — than they were told to get back inside in order to avoid terrorists who rampaged as they pleased, without suffering restraints to obey “social distancing” or other COVID-19 protections.

Imagine the incandescent media reaction if people in their MAGA hats or pro-life T-shirts had thrown a few firecrackers at the front windows of CNN headquarters to protest its unabated unfair coverage of them.

Yet when leftist protesters in reality showed their lack of appreciation for CNN’s bias on their behalf by smashing its front windows in Atlanta during a typical spurt of rage, dominant media mostly swallowed their tongues even if they intuited that their beloved progressives would be coming for their throats in a revolution.

Dominant, rebellion-friendly media might recall the saying, first attributed to the bloody eighteenth-century French Revolution, that the revolution eats its own.

A story posted May 29 at the Newsweek site demonstrated deluded journalism’s ability to contradict itself within a single sentence. It said Atlanta TV station “WGCL reported that the protest outside the building began peacefully, with hundreds of onlookers watching while others lobbed water bottles, rocks, and other projectiles.”

Hmm, it began peacefully as projectiles flew? The very next sentence illustrated more peacefulness: “Meanwhile, CNN employees watched inside the building from behind its glass edifice as vandals kicked and smashed down the cracked windows.”

Two sentences later: “Vandals also broke windows on several police cars and also set a few on fire, according to local video reports.” And so it goes in big-media fantasy world.

If a Democrat ever becomes president again, conservatives could see that all they needed in order to have a free hand at besieging Democrat White House doors would be to put misleading Marxist hammer-and-sickle symbols instead of MAGA on their caps and immediately win the media into lauding their nobility. Except that conservatives don’t do this leftist street-fighting immorality.

Citing the memory of prone black Minnesotan George Floyd, who wasn’t heard uttering curses or anger as he pled for a police officer to get his suffocating knee off his neck on Memorial Day, the terrorists inexcusably burned black-owned and others’ stores and vented their anger with bricks, bullets, and blazes, looting, fatal shootings, and other leftist lunacy around the nation.

Indeed, no sooner had hard-pressed businesses begun reopening from the pandemic, to restore their and their employees’ economic continuance, than they had to close and hope that politically manacled police officers wouldn’t leave them defenseless against rioters.

To honor Floyd’s memory, people understandably could go to church to pray and speak. But the leftists went to church to light up literal fires.

Even if the Minneapolis police officer had not been directly responsible for Floyd’s death, how could one think that a handcuffed man flat out on the pavement had to be restrained this way? In addition, Floyd’s daily life already may have been flattened as were many others’ by left-wing politicians’ choking pandemic restrictions for weeks.

This picture was complicated by a letter by the head of the Minneapolis police union, posted in the news on June 2, that Floyd had a “violent criminal history” that must be kept in mind.

The New York Post posted on June 2: “Floyd had landed five years behind bars in 2009 for an assault and robbery two years earlier, and before that, had been convicted of charges ranging from theft with a firearm to drugs, the (London-based) Daily Mail reported.”

He allegedly had just tried to pass a phony $20 bill at a store, which led to his fatal Memorial Day encounter with officers.

“‘This terrorist movement that is currently occurring was a long-time build-up which dates back years,’ (union president Lt. Bob) Kroll said in his letter of the protests, adding that some of his city’s issues exist because Minneapolis leaders have been ‘minimizing the size of our police force and diverting funds to community activists with an anti-police agenda’,” the New York newspaper reported.

Floyd’s death became a pretext for left-wing radicals like Antifa across the nation to come out of their nests again. I saw Mexican flags being held up in two photos of protesters. How could that possibly apply now, except for what we’d heard of illegal aliens sneaking across the border then awaiting their chance to join in revolution?

An article at the online front page of The Wall Street Journal on June 2 improbably claimed that across the nation there were “rage and despair sparked by the death of George Floyd in police custody . . . spread . . . to communities of all sizes.”

Actually, such regret as a motive isn’t very likely when dominant media celebrate the deaths of multitudes of defenseless preborn black babies every year, even worse because the numbers are all out of proportion to the size of the black population.

A stable black middle-class family with a married mom and dad is the last thing that Democrat manipulators and radicals desire as they try stirring more dependency and despair in a designated victim class with radical Democrat ballots thrust into their hands.

National conservative commentator Quin Hillyer, affirming his Never Trump viewpoint, posted at the Washington Examiner on June 2 that there was plenty of blame to allocate in the current unrest.

Still, Hillyer said, “Every national TV news outlet I’ve watched since the Floyd death with the exception of Fox News has bent over backward to explain and excuse the ‘anger’ of rioters, citing cherry-picked statistics while ignoring other relevant stats, and merely tut-tutting mildly over ‘lesser’ violence such as vandalism and looting.”

Hillyer added, “Meanwhile, CNN, which I watch at length, has devolved into a ceaseless, daylong series of anti-Trump screeds, with supposed straight news hosts offering full-blown opinions so biased that it offends even someone like me, who is an original and continuing Never Trumper.”

Writing shortly before Floyd’s death and its repercussions, Rolling Stone’s Matt Taibbi, hardly a Trumpster, noted on May 15 that the Democratic Party had grown into a fan of the aloof surveillance state, from opposing Trump to enforcing pandemic illiberalities.

“If this (COVID-19) disease is going to be in our lives for the foreseeable future,” Taibbi wrote, “that makes it more urgent that we talk about what these rules will be, not less — yet the party I grew up supporting seems to have lost the ability to do so, and I don’t understand why.”

Yes, just short weeks ago the pandemic still was seen as the dominating news story for the summer if not longer, but suddenly “social distancing” and all of that evaporated like a germy sneeze with the explosion of the Antifa terrorists. What next will the globalists and their allies have devised to assault us by mid-July?

Antifa SuAn pporter

One heard that people needed to vote for leftist reform in order to avoid incidents like Floyd’s death, but Minneapolis already was under the thumb of hapless liberal Democrat Mayor Jacob Frey, who in turn served under liberal Democrat Minnesotans Gov. Tim Walz and Attorney General Keith Ellison.

Ellison, of all people, in the past had tweeted a photo of himself proudly holding the radical left Antifa’s Anti-Fascist Handbook. This book, Ellison boldly tweeted, would “strike fear in the heart of @realDonaldTrump.”

His son, Minneapolis City Councilman Jeremiah Ellison, on May 31 officially declared his support for Antifa.

Back in 1968, the year before the United States’ first manned moon landing, Republican Richard Nixon narrowly defeated Democrat Minnesotan Hubert Humphrey in the popular vote but widely in the Electoral College to win the presidency. One important reason was Nixon’s vowed support for law enforcement against disruptive radical protesters.

Indeed, Humphrey’s nomination as the Democrats’ choice at their tumultuous 1968 Chicago convention had plenty of tear gas floating outside the convention hall thanks to young radicals. Wikipedia recalls: “The convention was held during a year of violence, political turbulence, and civil unrest, particularly riots in more than 100 cities following the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. on April 4.”

Dominant media swallowed hard and loved the establishment’s Humphrey then as much as they support the establishment’s wan Joe Biden now. But this didn’t win the presidency for Humphrey.

Will the GOP’s Trump triumph a second time to the White House in November by opposing the current violent lawlessness, even though fate and also plotting are throwing more disruption against him than Nixon faced?

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