Beware The Pandemic Power Play


The World Health Organization (WHO), the “specialized agency of the United Nations responsible for international public health,” is planning a Pandemic Treaty that would bestow unprecedented worldwide power on the unelected organization.

Tedros Adhanom Gebreyesus, director general of the WHO, is a devoted lackey of Communist China. After his January 2020 visit with Chinese dictator Xi Jinping, he obediently refused to blame China for covering up the outbreak of the virus in Wuhan. And he made no complaint when China refused to allow a WHO team to investigate the Chinese military’s bioweapons research facility there.

While the Chinese Communist Party hid the outbreak of the virus, Tedros played lapdog, lauding China’s “new standard for outbreak control.”

Xi had “bought the world time, even though those steps have come at greater cost to China itself,” he said.

China scholar Steven Mosher is resident of the Population Research Institute. His latest book is The Politically Incorrect Guide To Pandemics (Regnery Press).

On February 22, 2020, the New York Post published Mosher’s article, “Don’t Buy China’s Story: The Coronavirus May Have Leaked From a Lab.”

The article was the first public report of what has now become mainstream news, but the “experts” immediately piled on. The article was “not peer-reviewed” and was of “dubious validity,” they complained.

Meanwhile, Tedros and the WHO launched a publicity campaign against the United States for branding COVID-19 the “China Virus.”

As WHO’s director general, Tedros had the duty to confront the Communist Chinese with a demand for transparency and accountability regarding the Wuhan lab’s role in the origin and escape of the virus.

Tedros failed. Instead, he capitulated to Xi Jinping, permanently shredding WHO’s credibility.

The Pandemic Power Play

“We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it” — George Orwell.

The WHO blithely responded to the China Virus disaster not by firing Tedros, but by demanding that member countries worldwide adopt a “Pandemic Treaty” to give the UN subsidiary even more power.

Last December, WHO’s World Health Assembly agreed “by consensus” to develop a “historic global accord on pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response.”

As Tedros put it, the WHO wants worldwide power to “strengthen the global health architecture to protect and promote the well-being of all people.”

Wait a minute, doesn’t that sound familiar?

Remember the Blue State lockdowns? The churches, schools, and businesses closed for months by the diktat of unelected bureaucrats, all to “keep us safe”?

Ah yes: We couldn’t go to Mass, but the abortuaries were open 24/7. While the murders continued inside, pro-lifers who counseled mothers outside on public sidewalks were arrested.

And WHO cheered: After all, last March, WHO’s Craig Lissner insisted that “safe abortion is a crucial part of health care.”

Oh, come on — a WHO Pandemic Treaty could never force nationwide abortion on demand on the United States…could it?

The Looming Menace

Of Treaty Law

According to Article VI, Clause 2 of the Constitution, “all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land.”

That’s why Article II of the U.S. Constitution requires that a treaty receive the “advice and consent” of two-thirds of senators present and voting.

Treaties are a big deal. They bind not only the U.S. government, but “the Judges in every State,” Article II says.

Of course, it’s unlikely that the U.S. Senate would ever vote to hand over control of the world’s health to Communist China through Tedros the Lapdog.

But that won’t stop Joe Biden. His State Department is working diligently with the WHO to schedule the adoption of the “Pandemic Treaty’s” final text for May 2024.

Why the curious timing?

Well, we expect that Joe Biden will still be in office. And he steadfastly refuses to blame China for the pandemic, or to criticize the WHO’s disastrous response to it.

Instead, Biden is already working to use executive orders and bureaucratic mandates to impose abortion on demand on the nation by force.

And he will try to use the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty to do it too, with or without the Senate’s advice and consent.

Wait — “without” the Senate’s advice and consent?

That’s right. Article 2, Section 2, Clause 2 of the Constitution says that the president “shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur.”

But Barack Obama bypassed the Senate in 2015 and made an “agreement” with Iranian leaders.

Forty-seven of the 54 Republican senators objected — but the issue wasn’t settled.

In fact, such “Executive Compacts” and “Executive Agreements” — made between a U.S. president and a foreign leader — have been employed by presidents before to bind the United States with the power of a treaty not only during their term, but for years, even decades, thereafter.

And not only can the president bypass the Senate, he doesn’t even have to inform it.

At the Yalta Conference in February 1945, Franklin Roosevelt agreed to give Stalin control over 100 million Eastern Europeans. In addition, Roosevelt agreed to participate with Stalin with the Soviet Union in the proposed United Nations.

Roosevelt was accompanied at Yalta by Secretary of State E.R. Stettinius Jr. More than fifty years after Yalta, the late M. Stanton Evans found Stettinius’ papers in the basement of the University of Virginia library. In those papers Evans found that, when Stettinius was asked by officials at Yalta for details about the proposal to create the UN, he routinely replied, “Ask Alger.”

Alger Hiss was then the head of the State Department’s Office of Special Political Affairs. Herb Romerstein and Eric Breindel’s masterful 2000 study, The Venona Secrets, revealed that only in May 1950 did the FBI confirm that Hiss was a Soviet agent — corroborating the allegation made by Whittaker Chambers in congressional testimony four years earlier.

So Yalta was an “Executive Agreement,” the contents of which were kept secret for years. It was an outrage.

In 1953, Ohio Sen. John Bricker proposed a constitutional amendment prohibiting any such agreement that conflicted with the Constitution. The Bricker Amendment also required that any treaty would acquire the status of U.S. law only after Congress enacted its terms in legislation.

The amendment failed, narrowly.

The October 1962 “Kennedy-Khrushchev Accords” were also a secret executive agreement. And administrations of both parties fought for years to keep it that way.

Khrushchev had “ordered” that Soviet missiles be removed from Cuba, we were told in 1962. It was only in 1987 that a Defense Department official confirmed in Senate testimony that the removal had never been verified by the United States.

Biden’s Mandate Machine

Biden’s moral decline has been more precipitous than his mental collapse. He is the most anti-family, anti-life president in American history.

Unfortunately, his performance in office suggests that he considers the iron fist of Xi Jinping to be his model.

So we ask again: Could a WHO Pandemic Treaty impose nationwide abortion on demand on the United States? Even if it was never submitted to the Senate for its advice and consent?

Well, Joe Biden enjoys bossing people around. Picking up on Obama’s “Change We Can Believe In,” Biden told the AFL-CIO convention last month: “We’re changing people’s lives.”

Believe me, he’ll try to do it, whether the people like it or not.

Biden can make a secret “Executive Agreement” with Xi that, he might claim, gives him the power to “keep abortion safe” in every State in the Union.

But wait — the Supreme Court’s Dobbs v. Jackson decision has restored the powers reserved to the states and to the people. Abortion is a state issue now.

Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi say, “Not necessarily.”

Rest assured: The pro-abortion Left will never stop fighting. And neither can we.

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