Biden White House Shows Its Che Guevara Colors


In the midst of Cuba’s most widespread pro-democracy demonstrations in years, the official Twitter account of Black Lives Matter (BLM) issued the following statement on Wednesday, July 14:

“Black Lives Matter condemns the United States Government’s inhumane treatment of Cubans, and urges it to immediately end the economic embargo. This cruel and inhumane policy, instituted with the explicit intention of destabilizing the country and undermining the Cubans’ right to choose their own government, is at the heart of Cuba’s current crisis.”

The statement praised the policies of the Castro cabal since 1962, especially its “strong medical care and history of lending doctors and nurses to countries around the world.”

“Cuba has historically expressed solidarity with oppressed peoples of African descent . . . [and with] Black revolutionaries [and] Black liberation struggles….Now we look to President Biden to end the embargo, something Obama called for in 2016. This embargo is a blatant human rights violation and it must end,” the statement continues.

When questioned at the White House about the Cuban military’s brutal suppression of the historic pro-democracy demonstrations now spreading throughout the island country, Biden spokeswoman Jen Psaki repeatedly refused to refer to Cuba’s regime as “Communist.”

Wanderer readers know well the Marxist background of BLM’s founders, as well as their cashing in during the group’s heyday, which featured a fundraising campaign masterminded by terrorist Susan Rosenberg that produced untold millions of unaudited dollars.

On reading the BLM statement, Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio tweeted, “The extortionist ring known as the Black Lives Matter organization took a break today from shaking down corporations for millions & buying themselves mansions to share their support for the Communist regime in Cuba.”

The clueless Usual Suspects who cheered BLM’s riots, plundering, and crimes last year included not only the usual elites of the Left, but also a significant number of America’s Catholic bishops, although that may be redundant.

So far, no comment.

Also on that Wednesday, and possibly connected, a gigantic mural in Toledo, Ohio erected in memory of George Floyd collapsed and crumbled to the ground when struck by lightning.

Democrats Are Generous With

OPM (“Other People’s Money”)

After devastating Virginia’s economy with the most destructive lockdowns in the country, infanticide supporter Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam celebrated his generosity this week by announcing his allocation of $353 million of federal taxpayer funds “to boost recovery among Virginia’s small businesses and industries hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Of course, a third of Virginia’s small businesses were destroyed by Northam’s targeted lockdowns, and untold thousands of their employees saw their jobs and careers destroyed. They will not be available to receive Northam’s thoughtful largesse.

Meanwhile, employees of Virginia’s big businesses, D.C. Beltway-area federal contractors, and government employees prospered, many of them continuing to be paid even though they had no work to do during the lockdowns.

Enter former Virginia Gov. Douglas Wilder, who was the first black governor elected in post-Reconstruction America. This week he blasted his successor, former Gov. Terry McAuliffe, the Democrat who is running against Republican Glenn Youngkin.

“Two years ago, Terry McAuliffe called for all three persons occupying the offices of Governor, Lt. Governor, and Atty. General to resign,” Wilder wrote in a Facebook post. “Today, McAuliffe is asking people to vote for that A.G. who served as his attorney general, and seeks the continuing support of Northam.”

As The Federalist recounts, “In 2019, McAuliffe was among a string of high-profile Democrats that called on Gov. Ralph Northam and Attorney General Mark Herring to resign following revelation Herring wore blackface in his youth and that Northam appeared in a racist photo showing one man in blackface and one man in a KKK costume. Northam has never confirmed which man he is in the photo.” Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax also faced demands that he resign, due to credible allegations by two women that he had sexually assaulted them.

When CBS News interviewed the two accusers, Fairfax sued the network for defamation. The U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit dismissed his case three weeks ago.

NBC29 reports that “the allegations made against Fairfax were made in 2019, when it appeared Gov. Ralph Northam might resign after a blackface photo on his medical school yearbook page surfaced. But the allegations against Fairfax blunted the momentum for Northam’s resignation.”

“Fairfax has adamantly denied the allegations and says both encounters were consensual,” NBC29 added.

Virginia’s other blackface official, Attorney General Mark Herring, won the Democrat primary and is running for reelection in this fall’s general election.

Meanwhile, the National Education Association Union, which has contributed at least $425,000 to McAuliffe since 2013, is also one of the strongest supporters of the propaganda project labeled “Critical Race Theory” (CRT).

CRT is not critical, it’s muddled, hateful incoherent slop. And CRT flees theory like Satan flees the Eucharist, embracing instead base passions of hatred, egoism, and bigotry. And of course it’s racist, blatantly so.

But McAuliffe now finds himself saddled with CRT just when it has become one of the hottest political issues in the Commonwealth.

We will be following this issue closely in coming months.

Joe’s Door-Knockers

On Tuesday, July 6, Joe Biden announced his plan to encourage Americans to be vaccinated against the China Virus. “We need to go community by community, neighborhood by neighborhood, and oft times, door to door, literally knocking on doors,” he said.

Biden’s announcement raised several questions that he did not answer.

What gives Biden the right to hire a million or so new federal employees to conduct his campaign? What powers would they have? Would they ask supporters of the campaign to report on their unvaccinated neighbors, family members, classmates, fellow workers, and other associates? What penalties might be levied, and what tools of persuasion employed, regarding those they discover to be unvaccinated?

Will they perhaps detect dissatisfaction with the Biden regime? Resistance, even? Hostility to our public servants whose intrusions and manipulations are meant only “to keep us safe”?

Here perhaps history offers more insight than does mere speculation regarding Joe’s keen strategic ruminations.

In the 1970s, Leopold Tyrmand, a Polish émigré and founding editor of Chronicles Magazine, told the story of Pavlik Morozov. In the early 1930’s, Pavlik was a 13-year-old Russian boy whose parents often criticized the Soviet regime in their dinner conversations. Pavlik (so the official story goes) was an ardent supporter of the Communist Party, a leader of the Young Pioneers, and a supporter Stalin’s collectivization of farms, which Pavlik’s family and their farmer neighbors strongly resisted.

Well, naturally, the patriotic Pioneer Pavel reported the transgressions of his father to the Party authorities at his school. Whereupon his father was arrested, severe additional charges were concocted, and he was sentenced to the Gulag.

Where he was shot.

At that, as Tyrmand’s story went, Pavlik’s grandfather, in a fit of rage, killed Pavlik.

And Pavlik became a national Hero of the Soviet Union. Schoolchildren everywhere were taught to revere his bravery and emulate his devotion to the Party. His picture appeared everywhere, slogans of praise and glory entered the Party mythology. Musicals, poems, plays, and novels celebrated his valor.

Meanwhile, current accounts now available tell us, not only Pavlik’s grandfather, but his entire family was accused of killing him.

They were all shot.

Will Joe’s door-knockers unearth our nation’s own patriotic Pioneer Pavlik Morozov?

Stay tuned.

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