Big Brother Facebook?


Facebook has become a very important part of our lives for a few reasons, the first being that it is a great way to communicate with like-minded people across the entire world.

For example, the pro-life movement has utilized social media outlets like Facebook and Twitter in effective ways to expose the Kermit Gosnell abortion horror case, which had been ignored by the liberal mainstream news media.

Another terrific way pro-life warriors have capitalized on Facebook was when David Daleiden and the Center for Medical Progress released their undercover Planned Parenthood videos last year. If it hadn’t been for Facebook and YouTube, what are the chances that those videos would have so widely exposed the horrendous Planned Parenthood “baby parts for sale” scandal?

Now some former staffers who had worked at Facebook have charged that the company often put the kibosh on trending stories that were gaining traction, simply because it contradicted the slanted liberal narrative of the Internet giant’s political views.

While Facebook’s anti-conservative bias shouldn’t really surprise anyone, it simply goes to show how powerful the “culture of death” power brokers truly can be in disseminating propaganda disguised as “news.”

It’s no secret that Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is a liberal and a major contributor to Democratic Party politicians, including current presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Zuckerberg is also buddies with President Obama and has been a regular guest at the White House.

Of course Facebook is a private company and its founder Mark Zuckerberg can very well do whatever he pleases with his company. While Zuckerberg and his underlings at Facebook have publicly denied that the bias charges are true, suspicions remain.

Facebook has supported so-called “gay marriage” and even has gone so far as creating an application so Facebook users could put a rainbow-colored pattern over their profile pictures.

(It should be noted that as The Wanderer went to press this week, Mark Zuckerberg met with conservative leaders, including Glenn Beck and Brent Bozell, to address concerns. Bozell, according to Fox News, said in a statement afterward that the meeting was “very productive.”

(“There has been a serious issue of trust within the conservative movement about this issue, but everyone in that room, on both sides, wants to see it restored,” he added.)

In the last two years, I have had my personal Facebook account suspended four times, for thirty days each time — simply because I angered or upset some liberal who objected to what I had posted.

Four times thirty equals to four months of censorship which I have been subjected to by Facebook.

I am in Facebook “jail” for the next 20 days which prevents me from sharing articles I am writing for The Wanderer and the Media Research Center — so far as I’m concerned, this equals censorship.

As much as I disagree with the social agendas which Facebook supports, Facebook still remains — for now — a useful tool to organize and stay in communication with like-minded people like us. That is, people who still value traditional Christian values, specifically our Catholicism.

It’s the same thing I have always told my pro-life and conservative friends and colleagues: Use these tools to your advantage. Who cares what Zuckerberg supports and stands for?

I utilize Facebook the same way I have used Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals. Use the devil’s own tools to beat him.

We are in a spiritual battle and we must use every and any means of communication to organize our efforts to defend traditional marriage, end abortion, and stop insane laws that force schools across the country to adopt Barack Obama’s transgender-obsessed guidelines that will punish schools for not allowing boys to use the girls’ restrooms and locker rooms — just because a male student claims that he identifies as a female.

Facebook is a necessary evil which we must exploit as much as possible.

Why should the left-leaning, abortion-loving, gay-obsessed progressivists get to exclusively use this tool to push their agenda?

But the underlying problem is that Facebook can censor whatever they define as “violating Facebook standards” at will.

For now, my main Facebook page remains suspended until the second week in June. I do, however, encourage you to visit The Wanderer’s Facebook page under the title The Wanderer Press, or you can click on the Facebook icon on our website at to connect with us on Facebook there.

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(Rey Flores is a Catholic writer and speaker. Contact Rey at

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