Bumbling With The Federal Budget . . . While Pols Try To Drive Away Their Own Voters


As both major political parties maneuvered during complex last-minute negotiations over the federal budget, they also threatened to deprive their own ranks of supporters.

Fighting over spending figures was traditional. Trying to create a deficit among their own membership numbers was unsustainable.

In late April the Democratic Party’s new chairman, radical leftist Tom Perez, who served as Barack Obama’s secretary of Labor, said every Democrat has to be pro-abortion; it’s not negotiable to take any other stand.

Using standard leftist code because Democrats often are ashamed of their own abortion stand, Perez said, “Every Democrat, like every American, should support a woman’s right to make her own choices about her body and her health. That is not negotiable and should not change city by city or state by state.”

His meaning was unmistakable.

Even U.S. House liberal Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) was shocked at Perez’s insistence. Affirming her own strong pro-abortion credentials, Pelosi still noted numbers of pro-lifers who counted themselves as Democratic voters.

And The Washington Post, pro-abortion itself, quickly noted in its “The Fix” column that many Democrats, including “lots of blacks and Hispanics,” have a pro-life stand that Perez ruled unwelcome.

“This seems to be mostly a Perez flub,” the Post said indulgently. “His line in the sand was a highly questionable political strategy from the moment he drew it. Regardless of how you feel about abortion, the fact remains that many Democrats describe themselves as ‘pro-life’.”

This arrogance is the way Perez hopes to rebuild his stricken party?

The Post added: “Pelosi knows drawing that line is not helpful. She became speaker, after all, in large part thanks to Democrats running candidates who were conservative on social issues like abortion in Alabama, Mississippi, North Carolina, and along the Rust Belt. Without winning in those areas, Democrats can’t win the House, and she can’t be speaker again.”

Perez’s marching orders echoed the intolerance of left-wing New York Democrat Gov. Andrew Cuomo in early 2014, who declared that “extreme conservatives” like pro-lifers, Second Amendment defenders, and “anti-gay” people “have no place in the State of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are.”

Cuomo quickly had to scramble backward for his openly voiced bigotry that people with other opinions should depart from the Empire State.

Meanwhile, many conservative voters who gave the Republican Party remarkable control of both houses of Congress and also the White House watched in amazement as all this political dominance for the GOP still hadn’t emboldened party leadership enough to insist on basic priorities in the budget plan like funding the border wall and defunding Planned Parenthood.

National radio talk host Sean Hannity told listeners on April 25 that if President Trump caved on the wall, that would be the promise-breaking equivalent of President George H.W. Bush’s disastrous betrayal of his 1988 “read my lips” pledge against new taxes.

Hannity guest Sen. Rand Paul (R., Ky.) chimed in that the GOP “folds like a cheap suit” on budget battles, whether it’s in the minority or majority in Congress.

The budget deadline was April 28, the day after this hardcopy issue of The Wanderer went to press. Late on April 26, The Washington Examiner reported that the U.S. House Appropriations Committee released a continuing resolution to keep the federal government funded through May 5.

If some Republican honchos didn’t seem to care whether they drive away voters in 2018 who’d been inspired by Trump’s tough campaign talk last year, Democrat elitists seemed similarly clueless on appealing to needed supporters.

It should be no secret that eugenicist groups like Planned Parenthood target minorities for abortion, and that PP and its strong allies at the Democratic Party get away with this because dominant media usually sweep the issue under the rug.

If blacks and Hispanics were reminded regularly by these blaring media that national Democratic leadership aggressively supports aborting their next generation — in the same way these media in fact repeatedly portray Republicans as dangerous bigots and racists — Democratic candidates would have an even harder time winning.

Minorities and PP are two constituencies that dominant liberal media have chosen to favor. Obviously, though, when it comes to protecting the lives of the former from the knives of the latter, these media tilt the abortion table toward death.

Kristen Day, executive director of Democrats for Life of America (democratsforlife.org), posted that her organization sought a meeting with party chairman Perez and vice-chair Cong. Keith Ellison (D., Minn.) to “educate both of them on how pro-life Democrats are critical to winning.”

Meanwhile, Day advised, pro-life Democrats simply should stop donating money to the party.

“No more pro-life Democratic money can go to help an organization that is currently working against us,” she said. “Every time your party asks for money, please respond that you will start giving again when pro-life Democrats are welcome. Don’t hesitate to donate directly to pro-life Democrats, as they need your help more than ever!”

On April 26, the California Catholic Daily site quoted California Democrats disgusted with Perez, including one woman, Alice Fahey, who said:

“They demand our obedience for the sake of their power. They have enjoyed attacking and undercutting dissenters like Bernie Sanders, or pro-life, blue collar, salt-of-the-earth workers, like us, who make up nearly 30 percent of the Democrat base. If they don’t want us, they don’t need us.”

One area where both the pro-life Democrats and Republicans agreed was to defund abortionist Planned Parenthood and redirect the money to women’s community health centers.

But as budget negotiations headed toward deadline, the specter loomed that the dominant GOP majority once again would fund the scandalous abortion giant.

Conservative columnist Terence Jeffrey posted on April 24 that while there was speculation about not starting to fund the border wall in this budget measure, there was no talk of inserting language to defund PP.

Listing positive steps by Trump to fulfill his campaign promises, Jeffrey asked if the budget bill would end up pleasing his supporters or instead congressional Democrats and the liberal press.

A front-page story in the April 24 Wall Street Journal said there was “little appetite among congressional Republicans for risking a partial shutdown over the issue” of some funding for a wall.

This was a well-worn political shell game of waiting until the last minute to finalize a budget deal whose deadline was well-known — Congress had just given itself a two-week vacation over Easter and Passover — and then making excuses about how impossible attaining a result was without GOP surrender.

Numerous conservative talk radio programs noted that no matter where the GOP stands in the nation’s capital, from no control to complete control of Congress and the White House, the pro-Democrat dominant media always shout it’s the Republicans’ fault if a “government shutdown” were to occur.

Democrats’ intransigence over their party’s priorities doesn’t draw media blame.

The independent Republican Senate Conservatives Action organization emailed on April 25: “Americans did not elect Republicans to the House, Senate, and White House so Democrats could continue to control government funding. If Democrats cause a shutdown to block these reforms, that’s a debate Republicans should welcome and do everything they can to win.”

The Republican pressure organization also said: “Punting on these priorities will break promises made to taxpayers and embolden the Democrats to block them in the future. Now is the time for Republicans to draw a line in the sand.”

On April 26, when national radio talk host Laura Ingraham asked the new head of the Republican National Committee, Ronna Romney McDaniel, about obtaining funding for the wall, she replied that voters next year will hold Republicans responsible for keeping their promises.

Intercessory Prayers

A strong supporter of Trump and veteran foe of liberal Republicans told The Wanderer on April 26 that he understands it won’t be easy for the president to oppose the establishment and keep his pledges.

Rob Haney, retired chairman of the Phoenix-based Maricopa County Republican Party, said that based on his substantial experience dealing with RINO Republicans including the Grand Canyon State’s U.S. senators, “I was under no illusion that President Trump could rapidly achieve the key objectives he had set forth for his administration.

“With the RINOs, the corrupt judiciary appointed by Obama, the fake news mainstream media, and the Democrats with their anarchist followers arrayed against him, it is remarkable just how much Trump actually has accomplished. The hand of the Holy Spirit still appears to be working on his behalf, moved by our prayers for intercession,” said Haney, a Catholic.

“I believe the vast majority of conservative voters know full well who was responsible for blocking the agenda they wanted implemented, and it wasn’t President Trump. It is no deal-breaker for us with Trump that he had his initiatives blocked by Congress,” said Haney, who added:

“The deal-breaker for us is with the RINOs in Congress who fomented the sabotage, and they are likely to pay the price in 2018. God forbid it, but we may even get a Democrat Congress because of the betrayal by the RINOs.

“The Democrats long ago eliminated conservatives from their party. In the Republican Party, we are in a constant struggle for control,” Haney said. “Conservatives are trying to defend the Constitution and Republican platform while the progressive RINOs are trying to duplicate what the Democrats achieved through eliminating conservatives.”

A Mob Invades

Speaking of continuing assaults by the Democrats’ anarchists, a mob of protesters targeted the Washington, D.C., headquarters of the conservative Heritage Foundation on April 25. The Washington Examiner reported: “Around 200 protesters flooded into Heritage’s Capitol Hill headquarters an hour before noon Tuesday, screaming that they were going to shut down the think tank.”

The home page of the Heritage website commented that “liberal activists stormed our offices…to protest Heritage’s (budgetary) Blueprint for Balance and our recommendations to the Trump administration. The Heritage Foundation and conservatives across the country will not be bullied or silenced by staged protesters backed by progressive special-interest groups connected to George Soros.”

Said a Heritage spokesman: “If the protesters truly opposed the special interests, they would support Heritage’s Blueprint for Balance, which calls for an end to corporate welfare and ending wasteful Washington spending on failed programs.”

Later that day neither the home pages of The Washington Post or The New York Times had a story about the liberal-blessed invasion. How different it would have been if, say, Tea Partiers invaded the Washington headquarters of the American Civil Liberties Union, crying to shut it down.

While left-wing mobs increasingly violate Americans’ rights, the dominant media try primly to avert their eyes from the results of their unending spew of hate.

Moderate and mainstream conservative speakers routinely are denied freedom to speak at universities these days under threat of mayhem by leftists.

National conservative talk-radio host Mark Levin on April 19 said that public universities belong to the taxpayers, and if a school like Berkeley fears allowing a speaker like Ann Coulter simply to be there, Trump should nationalize the California National Guard and send in Attorney General Jeff Sessions to guarantee her safety.

And conservative commentator Seth Leibsohn said a university that can’t even guarantee a speaker’s safety has died — the same, he said, as if a House or Senate chamber couldn’t even conduct public business because of feared violence.

Needed: A United Front

Meanwhile, the unlamented Obama era continues to place its chilling dead hand on the nation’s welfare through such devices as left-wing judges carefully selected to obstruct Trump’s legitimate actions.

Various conservative news sites noted that San Francisco Federal Judge William Orrick, who attacked Trump’s order against funding “sanctuary cities” on April 25, was a campaign money-bundler suitably rewarded for his activities for Obama.

Among other questionable rulings, Orrick harassed the California-based Center for Medical Progress over its attempts to reveal illegal activity by abortionists selling baby organs to procurement agents.

San Francisco-area conservative commentator Barbara Simpson told The Wanderer on April 26 that Republicans should be criticized for their failure to give Trump unified support.

“While Trump critics are gleeful about the apparent delay in funding the wall, the real criticism should be for the GOP — all of them — for showing their political fear of (Senate Democratic Minority Leader) Charles Schumer and his nasty rhetoric, but mainly for not presenting a unified front for what Americans voted for when Trump was elected,” she said.

“He spoke of the flood of illegal aliens into this country that’s had a significant impact on the economy, crime, education, health issues, and society in general,” Simpson said. “It’s notable that just the threat of a wall has slowed illegal crossings, and that’s good. Putting an end to it would be best.

“Those GOP politicians opposing Trump’s wall should remember they owe their seats to Trump’s victory. They’re cutting their own political throats by continued opposition to his goals. Voters do remember,” she said.

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