Children Are Prime Targets Of Pandemic Panic


A June survey by the Guttmacher Institute, the research arm of Planned Parenthood, found that “more than 40 percent of women surveyed changed their plans of when to have children or how many children to have, because of the pandemic. One-third of women (34 percent) planned to get pregnant later or have fewer children.”

Amidst all the power-plays using the Pandemic Panic as their template, the war on community, family, and children qualifies as the most grotesque. And the prospect of a possible Biden administration has them salivating all the more.

Had the China Virus not been dumped on the United States this year, Donald Trump would have won reelection with ease. His success lay not only in the economy but in the culture, especially in his pro-life advocacy and the policies it produced.

Joe Biden would reverse all of it. Recognizing that abortion is the driving force that unites every Democrat faction, he has promised to write Roe v. Wade into law — undoubtedly going further to proclaim loud and clear a potential death warrant for any and all unborn.

Moreover, Biden would force the taxpayer to pay for all abortions here at home, and millions more abroad: He would strike down Trump’s expanded Mexico City Policy — the one that keeps tens of millions in U.S. taxpayer funds from paying for murdering Third-World unborn children. Of course, those are primarily what Margaret Sanger called the Blacks and Browns, echoed by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s “populations that we don’t want to have too many of.”

While Donald Trump’s America First agenda has defended our independence from globalist intrusions, Biden would warmly welcome the one-worlders back into the White House. Americans would once again be funding the international Deep State at the United Nations, beginning immediately with strong support of its population control programs. He would embrace the World Health Organization, a totally owned subsidiary of the Chinese Communist Party. U.S. embassies worldwide would once again impose the HillObama priorities for abortion and population control as essential ingredients of U.S. aid programs that were once designed to help the poor, rather than to exterminate them.

Archbishop Cyprian Kizito Lwanga of Kampala, Uganda, has been out front in opposing the globalist population control agenda. But these outfits have a lot of money — and a Biden administration would give them millions more. Ugandan Archbishop Lwanga and many of his African colleagues have warned women about the dangers of the abortifacients that the controllers are peddling, as well as the moral devastation that contraception would inflict on the family. Will “Catholic Joe” Biden pay them any mind?

USCCB Meeting: Palaver Thrives, Principle Doesn’t

Well, speaking of bishops, those in Africa are fighting back. How about our bishops here at home?

Let’s listen to the USCCB president, Archbishop José Gomez.

“For only the second time, we are anticipating a transition to a president who professes the Catholic faith,” the archbishop told his brother bishops as he gaveled out the USCCB’s online fall assembly. “This presents certain opportunities but also certain challenges. The president-elect has given us reason to believe that his faith commitments will move him to support some good policies. This includes policies of immigration reform, refugees and the poor, and against racism, the death penalty, and climate change.

“He has also given us reason to believe that he will support policies that are against some fundamental values that we hold dear as Catholics. These policies include: the repeal of the Hyde Amendment and the preservation of Roe v. Wade. Both of these policies undermine our preeminent priority of the elimination of abortion.”

Well, says Prufrock, “how should I begin?”

Our bishops wait until a fortnight after the election to scratch their heads to suddenly realize that their beloved “Catholic Joe” Biden is at war with the Ten Commandments. For four years they’ve been silent, but now they are free to speak out! What prudence! What fortitude! They are truly shocked, but slowly recovering. Clearly they are ready to establish more protocols and crucial committees!

Pause, please, to note how happy they are that Joe supports their laundry list of personal political opinions — every one of which good Catholics can oppose as well as support. These goals from the Democrat campaign platform have consumed all the bishops’ efforts for years, so it is not surprising that Gomez places these prudential issues on which Catholics can disagree on the same level as magisterial Catholic teaching on abortion and contraception. He places these eternal truths — which the vast majority of our shepherds have studiously ignored — on the same level as their frivolous left-wing forays.

We can almost hear Gomez sigh as he bids farewell to the USCCB’s “preeminent priority of the elimination of abortion.” Of course, it’s also an eternal truth, but that notion is so pre-Vatican II.

To drive his vapid point home, Gomez lumps all of these agenda items together as “values,” a meaningless term which exudes individual autonomy rather than the Church’s timeless teaching on fundamental truth.

So how do our shepherds confront their massive failure that has betrayed the faithful so profoundly? Why, they’ve started a new “Working Group”! Admitting that bishops have failed to confront pro-abortion politicians for years, these prelates will finally “address issues surrounding the election of a Catholic president and policies that may come about that would be in conflict with Catholic teaching and the bishops’ priorities.”

Wow. Almost takes your breath away. Doesn’t that stentorian challenge truly brim with missionary zeal?

Silence Is Golden

Amidst all this palaver, no voices were raised in defense of the faithful laity who continue to be harassed, bullied, and fined by Caesar for exercising their religious rights and their freedom of association. And, while a few bishops acknowledged the disastrous impact on the faithful of the Mass lockouts, no bishop apologized for his role in bending the knee to the diktats of his secular rulers.

Neither did any bishop apologize to the Little Sisters of the Poor, whom “Catholic Joe,” so beloved by the sisters of his youth, will once again force to pay for contraceptives. And naturally, they extended their “racism” committee again, to combat that newly discovered second original sin inherited by American whites only.

Are they really so impervious to reason that they ignore the genuine racism contained in that perversion of Christian anthropology?

Nor did we hear any apologies for their fatuous embrace of the Marxist Black Lives Matter leaders and their pro-abortion, anti-family, anti-Catholic platform.

Of course, the bishops had to deal with the McCarrick Report. They did so by treating the powerful pedophile as a chimera from the distant past, whose crimes were the result of the sin of “clericalism” rather than of “clerics” — including many of their own number among them, of course.

And while no bishop rose to excoriate those among his brethren who had meekly embraced McCarrick while steadfastly ignoring his malignant infection of the hierarchy, one of his syndicate’s spawn did rise to condemn those bishops who saw the report, drafted by Vatican lawyers, as just one more coverup perpetrated by the McCarrick Machine.

Chicago Cardinal Blase Cupich, who owes his appointment to Pope Francis, rose to blast “anyone from our conference [who] is taking side in this.” He was referring to the countless critics of the report’s failure to admit, much less to criticize, the role that Francis had played in perpetuating the power of the perverted prelate. For Cupich, the abuse scandal was not caused by flesh-and-blood priests and bishops, but by that conveniently undefined abstraction of clericalism. Deny that, says Cupich, and the conference will condemn you.

So the “Cancel Culture” now resides comfortably in our chanceries. The bishops’ fear of each other is perpetuated, as is their fear of the truth.

(Dr. Manion is available for in-person or virtual online appearances and interviews. Contact him at

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