Christ Is Risen, Alleluia!… But The Rest Of The News Is Fake


An unfettered Joe Biden was on full display last week, conjuring up ghosts from the Jim Crow days, celebrating (sort of) Easter, speaking “regularly” with Obama (but hardly anybody else), and acting as a placeholder while Democrats prepared a revolutionary agenda that would make FDR wince.

Two weeks ago Biden continued the Democrats’ perpetual campaign against “voter suppression” by lashing out at the Georgia legislature as it passed SB 202. The election reform law is designed to ensure election integrity by requiring voters to produce identification.

“This is Jim Crow on steroids,” he said on March 26th. “It must end.” He went on to “strongly support” punishing Georgia by urging a boycott against the Peach State.

Georgia Republican Gov. Brian Kemp signed the bill into law last Thursday, claiming that Biden was trying to “destroy the sanctity and security of the ballot box.”

Biden was apparently unaware of the bill’s requirements, which are more permissive than those of his home state of Delaware. The Bidenized media provided Joe’s misinformation (formerly known as “lies”), which he faithfully repeated, alleging that the bill shortened voting hours (it lengthened them), that it was unconstitutional (the Constitution places responsibility for elections in the state legislatures), and it prohibited voters from drinking water while waiting to vote (the law allows election officials to supply water to those waiting).

That was too much even for The Washington Post, which gave Biden’s lies “four Pinocchios” — the paper’s highest rating. The Atlanta Constitution also issued a correction on its own story; so far, Biden has not issued one.

But the racism ball was already rolling, and last Friday it landed in the lap of Major League Baseball (MLB) Commissioner Rob Manfred. Manfred, invoking Biden’s erroneous criticism, moved this summer’s All-Star game from Atlanta to Denver, saying that “the decision . . . was the best way to demonstrate our values as a sport.”

Unfortunately for Manfred, Colorado’s voting requirements are more strict than those in Georgia’s new law. So are those in New York, where Manfred’s office is located.

Executives from two Georgia concerns also weighed in. Coca Cola CEO James Quincey quickly hailed Manfred’s move (like the MLB, Coke has extensive business ties with China, and its executives routinely lavish praise on the Chinese Communist Party). Delta CEO Ed Bastian joined in, contradicting the airline’s own public relations department, which had praised the new law just days before (“Delta is committed to being the most Chinese-friendly U.S. airline,” the company’s website boasts).

“So What If It’s Fake?

It Works!”

Then the issue blew up. Georgians discovered that losing the All-Star game would cost their state some $100 million in revenue. Donald Trump condemned the move and urged a counter-boycott. Sen. Rand Paul (R., Ky.) also condemned the MLB. “If they want to boycott us, let’s boycott them,” he said.

Obama, who did all he could to perpetuate racial discord as president, congratulated the MLB for its move. The New York Times followed suit, calling the move a warning to state legislators who “are trying to restrict voting.”

As usual, CNN blatantly pushed the “racism” narrative: “As hundreds of new proposals to scale back voter participation in elections make their way through state legislatures, the parallels with the past are inescapable,” it reported. The cable channel even dug up a 1941 Warner Brothers blackface minstrel show to push the Biden line: “Jim Crow is making a comeback,” it crowed.

Like the rest of the Left, CNN has pushed the “racism” canard for years, but its own case represents an All-Star case of media hypocrisy.

We recall how the family of Covington Catholic student Nick Sandmann sued CNN for defamation for calling Sandmann and a group of his classmates “racists” two years ago. A group of Black Israelites and a fake Viet Nam veteran had confronted them during the March for Life.

In its arguments submitted to the court, CNN didn’t valiantly defend its reporting with proof of Sandmann’s racism. There wasn’t any.

Instead, CNN’s lawyers suddenly reversed course and admitted the dirty little secret that race hucksters have perpetuated for decades. “Statements characterizing people as ‘racist’ [are] nonactionable opinion,” CNN’s lawyers argued, “because they cannot be proved true or false.” Calling someone a racist “offers an expression of opinion so subjective as to be unprovable,” they “explained.”

The court didn’t buy CNN’s argument, and CNN settled the case rather than go to trial. But the network quickly returned to claim primacy of place as America’s leading race huckster channel, calling President Trump and his supporters “racists” thousands of times per year. And they have a lot of company. The Washington Post settled the Sandmann case as well, and other cases are still pending.

It will never end. Like the religious Left, including our unanimous Catholic bishops, the political Left is going to push “racism” forever, as long as they never have to define it.

Roles Reversed, Media Silent

On Good Friday, a man drove his car into a barricade on the perimeter of the Capitol, striking two policemen, one of whom later died. The driver was also killed.

As soon as authorities revealed that the killer was a Black Muslim follower of Louis Farrakhan, the incident quickly dropped off the media screen. While some on the Left couldn’t resist trying to blame the murder on Donald Trump, there was no instant replay of the endless cacophony that had followed the coverage of the events at the Capitol on January 6.

That might be a good thing, since the killer’s family openly described his long decline into depression. But while there was no widespread “black terrorist kills white Capitol Policeman” narrative, some promoters of racial strife pretended that there was. Bishop Talbert Swan, who has called Donald Trump an “unrepentant racist” and compared the MAGA hat to a “Klan hood,” tweeted that “I see the white supremacists are overjoyed to report that the suspect in the Capitol incident was a Black man.”

Since it was Good Friday, Swan — apparently referring to the Crucifixion — added, “What do you think a Black man lynched by white colonizers for being a revolutionary was about?”

Meanwhile, Kamala Harris, whom Biden has put in charge of his border crisis, has not been to the border, has not spoken to the press or the public about the border, and doesn’t want anyone to know about the border.

The White House has imposed a full media blackout there, but we do know that Catholic Charities is one of the NGO’s “processing” the chaotic throngs of illegals, providing them with food, debit cards, and transportation to the interior of the United States (whether or not they test positive for the China virus).

And as if there weren’t enough fake news already, the Biden administration is manufacturing more. Last week Pete Buttigieg, Biden’s secretary of Transportation, rode his bicycle to a cabinet meeting at the White House to demonstrate his desire to reduce America’s reliance on fossil fuels.

Unfortunately for the former Rhodes Scholar, a passerby filmed Buttigieg as he parked two blocks from the White House and alighted from a large black gas-guzzling SUV. His security team unloaded Pete’s bicycle from the SUV and followed him as he rode to the White House, to the excitement, no doubt, of the fawning media lapdog contingent waiting there.

Of course it was April 1.

And if that staged charade doesn’t remind you of Plato’s Cave, perhaps this will: YouTube has deleted about 2.5 million “dislikes” from videos on Joe Biden’s official channel. The White House has posted more than 300 videos that have garnered nearly 3.7 million dislikes, of which nearly 2.5 million were removed, the Epoch Times reports.

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