Clinton Is The Devil We Know


I am so tired of the back and forth in this presidential election campaign about who can, should, or should not vote for whom. It’s as if we actually had a huge choice, but we don’t.

While Donald Trump has been mainly a private businessman and television personality, Hillary Clinton has had ample opportunity to accomplish much for the poor and downtrodden she purports to love and care so much about.

Where has she been the last 30-some odd years when she was the first lady of Arkansas, then first lady of the entire United States? Where was she as New York state senator and as secretary of state to fulfill all of the unfulfilled promises of her entire political career?

She has been busy wheeling and dealing with foreign governments, making backroom deals and taking in millions upon millions of dollars for the corrupt Clinton Foundation in exchange for prized contracts, deals, and foreign dignitary assignments. Of course while all the evidence in the world can be presented, Clinton remains the “Teflon” candidate because nothing, no matter how corrupt, will stick to her.

The entire Democratic Party establishment in Washington, D.C., has been running cover for Clinton, from the Department of (In)Justice to the FBI.

This woman could hardly be trusted to make prudent decisions about what emails are highly sensitive or classified government documents, let alone be trusted to run our entire nation.

Failure after failure to lead, particularly the tragic and horrible Benghazi situation, has led to the bloodshed of many Americans, thus further nurturing the radical Islamist elements in the Middle East. God only knows just how much Clinton’s connections with Saudi Arabia have had to do with the continued rise of al-Qaeda and now ISIS.

Hillary Clinton is the devil we all know too well.

As if her ineptitude, apathy, greed, and her egomania weren’t enough to discourage any American with half of a brain from voting for her, she also has a long track record of supporting the lucrative baby-killing behemoth known as Planned Parenthood.

This woman personifies evil in just about every respect we can point out. For example, one would think that a woman who has been married to a man like serial adulterer Bill Clinton would have had enough at some point with his ongoing infidelities and exploits.

All of these things do not matter to a woman who seemingly sees her husband as nothing more than her ticket to reach her most coveted prize: the presidency of the United States.

There’s a children’s story I have read to my own kids for years called “The Flounder in the Sea.” It is a story about a poor fisherman and his wife; the fisherman one day catches a fish who implores him verbally to release him and let him live.

The fisherman was so taken aback by a talking fish that he released him back into the sea, figuring to himself that any fish who could talk deserves to live and be thrown back into the ocean.

The story continues with the fisherman coming home and telling his wife about this incredible talking fish which he caught and released. While the fisherman thought his wife would appreciate his kind and merciful act toward the talking fish, she instead boxed his ears and demanded that her husband go right back out and demand that the fish grant him a wish or two for his letting the fish go free.

Without telling you the whole story, the wife keeps getting her wishes fulfilled by the fish as she grows greedier and more demanding. Her husband, at her insistence, keeps returning to the ocean to keep asking the fish for more and more wishes.

Each time the fisherman returns to the sea, the storms get worse and by the time the wife demands that the flounder make her God, the tempest is roaring, but because the wife asked to be God, it all ended right there.

The sea became calm again, the fisherman felt a sense of peace once more, and after the wife had been made rich, a queen, and even Pope, when she asked to be like God, she was brought back to her original state of poverty.

While Bill Clinton is certainly no fisherman, Hillary truly is like the fisherman’s wife. She seeks to become more and more powerful by each calculated move she has made her entire career. Hillary Clinton seeks to become not only president or maybe even Pope, but like God Himself.

At least, that is my take on it.

While Hillary Clinton is the devil we know, Donald Trump is one we aren’t too sure of. Despite his multiple marriages, he somehow still managed to raise some pretty decent sons and daughters. I will grant him that.

While the self-righteous Catholics wring their hands about whom to vote for this election, I can tell you that I have no problem voting for Donald Trump.

Be it the future of the Supreme Court of the United States, our rebuilding our military prowess on the world stage, ending funding for Planned Parenthood or reclaiming sovereignty and security at our nation’s borders — use whatever reason you want.

I am simply telling you that the choice is clear and that while the verdict is still out on Trump, Hillary Clinton is most definitely the devil we know.

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(Rey Flores is a Catholic writer and speaker. Contact Rey Flores at

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