Crunchy PP Creates Its Own 9-11… Newest Video Shows So Much Horror As Morality Is Crushed


You want vivid? Covering the continuing revelations in the Center for Medical Progress’s videos stripping the skin off Planned Parenthood’s corpse is like trying to have followed the tragedies of the thousands of victimized people in New York’s Twin Towers back on 9-11.

There’s just so much horror. Something will be overlooked, some detail could be lost. But there still is so much that rivets the mind, that commands clarity like a laser.

Since the first video was released in mid-July, Planned Parenthood’s defenders have grasped at whatever excuse slithers into their hands. Of course, bloody surgery may seem offensive, they say, but that’s just the routine reality medical professionals are used to, even with abortions.

However, as someone whose job routinely is collecting blood, phlebotomist Holly O’Donnell wasn’t a bit prepared for blood-soaked little aborted babies’ torn bodies. She fainted and was given smelling salts. O’Donnell said another worker told her, “Don’t worry. It still happens to a bunch of us. Some of us don’t ever get over it.”

When she had picked up a tiny severed leg, O’Donnell said, “I could feel death and pain shoot up my body,” according to text at the Federalist website.

In the Center for Medical Progress’ third video, released on July 28, O’Donnell in an interview says she was on a new job assignment one day, thinking she just was to be drawing blood, “not procuring tissue from aborted fetuses.”

However, “They were just looking for someone who could get as much money, as many samples” as they could, she said. “They wanted someone who could get the numbers up.”

Is it that something’s wrong with medical professionals who just can’t stand blood? Or is something very natural happening to the consciences of human beings in a lab who see helpless, freshly killed little babies with their entire futures aborted, their ripped bodies now being picked over like cocktail tidbits for the biggest profit possible?

Oh yes, the profit. In the two earlier videos, it was plain that Planned Parenthood physician-executives in restaurants were negotiating for the best financial return they could get for body parts, even though they knew they had to voice boilerplate denials of wanting a profit. They also spoke plainly of manipulating the abortion method to enhance organ recovery, even though this, too, is illegal.

The third video shows Dr. Savita Ginde in Denver, vice president and medical director of Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains, wearing her whites, frankly saying it’s better to sell the baby in parts because this will increase how much money PP gets.

“I think a per-item thing works a little better, just because we can see how much we can get out of it,” Ginde says.

The organ removal isn’t like doing cancer surgery to try to save the patient. This is killing an unwitting patient to see what may be learned from studying his forcibly “donated” organs. Medically inquisitive National Socialist “angel of death” Dr. Josef Mengele would have understood — Mengele, who fled from Germany to South America to escape justice after World War II and furtively became, of all things, an abortionist.

One thing we haven’t seen in the CMP videos yet is the biased journalists who conceal, twist, and ignore the shocking facts because their agenda for years has been to promote Planned Parenthood, and to pour out continuing propaganda so that tens of millions more mothers and unborn babies will be sucked into this maw.

Hey, Andrew Rosenthal, editorial-page editor at The New York Times, is that you at your office monitor with a bag over your head to filter out the reality of massive permissive abortion, with little slits in the bag for your eyes?

C’mon, Andy, we see your eyes in there, peeking out to devour highly paid Cecile Richards’ blizzards of lies and evasions about her profitable PP butcher business before you write or edit yet another editorial about the horrid, violent anti-abortionists and the peaceful, angelic baby-slayers.

You’re showing such dedication, Andy, being willing to crush your reputation, as it will be recorded in the Times’ historical annals.

“Crush”? “Crunch”? Where have we heard those words recently? Oh, that was PP executives chatting about the babies’ fate, not bag-blinded Andy’s.

Maybe you perk up when others might be patting your back, as they flail away with their own commiserating word games. There was, for instance, Dr. Jen Gunter, posting July 23 at the New Republic to try to shrug off the power of the videos.

“Calling the tissue ‘baby parts’ is a calculated attempt to anthropomorphize an embryo or fetus,” she wrote, immediately adding, “It is a false image — a 10 to 12-week fetus looks nothing like a term baby — and is medically incorrect.”

Readers recalling their schools’ literature classes probably pulled up short at her use of “anthropomorphize.” That means attributing “human form or personality to things not human,” as the dictionary says.

Examples would be clouds weeping in sorrow, or a swift stream gurgling in delight. But you don’t “anthropomorphize” an unborn baby to pretend she’s human. She actually is. You needn’t attribute canine qualities to a dog, or feline features to a cat. They already are.

Like Andy, Dr. Gunter willingly exposed herself to ridicule in her service to falsehoods. Thanks to the real science of ultrasounds, lots of people know what unborn babies look like, even earlier than 12 weeks.

Pro-life liberal Kirsten Powers tweeted in amazement at Gunter and linked to “Your pregnancy: 12 weeks” at the online “babycenter,” showing a very human-looking unborn infant.

Conservative commentator John Podhoretz tweeted in disbelief about Gunter: “Oh, come on. Seriously? Are these people crazy? I have two such sonograms right now on this phone.”

And Dr. Pradheep Shanker tweeted: “Since I read ultrasounds every day — I scream BS. Is this physician utterly clueless, or just disingenuous?”

Fortunately, many journalists are innately curious, even though they operate under a powerful institutional imperative in dominant media to protect and advance permissive abortion, not discourage it. One wonders how much longer they can suppress their curiosity about such massive injustice because their bosses keep telling them to.

Not infrequently, this imperative can leave readers scratching their heads about priorities.

On the same day that the July 28 CMP video was released, The Washington Post and websites prominently carried photos of four skeletons — not the remains of any of the aborted babies, who could have been saved, but of settlers of Jamestown, Va., from the early 17th century, far past able to be rescued from death.

I see the leading news photos every day at, but, as of July 28, have yet to see any related to the CMP videos.

If it seems overdue for journalists to take the tunnel-vision pro-abortion bags off their heads, it must be even harder for people actually working in the abortion industry to change, but they have and they do. Renewal, repentance, and reform are as close as oneself.

New York’s Bernard Nathanson, MD, a militant, nationally known abortionist pioneer in the 1960s and 1970s, was deeply moved by what the science of ultrasound showed and became a pro-lifer. Nathanson spoke and wrote books about his experiences before he eventually died of cancer, pleading from his sickbed to spare unborn babies’ lives.

The late Joan Appleton, RN, the head nurse of a Virginia abortuary, suffered deeply mentally when she realized how much wrong she had done, but she, too, became a pro-lifer.

Appleton told me that she had thought abortion worthwhile even if the fetus was human because of the importance of freeing pregnant patients to become “whole women.” However, she said, she noticed that instead of being liberated to pursue their dreams, the women, sadder than before, returned for more abortions. She realized she wasn’t helping them at the abortuary.

And, to take only one more example, Texas PP abortion clinic director Abby Johnson became a pro-lifer in 2009 — after even she had sifted through aborted babies and shipped their body parts off for research.

One question that begs for an answer in news coverage is the fate of pregnant mothers who were assured that abortuaries were only removing a “clump of cells,” and who perhaps consented to “tissue research” after their abortions.

But now they’re learning the “cells” were their actual babies, and that not “tissue” but heads, hearts, livers, lungs, and legs were shipped off.

How has Planned Parenthood’s deception helped these shocked women? How have all of Andrew Rosenthal’s coldly calculated deceptions at The New York Times brightened their futures?

Oh, if only some Republican senator had been pulling wings off baby bats, or yanking legs off baby mice, or clubbing baby seals, or stomping through pools of delta smelt, he’d be driven into international disgrace within a day.

What Politicians Fear

However, callous Barack Obama has been swimming in babies’ blood at least since his days as an Illinois state senator fighting to deny medical care to infants who survived abortion. Yet the word in dominant media is hush this up, we so love Obama.

Never modest about his immorality, on July 24 Obama saluted Planned Parenthood as one of the enablers of Obamacare. This was after the first two devastating CMP videos had been released. PP tweeted in response to thank Obama “for the shoutout.”

There’s one thing that politicians fear. Loss of office. Ruthless Obama never would have gotten where he is without media complicity.

In a July 28 post at The Week, pro-life columnist Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry concluded: “For the past 30 years, we’ve been bringing a hymnal to a gunfight. The Tea Party has shown how it’s done: Don’t like someone? Primary them. End their political career. That’s the only thing politicians fear. I’m done waiting. I hope you are, too.”

On a sharper note, one reader’s comment appended to a July 28 Fox News story about the third video recalled Dr. Deborah Nucatola’s lunch menu in the first video.

“PP abortion doctors prefer salad at lunch since they look at raw meat all morning,” said the reader.

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