Dark Days As We Wait In Joyful Hope


It is a sobering day in the Old Dominion. Once again, good, decent Americans taste the bitterness of defeat as a political scoundrel takes over as governor of Virginia in a tight race.

Apparently the Luciferian forces of Planned Parenthood, NARAL, Obama’s rich friends, and the bully unions joined the corporatist establishment GOP losers to steal yet another election from We the People.

That is not all. It has been an even tougher week for us embittered old gun-and-religion clingers.

In my former state, rainbow confetti fill the air as the homosexuals celebrate Illinois getting one step closer to becoming the 15th state to legalize so-called gay marriage.

It has been a tough week indeed, but not surprising.

It seems that every day we listen to the radio, read the news propaganda, or even turn on the infernal television, we get a big slap in the face. I’m afraid to even sign-on to my computer for fear of learning about even worse news!

Enough — can’t you hear me yelling “uncle” over and over again?

Just how many more heartaches and losses can one take?

Day in and day out we are bombarded with the Obamacare nightmare, a program deliberately set up to fail, giving the tyrannical administration more reason to implement even crazier programs and laws, all designed to crush our freedom and spirit.

The “president of the United States” used to be the answer most children gave when an adult asked them who they wanted to be when they grew up. Today, if any kid ever says that to you, make sure you admonish his parents for even letting the kid think that!

It’s bad, yes, we know. How could we miss the parade of sexual deviancy, racial violence, excessive material consumption, abortion and contraception, and the emasculation of our military?

We hope and pray that our spiritual leaders have a battle plan for us in place — one which we just haven’t been made aware of yet. Give us some solid guidance! Don’t just stand by and let our nation go the way of Poland during World War II when Hitler reigned in terror.

Perhaps all that the shepherds can offer us now are the sacraments, but what better tools do we have than Jesus, our Catholic faith, and all of the sacraments, and the necessary prayer and fasting in dark times like these?

Yes, we know that these are the real weapons against the enemy, but still, many of our shepherds could be more vocal.

Former Virginia governor and patriot Patrick Henry once said, “Give me liberty or give me death!” All Catholics today, especially our bishops, should be saying almost the same thing, but more like, “Only God can give me liberty; only God can give me death!”

In Matt. 26:51-52, we are told: “And behold one of them that were with Jesus, stretching forth his hand, drew out his sword: and striking the servant of the high priest, cut off his ear — Then Jesus saith to him: Put up again thy sword into its place: for all that take the sword shall perish with the sword.”

I can only speak for myself, but I am so sick of hearing about Catholics and other Christians being tortured and murdered across the world. What makes it all the worse is that with the Syrian situation in particular, it is our own tax dollars that are funding the Islamo-fascist terrorists.

Throughout history we have been attacked and throughout that same history we have fought back; except for now. Since Jesus told the Apostle Peter to lay down his sword, we know and understand what our Lord said.

We have laid down our swords and weapons at the behest of Jesus Himself. But just how much more can we stand to witness the suffering of so many of our brothers and sisters, mother and fathers, sons and daughters, and our wives?

The persecution has never ended, but like the ocean, it comes in waves. We know that the calm will again return, but until then, the storm is increasing.

The flashpoint is inevitable. Christians are once again targeted and persecuted in this once-Christian nation.

Corrupt laws continue to be financed and passed by corrupt men in the corrupt courts of this land.

Homosexuals reject the ultimate authority every time they conquer another state with their distorted so-called marriage equality laws.

The cabal of evil doctors and mad scientists pursue transhuman endeavors that defy God’s laws like Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein — but much, much worse.

The brainwashers in the schools promote homosexuality and transgenderism as the new religion of tolerance, but all of this comes down to diabolism.

Humans are systemically murdered in the assembly lines of Planned Parenthood as in the meatpacking plants of old Chicago.

Finally, they may number our bones as they did to our sweet Jesus, but we shall not let them defeat us.

The might of our faith is much greater than the might of the sword and when it is all said and done, we shall once again be reunited with Jesus Christ, the King of Kings, in Heaven forever.

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(Rey Flores can be reached at reyfloresusa@gmail.com. Rey is also available for speaking engagements at: www.cmgbooking.com/speakers/618-rey-flores.)

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