Democratic Party Platform . . . Attacks Religious Liberty That “Discriminates”


The Democratic Party’s 2016 platform states a commitment to heavy-handedly micromanaging the United States as well as intruding into people’s traditional morality in other nations.

It speaks contradictorily of cutting red tape for small businesses and entrepreneurs but of imposing scrutiny throughout the U.S. for this or that statistical purpose that allegedly advances fairness and equality.

The platform denounces millionaires and billionaires, even though the super-wealthy elite and their Wall Street institutions are among Democratic presidential nominee and multimillionaire Hillary Clinton’s closest buddies and funders.

Democrats say they believe that “no executive (is) too powerful to jail” — even though nominee Hillary’s unhindered, obvious lawbreaking has brought cries to “Lock her up” from both disgusted conservative Republicans and also left-wingers not under her thumb.

The party imagines that even more intrusive environmental controls can be clamped onto society while lowering energy bills and helping “coal country.”

Its platform repeatedly denounces Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump by name for all sorts of badness — even though heroine Hillary’s appalling life and record far exceed Trump’s negatives.

No wonder Hillary prefers to campaign, with the dominant media’s dishonest acquiescence, as an “experienced leader” rather than potential federal prisoner.

In last week’s issue, The Wanderer looked over the Republican Party’s 2016 platform in an article headlined, “Unlike Democrats, Republican Party platform includes strong moral affirmations” (p. 3). This week we examine the Democrats.

Democrats vow to impose their party’s dearest immoralities including permissive abortion everywhere they can, even far beyond the U.S., and to scoop into taxpayers’ money to further that degeneracy.

Amid dozens of presumptuous platform pages, two of the most frightening sentences occur consecutively on p. 19, dealing with “Guaranteeing Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Rights.” They are:

“We will oppose all state efforts to discriminate against LGBT individuals, including legislation that restricts the right to access public spaces. We support a progressive vision of religious freedom that respects pluralism and rejects the misuse of religion to discriminate.”

Only earlier this year, Americans were shocked to learn that Barack Obama’s eerie administration was hell-bent to mandate the invasion of people’s sleeping quarters, bathrooms, changing rooms, and locker rooms by strangers of the opposite sex who decide they happen to belong to a different sex for that hour or that day.

Already that has become part of the Democratic Party’s official platform calling for their free access to “public spaces” while punishing people who disagree.

At least as shocking, the Democrats throw away the U.S. Constitution’s basic guarantee of religious liberty stated in its very First Amendment. Instead, Democrats hector that religious freedom ceases to exist if, in Obama bureaucrats’ eyes, it is “misused” and “discriminates.” This has been a growing theme of the administration’s trampling on well-formed consciences.

Catholic nuns are ordered to have abortion-causing drugs in their health plans. Medical workers must transgress against innocent lives. Merchants are threatened with financial ruin if they individually disagree with the aberration of “same-sex marriage,” even though dozens of other merchants may be ready to cater the “marriage” observance.

Page 19 of the platform goes on to say: “We will also promote LGBT human rights and ensure America’s foreign policy is inclusive of LGBT people around the world.”

The Democrats think that sexually disoriented people don’t simply have the same rights as others but also special rights not enjoyed by others. And that U.S. foreign policy is correct to impose this disorientation “around the world.”

No wonder that after the platform salutes the U.S. Supreme Court’s invention of “same-sex marriage” in last year’s Obergefell decision, it adds that “there is still much work to be done.”

Permissive abortion is as necessary to existence as the air we breathe, in the eyes of Democrat radicals and special interests who wrote this platform and repeatedly hail routinely destroying pregnancies. Make sure to feed Planned Parenthood with plenty of tax money!

On p. 46, under the theme of “Protect Our Values,” Democrats say:

“We will support sexual and reproductive health and rights around the globe. In addition to expanding the availability of affordable family planning information and contraceptive supplies, we believe that safe abortion must be part of comprehensive maternal and women’s health care and included as part of America’s global health programming.

“Therefore, we support the repeal of harmful restrictions that obstruct women’s access to health-care information and services, including the ‘global gag rule’ and the Helms Amendment that bars American assistance to provide safe, legal abortion throughout the developing world,” they say.

The idea that other nations may not be fixated on destroying their own births is of no consequence to U.S. population controllers who know what’s best for everyone, even if the rest of the world may reject this coercion.

The very next paragraph returns to another of the Democrats’ favorites, “gay rights,” pledging to fight “efforts by any nation to infringe on LGBT rights or ignore abuse.”

Because we’ve already seen that those “rights” include bathroom invasions, here comes the U.S. to destroy sexual privacy around the globe. Leftists used to decry U.S. “colonialism,” but not now.

Meanwhile, most of the rest of Obama, Clinton, and John Kerry’s foreign policy has been a destabilizing, blood-soaked, never-ending disaster.

The Democrats seem to have a big problem accepting Americans being all together, but time and again separate them into this group and that group for the checklist.

“We will nurture the next generation of scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs, especially women and people of color,” the Democrats say on p. 9, then add on the next page that Democrats realize the importance of small businesses “as engines of opportunity for women, people of color, tribes, and people in rural America.”

Readers can chuckle at Democrats’ comical contradictions, such as when they vow in 2016 to improve health care, after having told us in 2010 that magic man Obama solved everyone’s coverage problems with his jackbooted Obamacare.

When Democrats say they “recognize the right of all tribes” among the “American Indian communities” “to protect their lands, air, and waters,” how about when Obama’s Environmental Protection Agency initially kept quiet about releasing a flood of toxic sludge in Colorado in summer 2015 into horrified Native Americans’ territory?

And when the Democrats say they will “empower tribes to maintain and pass on traditional religious beliefs…and social practices,” does this mean left-wing government won’t try to impose its disordered, “progressive” moral views on the tribes?

What about other Americans? Do they get to maintain their “traditional religious beliefs…and social practices,” too? Better tell the Little Sisters of the Poor, Southern Baptists, the Latter-day Saints, and a lot of other people about Democrats’ new concern for honoring their consciences!

Pay And Pay

The platform says the party “supports legal immigration, within reasonable limits” — hardly consistent with the vastly expensive open-borders immigration policies the party fiercely has promoted.

But before you conclude that even left-wing Democrats have understood the depth of the American people’s opposition to unlimited immigration and its high costs, a little over a page later the platform says that U.S. taxpayer-provided “quality health care” must be available to “all Americans — regardless of immigration status.”

Hmm, if their immigration status is to be disregarded, could it possibly mean that at least some of the “Americans” getting the “free” health care aren’t, in fact, even Americans? But why should you care? Your job as a U.S. citizen is to pay and pay and pay for whatever the Democrats say. Indeed, spending still more tax money is a recurring theme in the platform.

Obama has doubled the national debt, to nearly $20 trillion, in his less than two full presidential terms, but the crushing debt burden is never enough for the Democrat elite, no matter how deeply the nation suffers, including millions of their own Democrats.

Obeying the Democrats’ charts and graphs must take priority over acknowledging or adapting to any actual local conditions. On education, the party opposes “discipline policies which disproportionately affect African Americans and Latinos, Native Americans and Alaska Natives, students with disabilities, and youth who identify as LGBT.”

As for charter schools, they “must reflect their communities, and thus must accept and retain proportionate numbers of students of color, students with disabilities, and English Language Learners in relation to their neighborhood public schools.”

And, “The federal government will push more colleges and universities to take quantifiable, affirmative steps in increasing the percentages of racial and ethnic minority, low-income and first-generation students they enroll and graduate.”

Here’s federal discrimination against the majority population once again, and manipulated graduation for the government’s favored factions.

And on it goes, a shameful document for a political party that has come to glory in its fall from grace, to the applause of equally fallen dominant news media.

How did the new little United States of the late 18th century ever make its tremendous strides to become the great nation it was in the 20th century, without 21st century Democrat micromanaging? Never fear, 2016 Democrats are here to cut the U.S. down to the lowly status they think it deserves.

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