Democrats’ 13-Ring Circus


The Democrat primary wagon rolls along, full of big smiles and sharp elbows. The two front runners — in front because they have been around so long that folks have actually heard of them — are former Vice-President Joe Biden and socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders.

Biden might have done quite well against Trump in 2016, but, as they say in the Senate Republican cloakroom, it “wasn’t Joe’s turn.” That slot belonged to Hillary, so she was duly nominated, ran, and lost.

Is it Joe’s turn now? Maybe not. In fact, his campaign is taking a turn for the worse. That’s because over a dozen other Democrats think it’s their turn, so old “rollin’ eyes, rovin’ hands Joe” should step aside to let a “fresh team” take the party to the country.

Who’s spreading those malicious rumors about Joe’s affectionate habit of being, well . . . affectionate? It’s not “dirty tricks” Republicans who are sending all those pictures around, it’s his fellow Democrats, and they are fierce. Joe’s roaming hands and his penchant for caresses were treated as harmless for years, but now he’s an impediment to the Democrats’ “defense of women” meme, as well as to the ambitions of those other presidential wannabees.

Of course there’s no logical reason why those other Democrats, all of whom support abortion until birth, are morally superior to Joe. But each of them is trying to carve out his own piece of the electoral pie, and there’s simply not enough to go around. So “move over, Joe, your time is past.”

But wait — Bernie Sanders, the socialist fave who’s the campus rave, is a year older than Joe. And many Democrats believe that Bernie’s time has come. That fact of life irks also-rans like Senators “Fauxcahontas” Warren, Cory Booker, and Kamala Harris.

Socialist Warren just can’t get out of Bernie’s shadow. Meanwhile, Senators Cory Booker and Kamala Harris are tussling for “The Next Obama” crown. Booker proclaimed his “Spartacus Moment” during the infamous Kavanaugh inquisition, and Harris kept trying, and failing, to do him one better.

Then there’s Robert Francis O’Rourke, the Ivy Leaguer masquerading-as-a-Mexican from El Paso, where he appears in amnesty rallies with Bishop Mark Seitz, who still hasn’t ever criticized Beto’s ludicrous 100 percent pro-abortion voting record. O’Rourke is fading and can’t figure out why.

Well, it just might be that Beto has been bumped by another young fresh Ivy League face from the heartland.

The Left’s Latest Flame

Pete Buttigieg, mayor of my Indiana hometown of South Bend, is surging among fans of Sodom. The Washington Post swoons, naturally, since he’s the “first U.S. presidential candidate in a same-sex marriage,” which fact explains why he isn’t your average small-town mayor of nowhere longing for brighter lights.

Some years back — John Brademas, whose father ran a popular soda fountain that was a favorite hangout for Notre Dame students, taught political science at St. Mary’s College, across from Notre Dame. Like Buttigieg, Brademas was a Harvard grad and a Rhodes Scholar. He was also smart: when contemplating his first political race, he approached my father, a longtime Democrat of the old school, to get his blessing.

John Brademas wanted to run for city clerk.

My Dad, who knew John’s father well, said, “John, why don’t you run for Congress?”

Well, John took Dad’s advice, won, and served in Congress for 22 years. As Cong. Tom Foley said on election night 1980, Brademas would have been Speaker of the House.

“Would have been”? That’s right. Brademas lost that night in the Reagan wave. He went on to become president of New York University (and Tom Foley went on to become Speaker of the House).

Like Brademas, Buttigieg is smart, as well as ambitious. He looked at the Democrat Party field and saw one voting bloc that wasn’t yet represented.

Harris and Booker were sparring over who would inherit the Obama coalition (he the next Barack, she the next Michelle). They were splitting that indispensable voter bloc. Bad.

Sanders and Warren were fighting over the socialists — and Sanders was winning. Buttigieg was somewhat chagrined when he saw that “No Trespassing on Socialism” sign. Why? Buttigieg is a classic “red-diaper baby” (his father was an acclaimed expert on Antonio Gramsci, the brilliant Italian Communist), and Sanders was his high school hero twenty years ago. But the “socialist” door was closed.

Where to turn? Buttigieg realized that what Pope Francis called the “Gay Lobby” doesn’t prosper only in the Vatican. America’s own Secular Sodomite Syndicate is one of the most powerful and focused political factions in the United States.

Major businesses are terrorized by the “Gay Lobby.” On March 26, 2015, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence signed Indiana’s Religious Freedom Education Act. Reasonable folks recognized it as protection against LGBT harassment (to prevent lawsuits against Christians refusing to bake a cake for a “same sex” function, for instance). But some folks were unreasonable (take it from this longtime barroom entertainer; when it comes to sex, sodomites are very unreasonable). They claimed that the law would permit anti-LGBT “discrimination.”

The “Gay Lobby” pulled out all the stops. The NCAA (which is run by left-wing universities, of course) threatened to pull its Final Four championship out of Indiana — and it was scheduled for the next week. The LGBT movement’s powerhouse coalition of major corporations piled on, and Pence backed off.

My Hometown Fraud’s Fakes News

When Trump chose Pence to be his VP, sodomites ranted, and they haven’t stopped yet. Buttigieg has been flooded with LGBT donations, and it stands to reason: All the other Democrats “support LGBT rights,” as the palaver goes, but none really embodies those rights like Buttigieg. To prove his point, Buttigieg has manufactured out of thin air a classic fake news theme. Why, Pence has criticized Buttigieg’s “marriage”!

What? It isn’t true? So what? It was Party Time at the sodomite fundraiser where Buttigieg proudly declared, “Mr. Vice-President, it [my marriage] has moved me closer to God. . . . Your quarrel, sir, is with my creator.”

And the facts? Pence had no quarrel with Buttigieg. In fact, his only statement regarding the mayor we can find comes from 2015, when Gov. Pence said, “I hold Mayor Buttigieg in the highest personal regard. We have a great working relationship. I see him as a dedicated public servant, and a patriot.”

So much for the fake. For the fraud, look no further than the mayor’s treatment of the Women’s Care Center (WCC), founded in South Bend by Humanae Vitae champion Janet Smith 34 years ago. WCC has 29 locations in ten states. When the South Bend City Council recently approved a 30th location for a new center next to an abortuary set up by a Texas company, Buttigieg vetoed it.

“In my judgment,” he wrote, “the neighborhood would not benefit from having . . . next-door to each other to organizations with deep and opposite commitments on the most divisive social issue of our time.”

The baby-saving, family-building center would “pose risks to the harmony, character, and value of this neighborhood,” as well as invite “violence,” he added.

No violence done to the unborn, of course. And much for tolerance and free speech. But let’s face it: Sodom isn’t the only town in the game. The pro-abortion bloc is also indispensable to any Democrat’s winning coalition. Buttigieg has to worship not only at the altar of Sodom but also the altar of Moloch. And they are very thirsty and demanding gods.

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