Democrats Borrow $5 Trillion From Our Grandchildren


Democrats hate Trump so hard it hurts.

To feel better, they’ve just borrowed $5,000,000,000,000 from your grandchildren to pass out to their cronies, all of whom hate you.

They’ve done so much for you, and you’re ungrateful!

So they’ve decided not to pay back the loan.

That sums up current legislative agenda of the Democrat Party. And in a classic show of ingratitude, nineteen Senate Republicans cheered them on and joined them in passing the trillion-dollar “Infrastructure” bill.

By the way, adjusted for inflation, that “loan” amounts to more than the total cost of the U.S. participation in the Second World War. And Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas) claims that the total amount Democrats want to spend is closer to $9.5 trillion.

Archbishop Paul S. Coakley of Oklahoma City, chairman of the USCCB’s Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development, applauded the Infrastructure bill’s passage. In a public statement, he upped the ante, demanding that the government do even more, especially for “those on the margins of society.”

The archbishop failed to mention that the bill requires a significant and permanent rise in costs for food, energy, travel, and other basic necessities, a burden that will fall most heavily on the poor.

No matter. Having given up on the virtue of voluntary charity our shepherds are desperate to befriend Caesar and share in the spoils.

All in all, the Democrats’ spending bills will raise the National Debt to some $28.4 trillion. When asked if that wasn’t “too much,” Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D., Conn.) said “no.” “It’s an investment that we need to make.”

Hmm. Hey, that’s our money! And what does the senator mean by “we”?

Blumenthal’s predecessor succeeded pro-abortion Catholic Chris Dodd. While he was a senator, Dodd promised that he would never become a lobbyist. Of course, once Chris retired, he changed his mind, and took a $1.2 million annual salary lobbying for the Motion Picture Association of America. By the time he retired in 2017, he had raked in a cool $6 million.

But to politicians like Blumenthal, a million a year is chump change. The huge rise in federal spending will require a huge rise in lobbying and the fees associated with that legally rapacious profession. After all, those grifters seeking a piece of the action will require “professional assistance.” And who better to provide it than former senators?

Fees to registered lobbyists are on the public record. From 1986 to 2016, the total paid by those engaging lobbyists in Washington rose by a factor of 50 — 5000 percent.

Those fees will rise again.

Please Pass The Distractions!

Well, as Bill Clinton’s mantra-mouthers used to say, “Hey, so what? That’s old news!”

So how about some distractions, please?

Well, here’s one. “Catholic Joe” Biden is now mulling an executive diktat that will require all Americans to wear masks all the time.

But there will be exceptions. Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, D.C. Mayor Bowser, and other “sophisticated” Democrat leaders who demand masks for others will be granted exemptions for themselves and their guests.

Also exempt are Biden’s personal favorites, illegal aliens.

His administration will not reveal the number of newly arrived illegals in the U.S., or where they are being taken. Of note, Catholic Charities USA is reportedly the secular NGO receiving the largest share of the millions of dollars Biden is passing out to the taxpayer-funded groups involved. And Catholic Charities won’t tell either.

Whatever their number, the administration believes that these illegals, bused and flown to hundreds of unsuspecting communities throughout the country, pose no threat of spreading the Wuhan Virus.

However, Kamala’s Keystone Kops apparently consider Customs and Border Protection officials to be superspreaders, according to interviews with agents and a review of agency documents reviewed by the Daily Signal.

Biden offers “red-carpet treatment for COVID-19 carriers on the U.S.-Mexico boundary,” while demanding “mandatory vaccines for U.S. military personnel and vaccination papers for lawful foreign visitors,” the Signal reports.

“The agency ordered vaccinated Border Patrol agents to wear masks when fulfilling a number of official duties, even as Biden begins winding down a Trump administration policy that gave the Department of Homeland Security and Customs and Border Protection broad authority to turn away migrants who may carry disease,” the report continues.

Meanwhile, the left’s forced-masking brigades are becoming impatient. Their “keep us safe” mantra has changed to “shut up and behave.”

The Miami Herald’s Leonard Pitts puts it bluntly: “Let’s stop asking nicely,” he writes. “Let’s impose coercive measures. Just as children can’t go to school without proof of vaccination, adults shouldn’t be able to bank, shop, or enter public gatherings without same.”

A sophisticate at disagrees with that site’s celebration of every perversion imaginable to invoke the common good. “So far, we haven’t asked these stubbornly unvaccinated to bear their share of the broader financial impact their personal decisions have on the families and communities around them. The antics of the willfully unvaxxed are a growing source of frustration for both vaccinated Americans and policymakers,” she continues.

The Washington Monthly wants more: To Hades with their “personal decisions.” Let’s tax them! “Willful vaccine resisters should pay their fair share of the price – literally — for what their behavior has cost and is costing the rest of us,” writes Anne Kim.

So when it comes to the unruly, unvaxxed, unmasked masses, the Left now proposes that “we” (meaning “they”) establish their own version of Communist China’s Social Credit System.

Occasionally, sensible folks have noted in the Left what we might call a widespread “Hypocrisy Virus.”

Last September, a CNN headline warned that “Past Vaccine Disasters Show Why Rushing a Coronavirus Vaccine Now Would Be ‘Colossally Stupid’.”

Under Biden, CNN’s views have of course profoundly reversed. Now, logically, that does indeed represent hypocrisy. But the Left has abandoned logic, as well as evidence, argument, facts, and respect in rational debate.

Instead, their sophisticates cite “experts” to intimidate the ignorant masses. And as far as “science” goes, there’s a lot more evidence on the virus’ source in Wuhan than on lockdowns, masks, and vaccines that are still in the “experimental” phase.

Contradictions abound. During the Ebola scare in 2014, the noted Dr. Fauci told an interviewer that “we must be careful not to create unintended consequences by mandates and quarantines.”

He has now changed his mind.

And why not? For the Left, Lenin is in charge. Their only logic is power, and the truth changes to fit it. They don’t argue, they intimidate. Feelings rule — in this case, fear. Fear not only of the virus, but increasingly, fear of the unlimited power of the police state.

Consider: Every Democrat on Capitol Hill, including a hundred or so Catholics, supports abortion. If they can kill the most innocent, why not boss around the rest of us? Trump supporters are so backward, so unprogressive, that the anointed elites would undoubtedly have us all aborted retroactively if they could; and right now the power vector is pointing in that direction.

Unless it’s stopped, it will catch up with Communist China before long.


The Washington Post is anxious. “Africa’s Vaccine Shortages And The Global Apathy About Protecting Black Lives” means that there is a crisis. Of course, Bezos’ Blog routinely supports those attempting to kill as many unborn African babies as possible.

And the NCAA reports that Division I men’s basketball teams all “create, normalize, and perpetuate gender inequities.” Women’s basketball teams receive less funding, apparently, and the “inequities” must cease!

The report did not address the inequity in men’s basketball regarding the fact that “56 percent of men’s basketball athletes” are blacks, far above the proportion of blacks in the general population (14.7 percent). Instead, critics complain that there are too many white coaches.

Lastly, now that Gov. Kate Brown (D) of Oregon has signed Senate Bill 744, Oregon’s public high school students don’t have to know anything to graduate.

Brown’s spokesman explains that the new standards for graduation will help benefit the state’s “Black, Latino, Latinx, Indigenous, Asian, Pacific Islander, Tribal, and students of color.”

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