Democrats Suffer From The Real Chinese Virus


Let’s face it. America’s Democrat Left wants abortion and will do anything to get it.

China’s got abortion — and so much more! Socialism, all-powerful government, “social credit scores,” fines, jail — vivisection or even “vaporizing” of political opponents . . . what’s not to like for the average American leftist?

But how to get there? Simple: The road to American socialism leads through abortion.

Take Joe Biden. It’s hard to know if Joe believes anything anymore. It’s pretty clear that his ambition hasn’t decayed as much as his memory, but that’s not saying much. In his debate with Bernie Sanders Sunday night, March 15, Mumbling Joe couldn’t mention the word “abortion” (he called it “health care”), as Sanders forced him to fully endorse federal funding for all abortions.

Look, Bernie is Bernie. A determined, simple-minded commie. But Joe is different — he’s just desperate. Frankly, Biden and Bernie talk like they don’t believe much of anything anymore. They just shuffle across the stage tossing tasty “good doggie” treats to a mélange of the Left’s eroding voting blocs. Please the feminists? Joe promises his running mate will be a woman. Please the minorities? How about a twofer! His first Supreme Court nominee will be a black woman!

Offstage, one can imagine the frantic campaign staffer trying to stop the perennial gaffer: “Joe, Joe, what about Hispanics? What about Asians? What about the Inuits?”

Uh . . . and what about Fauxcahontas, Sen. Liz, the lying, overambitious Harvard law prof who’s got a voting bloc all her own, with ambition to match?

Wait, isn’t she an Indian? Well, she’s 1/1024th Indian at least. But Joe couldn’t get away with calling her black. So maybe she’s going to be his running mate.

Uh-oh, there goes middle-of-the-road Joe.

But contradictions don’t bother Joe. He doesn’t make distinctions. He’s been pandering for so many years that thinking just confuses him.

Consider: the endorsement of House Majority Whip James Clyburn, a member of the Congressional Black Caucus, guaranteed Joe’s pivotal victory in South Carolina. So when Clyburn calls Donald Trump a “racist” and a budding Hitler, Joe doesn’t bat an eye. Josef Mengele, call Joe’s office.

Speaking of Mengele, Joe’s Chinese pal Premier Xi Jinping has made Joe’s family multimillionaires. Don’t expect him to condemn Xi’s human rights record like Trump does. As for Clyburn, the brain-dead have only one dirty word left in their lexicon, and yes, it’s Hitler.

Is Bernie In The Dustbin

Of History — Or Is He

The Future?

Bernie has a larger word count than Joe. Donald Trump “is a racist, a sexist, a homophobe, a xenophobe, and a religious bigot,” he said before dropping out of the race.

OK, let’s examine what our socialist savior is up to here.

Marxist Bernie has probably read Josef Stalin’s Marxism and Problems of Linguistics, which explains that, channeling Lenin, words exist to further the revolution, period.

Bernie is no dope. His outburst might merely sound like a rehash of the Bolshevik Bloviator’s Bible, but he is in fact sending a message to the Democrat base. Joe’s going to have to copy it if he wants to win in November.

Consider Trump as “racist.” With this, Bernie confirms the sentiment of Senators Kamala Harris and Cory Booker that their presidential campaigns failed because they are black. Adopting the logic of America’s Catholic bishops, Sanders alleges that Trump is a racist because “most” whites are. Bernie is telling Booker and Harris, and the rest of America, that white folks are not going to stop being racists unless the revolution forces them to stop.

In this, Bernie speaks in the spirit of Premier Xi, who is “reeducating” China’s Uighur Muslims and Roman Catholics to renounce their religions, or else.

In Rousseau’s words, Bernie’s revolution will “force us to be free.” That very phrase has become a central theme of the Marxist dialectic for two centuries.

Next, consider Trump the sexist. On the surface, Bernie merely affirms the maxim that all men, as well as most women, are sexists if they do not renounce de Beauvoir’s trinity of bourgeois evils — Kinder, Kuche, Kirche — children, kitchen, and church. But wait, there’s more: He’s also telling Hillary, Liz Warren, and Amy Klobuchar that their campaigns failed because not only whites, but most Americans, are sexist. Us backward Americans would never elect a woman . . . unless, of course, Bernie’s revolution were to succeed and our sexism would be erased along with our racism in his Progressive Promised Land.

And what about Trump as “homophobe”? Hey, Mayor Pete, now we know why you lost! Of course, sane people know that if his wife were a St. Joe High School coed, he’d still be sitting by the side of the road in South Bend. But here we see a key to ideology in action: Once you embrace the convenient lie (usually because of sex), you have to accept the lie’s consequences. So Pete’s ego (also known as his perverted sex drive) will continue. In other words, Pete will not come to his senses.

Moving right along, Bernie’s Trump as a xenophobe borrows once more from Catholic bishop-speak. Even though our open-borders shepherds don’t seem to believe in mortal sin these days, “America First” will resuscitate their moral outrage major league, big time, as George Bush and Dick Cheney once put it. On the practical level, this tells San Antonio Mayor Castro (D., Texas) and why his campaign failed: Only a revolution will force us all to be xenophiliacs, count on it.

Finally we come to Trump as religious bigot. The only explanation for this addition to the leftist litany is that Trump prays. Isn’t that enough?

And so what if Bernie’s America would be a world of woe? Americans would have to take a deep breath and digest the word of Chairman Mao: “A Communist must be selfless, with the interests of the masses at heart. He must also possess a largeness of mind, as well as a practical, far-sighted mindset.”

That’s the real Chinese Virus. Bernie’s caught it. Will Joe?

Will Joe Catch

Up With Bernie?

In case you didn’t get Bernie’s message, he wraps it up: “Let me begin by reiterating what I have said from Day One of this campaign, and that is that Donald Trump is the most dangerous president in the modern history of our country and he must be defeated.”

Joe Biden can’t win unless he takes Bernie’s Blast to heart. He can count on the media, who will only increase their anti-Trump offensive. Their problem is, they’ve been so consistently biased since 2016 that nobody takes them seriously anymore.

And their problem will be Joe Biden’s problem too. He’s been himself for so long, will anyone take him seriously anymore?

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