Despite Its Horrors Exposed . . . Big Abortion Seems To Think It’ll Never Be Called To Account


A veteran pro-life activist who recently reportedly shocked a San Francisco jury with testimony about scalping aborted babies for research told The Wanderer that despite criminal referrals against Planned Parenthood by the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee in 2016, the abortion giant “can boast nationwide that they’re clean as a whistle” because of lack of federal follow-up.

“The main point is, we don’t get any prosecution anyplace, so Planned Parenthood is still reigning supreme,” activist Albin Rhomberg said. “. . . Not a thing has been done that we can see” against baby-parts traffickers.

Although there has been a virtual blackout by dominant media about the current California trial in federal district court against pro-life investigators with the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), pro-life news services including and LifeNews

.com have provided coverage.

They both reported that Californian Rhomberg testified about this particular bizarre research, saying: “They were scalping the babies and taking their scalps and grafting them on to immune-suppressed mice, and then using various pharmaceuticals on these humanized mice to test the effect upon preventing or, I suppose you might say, treating baldness.”

The California-based CMP created a sensation in 2015 with its series of factual investigative videos of abortionists illegally trafficking in aborted babies’ body parts — damning revelations that fanatically pro-abortion, lying dominant media like The New York Times and Washington Post jumped in to suppress.

This was followed by attempts in courts to punish not the abortionists but the pro-lifers, with the current San Francisco trial, presided over by prominent Planned Parenthood supporter Judge William Orrick, being the most important.

Democrat pro-abortion Golden State Attorney General Kamala Harris — now a U.S. senator and presidential candidate — succeeded by Democrat pro-abortion Attorney General Xavier Becerra, threw the weight of the state against the pro-lifers.

Various arms of PP are seeking millions of dollars in damages in the San Francisco courthouse because CMP went undercover to expose the illegal trafficking.

Pointing to pro-life activist Rhomberg’s decades of experience monitoring abortionists’ activities, posted on October 14: “Observers in the courtroom noted that, for the first time, the jury was completely alert and focused during Rhomberg’s testimony.”

I first came into contact with Rhomberg in the late 1970s as I reported on the Orange County, Calif., baby-strangling trial of abortionist William Baxter Waddill Jr., MD.

In an October 16 interview, Rhomberg told me that although arms of the U.S. Congress had investigated Planned Parenthood after the CMP’s 2015 revelations, followed by 2016 criminal referrals by the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee to the FBI and U.S. Department of Justice, nothing had materialized against the abortion giant.

Rhomberg showed off a file of records related to the matter, including a June 2019 letter by GOP U.S. Senators Lindsey Graham and Charles Grassley to U.S. Attorney General William Barr and FBI Director Christopher Wray. The two senators asked for an update regarding the referrals and wrote: “Preventing the illegal sale of human fetal tissue remains a priority” for the Judiciary Committee.

The records that Rhomberg assembled also showed “extensive discovery document productions and depositions” to assist the CMP defendants in Orrick’s court that could be accessed for prosecutions of baby-parts traffickers.

Asked about major-media reporting of the San Francisco trial, including by the locally dominant San Francisco Chronicle, Rhomberg replied, “The mainstream media is just giving us a pretty cold shoulder on this. . . . Nothing, complete shutout.”

San Diego pro-life activist Jim Holman told The Wanderer on October 16, “Main media is avoiding this trial like no other. But at least the facts of baby slaughter are getting on the record. You have to wonder what is going on in jurors’ heads.”

Holman is publisher of the online California Catholic Daily and the secular San Diego Reader in print and online editions.

Some of the worst social revolutions might begin with high hopes but the worst inability to understand where they lead. From “safe, legal, and rare” to “all abortions all the time” would be only one example.

Although the San Francisco Chronicle is pretty predictably leftist, back on November 9, 2003, it published a long article on the important contributions of twentieth-century California eugenicists to the Nazi racial-superiority movement, headlined, “Eugenics and the Nazis — the California connection.”

It noted that in the early twentieth century, “race scientists” were highly respected, with eugenics receiving financing from corporate philanthropies including the Carnegie Institution and Rockefeller Foundation.

“They were all in league with some of America’s most respected scientists from such prestigious universities as Stanford, Yale, Harvard, and Princeton,” the Chronicle article said. “These academicians espoused race theory and race science, and then faked and twisted data to serve eugenics’ racist aims.”

These theories were received eagerly in Germany.

The article went on to note that at the Auschwitz extermination camp, the Nazi “Angel of Death,” Dr. Josef Mengele, “performed beastly experiments, scrupulously wrote up the reports and sent the paperwork…for evaluation. Often, cadavers, eyes and other body parts were also dispatched to Berlin’s eugenic institutes.”

Unfortunately, in 2019 the Chronicle is a lot less eager to report about bizarre experiments involving body parts, being testified to right in a San Francisco courthouse — because the pitiful victims were killed through the Chronicle’s beloved merciless, massive permissive abortion that dare not be criticized.

Although leftists today love to talk about U.S. racism, they usually carefully avoid recognition that U.S. “progressives” of the last century were leaders in the “scientific racism” movement.

San Francisco-area conservative commentator Barbara Simpson told The Wanderer on October 15: “As the details of testimony in the CMP trial are made public in the media — however reluctantly — the horrors of what goes on in the aborted-baby industry are becoming more and more clear.

“Once the public was made aware that the ‘mass of tissue’ that is aborted is more than that — that, in fact, it is a tiny human baby — and that there’s big business buying and selling the parts, it is more and more difficult to hide reality,” she said.

“This puts us on a par and beyond Nazi experimentation during WWII. That the judge (Orrick) supports Planned Parenthood and is making the trial as difficult as possible to proceed means that American jurisprudence has sunk to new levels of depravity,” Simpson concluded.

Social revolution can mean rapid change that head-snappingly declares evil to be good and good, evil.

In 1973 the U.S. Supreme Court declared overnight that permissive abortion, recognized to be a crime to some degree in every state, was instead a national constitutional right.

Other aspects of leftism’s unhinged sexual revolution sweep through society today, with morally unmoored Democratic Party leaders cheering them on.

Unheard-of “same-sex marriage,” rejected by popular vote in state after state only a decade or so ago, was, like abortion, magically declared to be a national constitutional right by the Supreme Court only four years ago, in 2015. Yet already the calls arise to punish anyone who would dare disagree.

Remember the taunting question not so long ago, “How does my gay love hurt you?” But now the weird Democrat presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke, to the cheers of his LGBTQ admirers, advocates stripping tax exemptions from organized bodies that dare to affirm the traditional, millennia-old marriage definition.

The idea that men could declare themselves to be women while barging into women’s lavatories and onto their sports teams would have been understood as mental illness at best, if not lechery, a decade ago, but today to resist this mania allegedly is to show downright bigotry.

The theory that even young children, to say nothing of adults, can change into whichever of numerous genders they please would have meant a sure appointment for psychological evaluation — except today it’s the sane traditionalist person who’s regarded as needing re-education.

A Moral Monstrosity

On October 11 conservative commentator Quin Hillyer noted at the Washington Examiner that Democrats’ uncontained enthusiasms spell trouble. Although a frequent critic of Donald Trump, Hillyer wrote:

“Democratic presidential candidates have lurched so far into crazyville on all matters related to sex and gender that even a badly tarnished President Trump might be able to win re-election against them on those grounds alone.”

To take just one of Hillyer’s examples: “My colleague Brad Polumbo rightly calls it ‘insane’ that at least three of the candidates want to decriminalize the nondisclosure of known HIV infection to sexual partners. If anything, he understates the case. The proposal is a moral monstrosity.

“It would allow one person to knowingly subject another to what could be a deadly poison, without the other’s knowledge or consent,” Hillyer added. “That’s depraved. Yet that’s hardly the only example of bizarrely countercultural positions on sexuality that these candidates push.”

Hillyer wrote, “The Left’s assault on traditional mores regarding sex and gender originally may have been rooted in compassion and human decency, but it has now gone way too far.”

Barbara Simpson, the northern California commentator, told The Wanderer on October 15: “The move to inundate all of society with support and acceptance of the LGBT lifestyle seems to have no end. Whether we’re talking about putting it in schools at the lowest grade levels to indoctrinate our children, all the way into the workplace of every American, there is no escaping it.

“The media are in their camp and it becomes difficult if not impossible to get another view of the issue or to find a way to refute it without being accused of being a bigot,” Simpson added. “Even the Catholic Church finds it hard to speak out against the gay lifestyle for fear of being accused of bigotry.

“It’s a sad reflection on sexual standards and the reality that the LGBT ‘lifestyle’ is fraught with dangers for the participants, from a health point of view to their psychological well-being,” she said.

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